Strengthening the sustainability of the protected area system emerged as a major systematic effort to assist in capacity development of institutions and individuals mandated with protected, conservation and management of protected areas. The main objectives of this project are to ensure better habitat representation and more secure conservation status as well as to strengthen the capacity of protected area institutions to more effectively manage a representative system of protected areas. Within the project Improved financing of protected areas in Western Balkans countries financed and implemented by Rockefeller Brothers Fund and UNDP Montenegro and based on work done over last 4 years and in an effort to obtain cost-efficiency and synergetic effect, the proposed Project will try to enhance compliance with international regulations in the area of protected areas management and financing and introduce financial planning into existing management practices in 3 protected areas in 3 countries (Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Hercegovina) . Project will provide direct support to protected areas management in preparation of business plans and identification of concessioning opportunities with associated guidelines for future implementation as well as (where needed and possible) training of rangers in line with newly developed training program (rangers training program developed under UNDP? project: ,,Strengthening protected areas system in Montenegro”).
Protected area management planning in selected site focused on assessing and recording current and potential needs and threats with attempting to identify most effective manners and specific activities designed to address those needs and threats. Drafted Integrated Recourses Management Plan (IRMP) for Buna/Bojana Area and Management Plan for National Marine Park Karaburun-Sazanpresents present a set of measures and timelines for achieving defined level of protection, but more detailed and accurate estimate of resources is needed.
The work under this Terms of reference is intended to give a clear picture of: 1) the financial needs that must be met in order to conduct proposed management plan activities, and 2) potential revenue sources to help meet those needs.
Introduction of business planning approach into management planning in the selected pilot sites and preparation of two business plans will result in:
- improved knowledge in business planning and management in the context of protected areas management and in long term establishment of effectively functioning mechanisms for securing financial sustainability of selected pilot sites;
- identify appropriate concession possibilities and methodologies, and in the development of a country-specific demonstration/pilot activities which will create replicable and scalable outputs;
- Improve gender mainstreaming in business planning and management in the context of protected areas management;
The pilot sites will be selected from countries (BiH – National Park Sutjeska, Albania (Buna/Bojana Area and National Marine Park Karaburun-Sazanpresents) and Montenegro – Regional park Piva,) and selected consultant will be responsible for work in sites in Albania.
The consultant has already been selected for the sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, and he is undertaking the first phase of activities. Established information and experience exchange between selected consultants is one of the priorities of their work.
Devoirs et responsabilités
The work under this Terms of Reference is intended to give a clear picture of: 1) the financial needs that must be met in order to conduct proposed management plan activities, and 2) potential revenue sources to help meet those needs.
The consultancy will result in preparation of two business plans for Buna/Bojana Area and National Marine Park Karaburun-Sazanpresents, as well as support provided to nature-based tourism concessioning process.
Objectivities of assignment: The requested services will include the following elements:
This process will serve as a test process for future replication of business planning processes across other PAs. The product of the business planning processes undertaken under this outputs is the development of a business plan that will describe the financial opportunities offered by the park/reserve, provide recommendations on those opportunities that are most cost-effective and viable, and outline a strategy for pursuing them.
The business plan should identify (a) financial needs, now and in the long-term (b) the "goods and services" produced by PAs (c) the economic value of these products, and (d) potential “customers”(i.e. not just park visitors, but anyone who derives benefits from the goods and services the park produces).
The consultant will in addition focus on providing support in nature-based tourism concessioning process that could allow a private commercial operator to construct and operate tourism products on the basis of a medium to long-term contract in return for payment of concession fees to the designated park management authority. This means generating income that would then enable the managing authority to focus its resources and capacity on the core business of managing biodiversity.
The process of development will include, but not be limited to:
Deliverable 1: Inception report and work plan
Desktop research, data collection and preparation of meetings and consultations schedule. Preparation of needed questionnaires and communication tools
Deliverable 2: Identification of financial needs, now and in the long-term
A review of the financial baseline of the park, and the financial needs of the park. This deliverable will focus on obtaining relevant information on current and historical data and practices and proposing appropriate update, improvements and amendments. An assessment of opportunities to reduce park planning, administration and management costs (e.g. outsourcing of functions; concessioning visitor facilities and services; improving fee collection mechanisms; deployment of staff and equipment; leasing of large infrastructure and equipment; introducing more efficient financial systems, etc.
Deliverable 3: Identification of "goods and services" produced by PA and associated economic value
An overview of the “goods and services” that the park provides and the markets and competition that may exist for those goods and services now and in the future and identification of economic value of these products.
Deliverable 4: Identification of potential “customers”
Next steps, activities and investments required to capitalize on the most viable opportunities.
Deliverable 5: Identifying appropriate finance mechanisms
Having completed the above analyses of goods, services, consumers and markets conduct an assessment of the potential viability of specific finance mechanisms. A detailed assessment of the costs of pursuing the most viable sources of revenue for the park/reserve.
Deliverable 6: Providing support in nature-based tourism concessioning process
Work dedicated to nature-based tourism concessioning process should be developed with associated guidelines and it is designed in order for consultant to provide support to development of nature-based tourism concessioning process that could allow a private commercial operator to construct and operate tourism products on the basis of a medium to long-term contract (~15-20 years on a ‘build-operate-transfer’ agreement), in return for payment of concession fees to the designated park management authority. If successful, this means of generating income would then enable the managing authority to focus its resources and capacity on the core business of managing biodiversity. Work under this output will include the following elements:
- Global review – this will include an analysis of national, regional and international best practices in PA concessioning processes, and lessons learnt. Concessioning operating manuals, contractual templates for concessions, bidding memoranda and social and environmental guidelines would be collated to support and guide the concessioning process;
- Identification of the concession opportunity - this will include selection of the concession opportunity, mapping the concession area and establishing the scale and carrying capacities for the concession;
- Design of the concessioning process – this will include performing a legal review, designing the contract, developing the environmental guidelines, determining how to approach the social and empowerment issues, and modelling the operations to establish financial viability and minimum rentals;
- Designing an expression of interest – this would involve the issuing of an Information Memorandum to potential investors providing basic details of the concession opportunity, its location and size, and a synopsis of how the process would be run;
- Design of a bidding memorandum - the bidding memorandum will describe in detail the manner in which the actual bidding process is to be conducted, including what information is required, the opening of bids, how the technical components are to be evaluated, how the financial bids will be evaluated, the procedure for the announcement of winning bidders, closure of the concession contract, requirements in terms of the bid and development bond, payment of execution fees and the timetable.
Deliverable 7: Documenting of lessons learnt, and collating tools developed, for further replication.
As a reference for business plan content and resources, the following guidelines could be used:
Developed plan and guidelines will pay special attention to Gender mainstreaming. The relative status of men and women; the interaction between gender and race, class and ethnicity and questions of rights, control, ownership, power and voice all have a critical impact on the success and sustainability of every development intervention. Many of the problem areas were identified in the UN Secretary-General's Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. These areas include the development of accountability mechanisms; allocation of sufficient resources; attention to gender equality; targeting not just 'soft' areas for gender mainstreaming (such as health and education), but also supposedly 'gender-neutral' areas, such as infrastructure development and economic policies; and strong political commitment and will. In order to achieve these goals it is necessary to provide:
- the integration of gender equality concerns into the analyses and formulation of all policies, programmes and projects;
- initiatives to enable women as well as men to formulate and express their views and participate in decision making across all issues.
Women face several barriers: Institutional barriers prevent them from participating in local government and planning institutions; information barriers affect how they access opportunities and resources; absence of gender-disaggregated data negatively affects how policy, plans and programmes address the respective needs of women and men. Gender mainstreaming in the project implies to include women on an equal footing with men in all project activities and gender-aware business planning. Especially, support will be provided to women entrepreneurs by identifying opportunities and needs for improvement of access to women. Separate chapter of business plan will be dedicated to analysis of current practices and guidelines for management authorities how to improve current practices and facilitate improved women entrepreneurship in selected areas.
The proces will pay special attention to gender equality and involvement of women into future activities. This will be done through:
- Encouraging women’s initiatives for self-employment as individuals, as well as in groups;
- Implementing gender-aware business planning. Given that women experience and use resources in different ways from men, they have different priorities in terms of services and infrastructure, for example with regard to transport, housing and basic services. Policy-makers and planners, whether women or men, need to be gender-aware in order for women's needs and interests to be addressed and women themselves be included in the planning process. Environments reinforce identity, but they can also alienate and discriminate. Planning policies influence the lives of women and men in different ways and both perspectives are needed in the planning process. Gender-aware planning recognizes diversity between genders, as well as remembering that gender cuts across other kinds of differences, ethnicity, class, disability and age.
Timing and reporting:
The assignment will be carried out within 50 working days in the period of mid-July 2016 - November 2016. The field work will consist of 20 days (10 days in one location and 10 days in the second area) during period of July to October 2016.
Time duration and travel: The consultant will be engaged on short-term basis for the period of 50 days under the Individual Contract. The envisaged tasks will be executed on part-time basis during the period July 2016 - November 2016.
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UN/UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
- Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
- Demonstrates ability to manage complexities and work under pressure, as well as conflict resolution.
Qualifications et expériences requises
- University degree in law, economy, biodiversity, forestry or protected areas management, or associated fields.
- Minimum 5 years of working experience in a field relevant to this ToR;
- Experience in policy planning, development and implementation;
- Experience in national public administration in management and decision making positions;
- Experience with international organizations and donors is considered to be an asset.
- Fluency in English both written and spoken;
- Knowledge of Albanian language would be an advantage.
Criteria for selection
Combined Scoring method will be used. When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the inidividual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: (i) responsive, compliant, acceptable, and (ii) having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
- Technical criteria weight - 70% (Background and education 10%; Relevant previous experience 20%; Substantial knowledge/Required competencies 30%; Required language 10%);
- Financial criteria weight - 30%.
Only offerors obtaining a minimum 490 points for technical criteria will be considered for the financial evaluation.
For more information on procurement methodology for Individual Contractors, please refer to Procurement Notice.
Application procedure:
Interested applicants are requested to submit their applications by June 14, 2016 by using the Apply now button. The application should contain a duly completed Personal History Form (P11) that can be downloaded from http://www.me.undp.org/content/montenegro/en/home/operations/jobs.html. Please note that UNDP jobsite system allows only one uploading of application document, so please make sure that you merge all your documents into a single file.
Only the short-listed applicants will be contacted and requested to submit a letter of interest including a price quotation indicating the lump sum (in EUR) requested for the work and travel envisaged in the section "Description of Responsibilities".