
As problems of water management, energy consumption, land degradation (salinization), and agricultural productivity are all closely intertwined in Turkmenistan, so too are potential solutions.  The project will address these problems through integrated activities, with a goal toward achieving multiple benefits in different areas.  Thus improved water management will lead not only to greater water availability, but also to significant energy savings, avoided GHG emissions, and reduced salinization.  Application of new renewable-energy solutions in water management will lead not only to avoided GHG emissions, but also to greater water availability in remote populated areas.  This integrated approach will be practically applied and technically proven first at specific sites in the Akhal velayat, then replicated across the country through region-specific planning and outreach, as well as supporting policies and investment at the national level.

The project’s activities are organized into four components:

  • Component 1 will introduce new technologies in irrigated agriculture and pumping for energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable land management (SLM);
  • Component 2 will scale-up investment in new and expanded efficient water-management infrastructure;
  • Component 3 will deliver local and region-specific planning and educational outreach for IWRM and SLM among farmers and water-sector designers and managers;
  • Component 4 develops and supports implementation of policy reform for IWRM.

The first two components will constitute the technical foundation of the project.  For agriculture and infrastructure, respectively, these components will identify, verify, and document the most promising ways to save water, increase energy efficiency, and reduce water-related root causes of land degradation in Turkmenistan.  The components will generate technical and financial performance data and practical experience to be used to plan and provide necessary justification to scale-up public investment and technology deployment nationwide. 

While the first two components define the technical opportunity and priorities for replication, the second two components will seek to carry actual replication out on a national scale. The third component supports replication from the bottom up via development of action plans at the regional and district levels across the country, as well as educational outreach and capacity-building among farmers and local water-management personnel.  The fourth component will work from the top down, defining and implementing policies, programmes, and investment plans for integrated water management and SLM at the national level.

The project envisages that implementation of the following pilot projects will have a potential for GHG emission reduction:

  • Green Polygon pilot project - Technology proving research site and educational platform for water saving irrigation and SLM in agricultural croplands;
  • Kaakhka town gravity flow water system pilot project – replacement of 20 km open channel water supply of the town with combined concrete bed channel and pipeline, thereby to safe up 50 percent of water loss during the transportation;
  • Pump audit and replacement pilot project – audit of at least hundred existing large capacity pumps used in the water distribution system of the water management sector and replacement of at least ten most outdated and inefficient pumps;
  • Solar energy for water pumping pilot project – installation of solar panels for electricity generation and water pumping in remote desert pasture to supply water for livestock herds.

The UNDP plans to recruit an international specialist on GHG emissions to perform the actions outlined below for the EERE Project.

Deberes y responsabilidades

In accordance with the above-mentioned objective of the assignment and under the supervision of the Project Manager and Portfolio Manager, the International Consultant (IC) will be tasked to perform the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Action one: Read the relevant sections of the project document related to the pilot projects, including reports by International and National consultants, project targets and indicators in relation to GHG ER as well as other relevant information provided by the project team and identify potential opportunities for GHG emission reduction as a result of pilot activities;
  • Action two: Develop a clear actions and deliverables for the preparation of a ToR for National expert on GHG monitoring by the Project Manager;
  • Action three: Prepare a detailed list of  key baseline data to be collected and/or obtained by the National expert on GHG monitoring in relation to GHG emissions related to project pilot activities as well as a list of data to be collected during the implementation of the pilot projects;
  • Action four: Review the data collected by the National expert on GHG monitoring and calculate baseline GHG emissions for each pilot projects and overall for a project;
  • Action five: Develop weekly/monthly GHG emission monitoring templates to be used by the National expert on GHG monitoring;
  • Action six: Develop a detailed multi-year Monitoring Plan for GHG emission covering all pilot projects with clear actions, monitoring methodology and timeframe;
  • Action seven: Prepare end of the year consultancy report on GHG baseline assessment and monitoring conducted as a result of implementation of project activities in 2016;
  • Action eight: Provide regular advice and support to the Project National expert on GHG monitoring and the Project Manager on preparation for the PIR reporting in 2017, in particular, GHG ER related indicators and targets;
  • Action nine: Prepare a detailed final report on the assignment, including challenges, lessons learned and recommendation for the GHG ER as a result of implementation of pilot projects.

Deliverables and timeframe:

Deliverable 1 prepared through actions 1, 2 and 3 above:

  • Brief report prepared on potential opportunities for the GHG ER as a result of project pilot activities, with clear recommendations and actions for the project team to capture and record GHG ER;
  • A list of actions and deliverables for the ToR for a National expert on GHG monitoring;
  • A list of key baseline data to be collected/obtained by the project team in relation to GHG emission related to the pilot projects and a list of data to be collected during the implementation of pilot projects are prepared.

Location: Home based.

Number of days: 7 days.

Deliverable 2 prepared though actions 4,5,6 and 7 above:

  • Data collected by the project team assessed and baseline GHG emissions for each pilot projects and overall for the project calculated;
  • Weekly/monthly GHG emission monitoring templates prepared;
  • A detailed multi-year Monitoring Plan on GHG emission monitoring for the project with clear actions, methodology and timeframe prepared;
  • Consultancy report prepared on assignment, tasks and actions covering 2016, including baseline assessment of GHG and monitoring conducted.

Location: Home based and mission to Turkmenistan.

Number of days: 18 days.

Deliverable 3 prepared though actions 8 and 9 above:

  • Regular email/skype communication with the project team maintained, brief report prepared on GHG indicators and targets related part of the PIR reporting for 2017;
  • Final consultancy report on overall assignment, including challenges, lessons learned and recommendations for GHG ER as a result of project activities prepared.

Location: Home based.

Number of days: 10 days in 2017.

Payment conditions:

This is an installment-based contract that should cover the costs of consultancy required to produce the above deliverables. The final schedule of payments will be agreed upon in the beginning of consultancy. Payment will be released in three installments: 1st installment: 20% (for deliverables 1), 2nd installment: 50% (for deliverables 2) and 3rd instalment: 30% (for deliverable 3) – upon timely submission of respective deliverables and their acceptance by UNDP Turkmenistan.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Functional Competencies:

  • Knowledge of and work experience in the energy efficiency related water and agriculture projects, including those funded by the GEF;
  • Excellent training, facilitation and communication skills;
  • Results driven, ability to work under pressure and to meet required deadlines;
  • Good understanding and experience in the field of GHG emissions calculation and monitoring.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • University degree (technical) in the field of economics and/or engineering with a focus on environment and/or climatology; Advanced degree in aforementioned field will be viewed as an advantage.


  • At least 5 years of working experience in the design, development and implementation of GHG emission measuring tools and methodologies;
  • Good knowledge of GEF policies and requirements on GHG emission reduction and methodologies;
  • Previous relevant work experience with the UN or other international organizations is an asset;
  • Knowledge and experience of work in the CIS or Central Asia is an advantage.

Language requirements:

  • Fluent English and Russian.

Submission of applications:

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

All experts applying for this position are required to provide:

  • Brief (1-2 pages) methodology for the assignment;
  • Financial Proposal with the references to (1) the daily rate for the assignment and within the timing scale indicated in the present TOR, and (2) any other expenses (including transportation costs, accommodation costs, the possibility of vaccination and etc.). Template of the form can be found at: The UNDP will enter into an Individual Contract based on a lump sum amounts. The financial proposal shall represent a detailed, justified and “all inclusive” amount.  In order to assist UNDP in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount, including: a daily fee for the tasks and an estimated duration as specified in this announcement, travel (to and from the missions), per diems, any other possible costs (including vaccinations, dwelling, communication etc.);
  • Cover letter explaining why they are the most suitable candidate for the assignment;
  • Filled P11 form including past experience in similar projects and contact details of referees (blank form can be downloaded from

Evaluation of proposals:

Individual Consultants will be evaluated based on the combined scoring methodology. When using this method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant, and
  • having received the highest score – out of 100 points

Out of the maximum score, the score for technical criteria equals 70% - maximum 70 points, and for financial criteria 30% - maximum 30 points.

The technical evaluation will take into account the following as per the scoring provided:

  • Education in the area of economics and/or engineering with a focus on environment and/or climatology – 20 pts;
  • The experience (5 years) in the design, development and implementation of GHG emission measuring tools and methodologies – 25 pts;
  • Methodology – 10 pt;
  • Good knowledge of GEF policies and requirements on GHG emission reduction and methodologies – 15 pts;
  • Previous relevant work experience with the UN and in the CIS or Central Asia – 10 pts;
  • Fluency in English – 10 pts;
  • Fluency in Russian – 10 pts.

Financial proposal – 30% of total evaluation - max 30 pts.

Additional requirements for recommended contractor:

Recommended contractors aged 62 and older, and if the travel is required, shall undergo a full medical examination including x-ray, and obtain medical clearance from the UN-approved doctor prior to taking up their assignment. The medical examination is to be cleared by the UN physicians, and shall be paid by the consultant.