
One of the key areas of the UNDP/GEF – Russian ministry of natural resources and environment project “Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into Russia’s energy sector policies and operations” is enforcing cooperation with energy sector companies in order to strengthen the companies' biodiversity conservation efforts. One of the principal biodiversity conservation objectives is the improvement of the corporate policies and practices on the most vulnerable biodiversity issues considering the peculiarities of the oil and gas sector.

It should be noted that the Russian Federation does not have a state system for oiled wildlife response (this includes lack of any technical or legal capacities for such activities). In this regard, it is very important to introduce into the corporate practice approaches aiming to prevent biodiversity loss from the potential oil spills. This is particularly relevant in case of oil spills from offshore platforms and terminals located in the Arctic, above all with respect to the prevention of marine birds mortality and response in case of oil spills.

The current scope of work aims to review the corporate oil spill response plan for an Arctic offshore crude oil terminal and other related documents, develop recommendations on introducing a component on the prevention of wildlife mortality into the dedicated company practice, evaluate the best international approaches and practices to a particular site, prepare the wildlife mortality prevention and oiled wildlife response training programme and training for company employees and external experts.

The main outcome of this work will be testing and adoptions of the approaches preventing the wildlife mortality in case of the oil spills in the Arctic and increasing the awareness for oiled wildlife response to be introduced into the corporate practice.

The current scope of work envisages desktop review of oil spill response plan and relevant documentation of the marine ice-resistant crude oil terminal located in Arctic, development of the appropriate recommendations and training programme and on-site training in Nenetsk Autonomous Okrug, Arctic region of Russian Federation, in the area of responsibility of Varandey Terminal, Ltd., venture of LUKOIL oil company, supported by and jointly with LUKOIL oil company.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The overall goal is the introduction of a component for the prevention of Arctic wildlife mortality from oil spills into the corporate practice of Varandey Terminal, Ltd., operator of Arctic offshore crude oil export terminal. The consultant is expected to perform works in two stages:

Stage 1 (February - June, 2017):

  • Review the corporate oil spill response plan and relevant documentation of Varandey Terminal, Ltd. considering the accountability for biodiversity aspects;
  • Provide the overview of the best available international practices for wildlife mortality prevention and oiled wildlife response in case of the offshore oil spills;
  • Prepare specific practical recommendations on the wildlife mortality prevention in case of the offshore oil spills to be included in Varandey Terminal, Ltd. corporate oil spill response system;
  • Develop wildlife mortality prevention and oiled wildlife response training programme to be submitted by UNDP/GEF project for further adoption with Varandey Terminal, Ltd. and LUKOIL oil company.

Stage 2 (July - August, 2017):

  • Conduct the on-site training on wildlife mortality prevention and oiled wildlife response for Varandey Terminal, Ltd. staff and external experts in accordance with the previously adopted programme;
  • Prepare the final report on the training (including the list of attendees, questions and answers, feedback comments provided by attendees, etc.).

The stage 1 will be based on the oil spill response plan and other relevant documentation review provided by LUKOIL oil company and Varandey Terminal, Ltd. under the non-disclosure agreement. The consultant will prepare the overview of the best available international practices and will develop the specific recommendations considering the accountability of biodiversity aspects in oil spill response system of Varandey Terminal, Ltd. to introduce wildlife mortality prevention and oiled wildlife response provisions in corporate policy and operations. As a part of the stage 1 the consultant is expected to develop wildlife mortality prevention and oiled wildlife response training programme to be submitted by UNDP/GEF project for further adoption with Varandey Terminal, Ltd. and LUKOIL oil company. It’s expected that the existing recognized training programme will be adapted for Varandey Terminal, Ltd. case and will not require the development of the dedicated training programme specific for the operations in the Russian Arctic.

During the stage 2 the consultant will provide the on-site training on wildlife mortality prevention and oiled wildlife response for Varandey Terminal, Ltd. staff and external experts in accordance with the previously adopted programme and will prepare the final report on the training.

Varandey Terminal, Ltd. is responsible for the arrangements of the transfer from Nar’yan-Mar settlement to the company’s site and training facilities on site in coordination with UNDP/GEF project. UNDP/GEF project reserves the right to transfer the training venue from Naryan-Mar to Moscow subject to inextricable organisational difficulties arising at the remote site.

The international consultant will work under general supervision of the project manager and in close cooperation with the project senior technical advisor. He/she will bear responsibility for the technical implementation of the project activities related to current scope of work in order to achieve the outlined objectives.

Expected outcomes and tentative timeframe

The results will be delivered in the form of reports with appendices. Based on comments to draft reports the final versions shall be prepared and submitted to the UNDP. All reports shall be submitted in concise and grammatically correct English and presented in electronic form in MS Word format.

The consultant is expected to work within the following tentative framework:

  • February - June 2017 for stage 1 report: review the specified documentation, provide the recommendations and develop the training programme;
  • July - August 2017 for stage 2 report: conduct the site-based training as per the preliminary approved programme.

For the execution of stage 2 there will be one mission to the Nenetsk Autonomous Region subject to the final decision basing on the stage 1 report.

The consultant shall submit the results of his/her work in accordance with the established stages and time schedule.

Payment terms

The international consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative and travel expenses associated with the assignment which include printing, stationary, telephone and electronic communications, etc.

The payments will be effected as follows:

  • First installment: 50% upon submission of stage 1 report;
  • Second installment: 50 % upon submission of stage 2 report.


Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Functional competencies:

  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team;
  • Ability to plan and organize work, efficiency in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
  • Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations;
  • Strong analytical, research, reporting and writing abilities.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • University degree in the corresponding field (environmental science, oil and gas, biodiversity conservation, oil spill response management);


  • At least 5 years of the corresponding work experience in projects related to natural resources management, biodiversity conservation and oil spill response issues in oil and gas sector;
  • Practical experience in application of oiled wildlife response system for biodiversity conservation in oil and gas sector (in particular, in Arctic conditions) is an advantage;
  • Practical experience in designing, approval, and implementation of the oiled wildlife response training programmes for oil and gas companies is an advantage;
  • Practical experience in preparation of educational materials and guiding documents on the prevention of wildlife mortality in case of the oil spills and oiled wildlife response;
  • Experience of work collaboration with the relevant international or national bodies, working and expert groups and/or private companies;
  • Possibility of issuing the internationally recognized certificate to the training attendees is an asset.


  • Fluent English (spoken and written). Good knowledge of the Russian language is an asset.


Evaluation of applicants

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a cumulative analysis taking into consideration the combination of the applicants’ technical qualifications and financial proposal. The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as responsive/compliant/acceptable and having received the highest score.

Technical criteria - 70% of the total evaluation – max. 70 points:

  • University degree in the corresponding field (environmental science, biodiversity conservation, oil and gas) - 3 points;
  • At least 5 years of the corresponding work experience in projects related to natural resources management, biodiversity conservation and oil spill response issues in oil and gas sector - 4 points;
  • Practical experience in application of oiled wildlife response system for biodiversity conservation in oil and gas sector (preferably in Arctic conditions) is an advantage - 10 points;
  • Practical experience in designing, approval, and implementation of the oiled wildlife response training programmes for oil and gas companies is an advantage - 10 points;
  • Practical experience in preparation of educational materials and guiding documents on the prevention of wildlife mortality in case of the oil spills and oiled wildlife response - 4 points;
  • Experience of work collaboration with the relevant international or national organizations and private companies - 3 points;
  • Possibility of issuing the internationally recognized certificate to the training attendees is an asset - 3 points;
  • Language skills: excellent English writing and communication skills, knowledge of the Russian language is an advantage (3 points);
  • Interview – 30 points.

Candidates who pass the technical scoring threshold will be considered for the financial evaluation.

Financial criteria - 30% of total evaluation – max. 30 points.


 Application procedures

Recommended presentation of offer:

  • Cover letter explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised position and a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work (based or commenting on the requirements indicated in this TOR). Please paste the letter into the "Resume and Motivation" section of the electronic application;
  • CV or a UNDP Personal history form (P11) available at, indicating all past experience, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and three professional references;
  • Financial proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs (please see the sample).  The breakdown should contain: professional fee for home-based work (number of working days), professional fee for work on mission (number of working days), travel costs (international and local travel and per diems). Per diems cannot exceed maximum UN daily allowance rates ( and consultants are encouraged to bid lower amount to make their offers more competitive.

Please note that the professional fee is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. fee, health insurance, vaccination and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of service, etc.). All envisaged international/local travel costs must be included in the financial proposal.

If an applicant is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under reimbursable loan agreement (RLA), the applicant must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.

Individual consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN medical director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under

General terms and conditions as well as other related documents can be found under:

Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.