
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

In Nepal, UN Women is currently implementing its 2014-17 Strategic Note and Annual Work Plan (country programme) which incorporates several thematic areas, including economic empowerment, governance and leadership, ending violence against women and girls, and peace and security and humanitarian action. Across all of its work, UN Women applies its normative and coordination mandates, and works through strategic partnerships and on generating knowledge and evidence. UN Women is also engaged in the humanitarian response following the tragic earthquakes of 2015.

The constitution of Nepal provides for one-third women’s representation in the Federal Parliament, the National Assembly, the Provincial Assembly and the local bodies. It states that there cannot be more than two-third representation of the same sex in these government bodies. The constitution of Nepal further stipulates that the government should hold local, provincial as well as federal elections within January, 2018. Accordingly, the Nepal Government has announced 14 May 2017 as the date for election of local bodies and preparations are underway. The five election-related bills - Political Parties Bill, Election Commission Bill, Electoral Rolls Bill, Election Offences and Punishments Bill and Local Level Elections Bill - have been approved by the legislative parliament and the Election Commission has already issued the election Code of Conduct. Accordingly, voters who have completed 18 years of age by 20 February 2017 will be eligible to take part in the coming local elections.

The Commission has calculated that it needs 20,000 polling booths, 150,000 staffs and 100,000 security personnel. There will be approximately 14 million voters – compared to 12 million voters during the last CA election in 2013. There are a number of principle challenges in terms of constitutional amendment and other logistics arrangements, however, the government is confident to hold the local elections within the stipulated time.

Delivering on one of its core functions - advocacy and awareness-raising for gender equality and women’s empowerment - UN Women Nepal Country Office (NCO), together with the Election Commission (EC), the National Information Commission (NIC) and the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MoWCSW) plans to create a visibility campaign, rolled out through regular media and social media outlets, to make the local elections more gender-responsive.

Within this context, the Governance- and Strategic Partnership and Resource Mobilisation (SPRM) Units of UN Women NCO seeks to enrol the services of a national consultant, with a solid background in journalism and/or public advocacy for gender equality and women’s empowerment, tasked with planning and delivering the advocacy campaign on gender-responsive local elections as detailed below. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the guidance and supervision of the Communication and Partnership Officer and in close collaboration with the Governance Unit, the national consultant will plan, produce and distribute and advocacy campaign on gender-responsiveness related to the upcoming local elections on 14 May 2017.

The campaign will consist of one 30 second audio/video clip to be posted on agencies’ websites and Facebook pages during the Campaign as well as aired on national radio and television channels. The audio and video clips shall in large make use of the same conceptual ideas and recorded material, however, they should be tailored for respective media outlet (TV/radio). The clips could also be used in future campaigns to ensure increased women’s participation in elections.

The video clip, targeted at an audience of political parties and the general public, will include both Nepali public figures and general citizens sharing key messages on the need to make the local elections gender-responsive. In the video clips, the persons will tell in their own words, and with reference to their own life experience, why efforts to involve more women and girls in elections are needed and the role of men and boys in making this happen.

The messages can have explicit connections to the Constitution of Nepal, but similarly they can be linked to e.g. human rights education, non-discrimination and equality or right to information. Other potential topics to be covered include e.g. SDG 5 and international conventions and declarations such as the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) or the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The spoken language in the two clips will be Nepali, with English subtitles.

Upon selection of national consultant to produce and deliver the advocacy campaign, a list of potential public persons to engage in the campaign will be provided by UN Women focal point. Additional names can be discussed; however, UN Women NCO will be responsible for the final selection of participants in the two video clips.

The consultant will perform the following tasks, in collaboration with UN Women NCO:

  • Develop conceptual ideas, and subsequently final scripts, for the three audio and video clips to be produced;
  • Propose a final list of participants of the two audio and video clips and, after reaching an agreement with UN Women NCO, contact these participants to organise logistics related to recording;
  • Recording and editing of the two audio and video clips, including providing necessary equippment and facilities;
  • Final cut of the two audio and video clips, including colour correction and English subtitles;
  • Prepare a plan of action for distribution of the produced clips, including dissemination in national TV and radio channels;
  • Assume full responsibilty for the logistics related to dissemination of the produced clips in national TV and radio channels.


  • A concept note with the final scripts to UN Women for approval before recording;
  • Three 1 minute audio clip to be disseminated through national radio/TV channels, as well as through websites and social media accounts of agencies.


The assignment should be completed by 3 weeks from the date of the contract. The preparation work for this assignment can be done remotely, however, the nature of the assignment requires close collaboration with staff of UN Women NCO, and thus physical presence in Kathmandu is required throughout the assignment.


100% Payment will be made on completion of the assignment upon satisfactory performance of the consultant.


All information pertaining to this project (documentary, audio, digital, cyber, project documents, etc) belonging to the client, which the Consultant may come into contact with in the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of the Client who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without written permission of the Client in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.



  • Understanding of and familiarity with women’s rights and social inclusion issues in Nepal;
  • Excellent command of written and oral English and Nepali.

Required Skills and Experience

  • 10 to 20 years of relevant experience at the national or international level on audio- and video journalism or public advocacy;
  • Excellent technical capacities (state of the art filming equipment preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high quality production;
  • Experience in development communication, particularly in producing development work related documentaries for international organisations with the aim of reaching both local and national audiences;
  • Experience with prior work on issues related to gender equality and women’s empowerment and/or elections and local engagement/participation is an added advantage;
  • Work experience in similar assignments with UN or other development agencies is desirable.


Interested applicants must submit the following document/information to demonstrate their qualifications

  • Expression of interest explaining why you are interested to this position and what professional skills and experiences you must support your interest is strong.
  • Dully filled P11 form that can be downloaded from
  • A separate page of lump-sum financial proposal. The financial proposal shall include all the relevent cost to complete the above mentioned deliverables.

Note: Kindly note that the system will only allow one attachment. Please upload as one attachment of the documents as mentioned above online through this website. 


The candidates will be evaluated in three stages: according to minimum qualification/experience, technical and financial evaluation.

The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/ complaint/ acceptable, and
  • Having received the highest cumulative technical and financial scores.

Technical evaluation criteria (including minimum qualifications):

  • Qualification/Relevant experience at the national or international level in audio- and video journalism and public advocacy (Max 40 points);
  • Excellent technical capacities (state of the art filming equipment preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high quality production (Max 20 points)
  • Experience in development communication, particularly in producing development work related documentaries for international organisations with the aim of reaching both local and national audiences (Max 20 points)
  • Experience on issues related to gender equality and women’s empowerment and/or elections and local engagement/participation (Max 10 points);
  • Work experience in similar assignments with UN or other development agencies (Max 5 points);
  • Understanding of and familiarity with women’s rights and social inclusion issues in Nepal (Max 5 points)


Maximum total technical score amounts to 100 points. Only candidates who have passed over the mandatory criteria and have accumulated at least 70 points under the technical evaluation will qualify to the next round of the financial evaluation.

Evaluation of submitted financial offers will be done based on the following formula: S = Fmin / F * 30

  • S - score received on financial evaluation;
  • Fmin - the lowest financial offer out of all the submitted offers qualified over the technical evaluation round;
  • F - Financial offer under the consideration.

Winning candidate: The Winning candidate will be the candidate, who has accumulated the highest aggregated score (technical scoring + financial scoring).