
The Human Rights outcome of the current programme with the Government of Albania, is intended to develop and strengthen the capacities, practices and systems of the public administration in order to effectively implement international obligations stemming from ratified international human rights treaties and other treaty obligations. The three outputs of this Outcome contribute collectively towards progress at the outcome level. The interventions proposed under the policy initiatives seek to advance Human Rights and Equality in general and more specifically of women, children and young people and with special focus on the most marginalised and vulnerable including in humanitarian settings and to strengthen accountability mechanisms. These interventions represent a direct contribution to Albania’s most recent reviews of human rights commitments such as UPR recommendations of 2014; CEDAW Committee review of Albania’s 4th periodic report submitted in 2015 and its expected observations; imminent CRPD reporting etc.

More specifically, Output 1.1 aims to provide support to the country to fulfil its international human rights obligations throughout country’s development efforts as well work to address recommendations of the conventions’ bodies through policy development and actions taken, complete and fulfil its international reporting requirements as well as raise awareness and strengthen capacities of other institutions, such as media, youth networks, HR CSOs to monitor and track implementation of recommendations and to develop and strengthen accountability mechanisms. It is the primary focus of this output to support the government to have a running and accountable, tracking mechanisms of International Legal Instruments. This follows on a range of work developed by UNFPA & UN Women. Discussions have been ongoing since last year and advancement has been held up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs due to restructuring, however it is picking up again. Thus the institution and within it the department responsible to coordinate reporting is engaged and has requested support. MoFA has the responsibility to coordinate, monitor and report on implementation of observations & recommendations that would be significantly larger than this focus, but it will require proper development of capacities and systems in place. Development and strengthening of such mechanisms will also support other Outputs 1.2 and 1.3 within the Outcome on Human Rights as well as feed into Output 3.2.

UN Women Representative chairs this Outcome while both UN Women and UNFPA during the development of the bi-annual work-plan in consultation with the Government counterparts (mainly MoFA and MSWY) agree on the need of a human rights advisor to support both the UN and the Government’s effort for the implementation of the UPR recommendations as well as other key treaty body recommendations such as CEDAW and CRC. Therefore, ongoing TA and capacity building has been provided to the Government‘s staff who deal with the requirements deriving from the signed HR conventions. At the same time, the added value of a Human Rights Advisor is needed in order to assist with informing and providing feedback to the UNDAF 2017-21 in light of the UPR recommendations.

In this context, UNCT in discussion with the Government has identified the necessity of a HR Advisor to support the Government’s efforts throughout 2016 as well as other key recommendations/reporting related CEDAW and CRC. Among others, this would include also the establishment of a tracking mechanism on the UPR recommendations.

Overall objective:

The issuance of UPR 2nd Cycle recommendations to Albania in 2014 and the support provided to the Government of Albania by UNW and UNFPA to prepare the 4th periodic report on CEDAW, made apparent the need for a tracking mechanisms on these key treaty bodies recommendations in order to facilitate tracking and monitoring in a regular manner and to enable government to see how observations and recommendations are followed providing policies and actions in place as well as measure progress and report duly and effectively. The need to engage and strengthen other institutions, state and non- state to use the tracking and monitoring platform, is of great importance to improve accountability mechanism and raise awareness of wider population especially of the most vulnerable groups about Human Rights and their application to improve the quality of life of the people and especially of the most vulnerable. With Albania’s membership for the first time in the Human Rights Council, 2014, the establishment and functioning of such mechanisms becomes imperative.

The overall objective of the Human Rights Advisor is to support the Government’s efforts throughout 2016 in the implementation of the UPR recommendations as well as other key recommendations/ reporting related to CEDAW. This, among others, would also include the establishment of a tracking mechanism on the UPR recommendations. The Human Rights Advisor will provide technical advice and build capacities of key ministries, parliament and institutions, state and non-state (including National Human Rights institutions), to monitor and track implementation of treaty bodies’ recommendations with the focus UPR and CEDAW.

The Republic of Albania is member of the human rights council for 2015-2017 and is committed to universal promotion and protection of human rights. During its membership in the Council, the Republic of Albania will consider the following priorities at the national level:

  • Death penalty

  • Child’s rights

  • Gender equality

  • Strengthening the mandate of the OHCHR

  • Support of the UPR

  • Promoting new democracies

  • Promoting peaceful living and tolerance among communities

  • Promoting good neighbourly relations and peaceful settlement of conflicts

The need to engage and strengthen other institutions, state and non- state to use the tracking and monitoring platform, is of great importance to improve accountability mechanism and raise awareness of wider population especially of the most vulnerable groups about Human Rights and their application to improve the quality of life of the people and especially of the most vulnerable. With Albania’s membership for the first time in the Human Rights Council, 2014, the establishment and functioning of such mechanisms becomes imperative.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Under the overall supervision of the UN Women National Programme Officer and the day to day management of the Human Rights Sector/Directory of international organisations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Human Rights Advisor will conduct a mapping and analysis of Albania’s priorities and Recommendations of the 2014 Universal Periodic Review of Albania, as follows:

  • Women’s rights: gender equality, political representation, domestic violence

  • Child rights: child trafficking, child labour, juvenile justice, corporal punishment

  • Social inclusion and anti-discrimination: anti-discrimination legislation, rights of people with disabilities, sexual orientation and gender identity, minorities, Roma

  • Migration and asylum

  • Trafficking in Human Beings

  • Good Governance and Rule of Law: corruption, torture and impunity, prisons, people affected by blood feuds, freedom of expression, property rights

  • Economic and social rights: workers’ rights, right to health, right to education

  • International Justice

  • National Human Rights Institutions

  • Civil Society

  • Cooperation with International Bodies

The Human Rights Advisor will support other related priorities, as:

  • CEDAW concluding observations (expected in 2016)

  • Implementation of the CoE Convention on Combating Violence Against Women

  • Tacking mechanism for implementation of UPR and HR Treaties Recommendations

Active participation to all relevant meetings;

  • Hold working sessions and consultations with key representatives of the government, civil society and Human Rights institutions.

Key deliverables and timeframe:

The Human Rights advisor shall be responsible for the following deliverables:

  • Elaboration of a work plan and a general methodology;

  • Conduct a mapping of UPR recommendations as well as CEDAW Concluding Observations.

  • Based on the mapping prepare an action plan to be used as a monitoring tool with clear structure and measures to support GoA to meet its international human rights reporting obligations and application of normative standards through tracking implementation; Assess and advice on the use of the MFA Human Rights portal for the monitoring mechanism of UPR and CEDAW recommendations;

  • Provide short summaries and translation of selected documents;

  • Prepare a final report with summarizing the results of the assignment and future recommendations.


Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN Women’s values and ethical standards;

  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN Women;

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism.

Functional competencies:

  • Demonstrated ability to work in an independent manner;

    Strong interpersonal and communication skills, resourcefulness, initiative, maturity of judgment, tact, and negotiating skills, and the ability to cope with situations that may pose conflict;

    Ability to organize work efficiently and deal with multiple tasks.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Academic Qualifications:

  • Advanced degree in human rights, international law, international development, gender studies; and Bachelor degree in law, social/political sciences.

Work experience:

  • At least 7 years of demonstrated experience in international development projects and programs;

  • Work experience with track record on similar assignment ideally on human rights and gender issues;

  • Experience with applied research with data collection, analytical and presentation skills and demonstrated ability to structure information;

  • Previous experience working /consulting for UN agencies.

Language requirement

  • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Albanian, including gender and policy terminology and excellent drafting and presentation skills.

Evaluation of Applications:

Candidates will be evaluated using a cumulative analysis method taking into consideration the combination of the applicants’ qualifications and financial proposal. Contract will be awarded to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and

  • Having received the highest score out of below defined technical and financial criteria.

Applications will be assessed according to the following technical criteria:

  • Advanced degree in human rights, international law, international development, gender studies; and Bachelor degree in law, social/political sciences (weight 10, max. points 10);

  • At least 7 years of demonstrated experience in international development projects and programs (weight 20, max. points 20);

  • Work experience with track record on similar assignment ideally on human rights and gender issues (weight 20, max. points 20);

  • Experience with applied research with data collection, analytical and presentation skills and demonstrated ability to structure information (weight 10, max. points 10);

  • Previous experience working /consulting for UN agencies (weight 10, max. points 10).

    Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% (49 points) in the technical evaluation would be considered for financial evaluation. The highest scoring candidates will also be invited for an interview.

    The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals receive points in inverse proportion. The calculation formula applied is as follow:

    p = 30 (µ/z); where: p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated; µ = price of the lowest priced proposal; z = price of the proposal being evaluated.

Application procedures:

Interested individual consultants are requested to apply electronically through the following link:  no later than June 3rd, 2016 and to submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • A Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability including a brief description explaining why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment.
  • Signed P11 including past experience in similar assignment. Can be downloaded at:

  • Financial Proposal specifying the daily fee and the overall amount in Albanian Lek for the tasks and anticipated number of days specified in this assignment.

    Note: Failure to submit all the above documents will result in automatic disqualification, hence please make sure you have uploaded in one document all the required documentation.

Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. fee and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services). In the framework of this assignment, neither travel nor accommodation costs are foreseen to occur.

  • Payment will be made as per the payment schedule in the contract upon (i) satisfactory completion of tasks; (ii) provision of deliverables specified in the ToRs; (iii) submission of and approval of final report; and (iv) submission of the respective time-sheet and invoice.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials