
Having successfully conducted the 2011 and 2014 elections, the NEC will conduct another election in 2017 that will usher in a new democratically elected government. The successful conduct of the 2017 elections will be considered as a significant step in the consolidation of peace and democracy in Liberia, especially in the face of UNMIL drawdown. In early 2017, the NEC will begin a nationwide voter registration of eligible voters.
As with the previous elections conducted in 2011 and 2014, UNDP has been committed to providing technical assistance and support to the National Elections Commission, to achieve its mandate of conducting free, fair and credible 2017 elections in Liberia. As part of efforts to support the voter registration exercise for the 2017 elections, UNDP Election Project with funding provided by the European Union seeks services of an IT and database expert for the period of 5 months, to provide technical support to the Commission’s datacenter, help develop and configure its systems for use during and after the voter registration exercise.

Duties and Responsibilities

The VR IT and database consultant will be responsible for the achievement of the project output relating to the NEC assistance relative to relevant database issue surrounding the VR process. The Consultant will be under the direct supervision of the Election Project CTA and working closely with the NEC data center staff.

The consultant will amongst other tasks be responsible for the following:

  • Migrate the current voters’ registration database from SQL 2008 to SQL 2012;
  • Create functionality to add the additional 300 newly created registration centers and any other centers in future;
  • Create functionality to allocate voters in the Provisional Registration Roll across all registration centers;
  • Create functionality to allocate voters to Final Registration Roll after Exhibition;
  • Understand the usage of DRS Photo Scribe Scanner for OMR forms;
  • Develop the post processor to extract/read OMR forms and save these records to the database;
  • Develop functionality within the voter registration system to edit data extracted from the OMR forms;
  • Redevelopment of post processor to accommodate data captured during the exhibition process;
  • Assist in data cleaning;
  • Develop a voter adjudication program to: 1) identify suspected multiple registered voter from the provisional voters’ register; 2) Present this to users to determine if they are indeed duplicated using a double blind determination system;
  • Develop voter roll printing functionality into the voters’ registration system;
  • Any other issue that may arise during the period of the contract.


Final Report shall be submitted to the Director of Datacenter and the UNDP Chief Technical Advisor upon completion of the assignment prior to leaving Liberia. The report should provide a detail description of support provided to the NEC Data Center and other relevant department, the consultant will discuss accomplishments made, challenges encountered and recommendations for future interventions by UNDP.
More specifically, the following are the deliverables which are linked to the payments as per the below :

  • Migrate the current voters’ registration database from SQL 2008 to SQL 2012 and Create functionality to add the additional 300 newly created registration centers and any other centers in future. 21 days;
  • Create functionality to allocate voters in the Provisional Registration Roll across all registration centers;Develop the post processor to extract/read OMR forms and save these records to the database;Develop functionality within the voter registration system to edit data extracted from the OMR forms; 21 days;
  • Redevelopment of post processor to accommodate data captured during the exhibition process;Assist in data cleaning; Develop a voter adjudication program to: 21 days: 1) Identify suspected multiple registered voter from the provisional voters’ register; 2) Present this to users to determine if they are indeed duplicated using a double blind determination system;
  • Develop voter roll printing functionality into the voters’ registration system; 42 days.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the project.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly and without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

  • Knowledge and expertise in democratic governance, electoral assistance and democratization;
  • Knowledge and expertise in IT, Data base development, voter registration systems and its functionality;
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, ability to foster networks and partnerships, and good working knowledge of information and computer technology. While representing UNDP views;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities. Demonstrated ability to multitask under pressure and to meet strict deadlines often under hardship conditions.
  • Excellent presentation skills.
  • Excellent drafting and analytical skills.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science or Software Engineering.


  • Minimum 7 years of experience working in the areas of electoral assistance or democratic governance;
  • Extensive knowledge and work experience of IT, data base development in the field of voter registration;
  • Experience in IT and Voter registration advisory role (knowledge of Liberian electoral framework is advantage);
  • Experience in running the IT related trainings based on interactive methodology.


    Excellent ability to communicate clearly in written and spoken English;
     Excellent written and verbal English communication skills.

Evaluation criteria:


    Relevant diploma – 4 points;
    Years of Relevant Experience – 6 points

Only shortlisted candidates will be forwarded the UNDP Procurement Notice.

Desk review

    Porposed Methodology - 30 points;
    Years & relevance of experience- 50 points.
    Adequacy of skills & competencies - 20 points;

To be qualified candidate should obtain minimum 70% of the total 70  points.

Contract Award

Contract will be awarded to highest scored candidate (technical score + financial scores)/100
Rating will be as follow:

Rating the Technical Proposal (TP):
TP Rating = (Total Score Obtained by the Offer / Max. Obtainable Score for TP) x 100

Rating the Financial Proposal (FP):
FP Rating = (Lowest Priced Offer / Price of the Offer Being Reviewed) x 100

Total Combined Score:
(TP rating) x (Weight of TP, e.g. 70%) + (FP Rating) x (Weight of FP, e.g., 30%)        
Total Combined and Final Rating of the Proposal: The higher combined score will be recommended.

Submission of proposals:

Proposals should be submitted at the following address: by email to (Please include job ad number & Title  in the subject area) by Tuesday, 11 October 2016.