
Building energy efficiency is a priority direction in the development of construction sector. Market transformation towards energy efficient products and technologies was restricted by low internal energy prices: while domestic construction costs in Russia were only 20-30% lower than those in international markets, domestic energy costs were 6-7 times lower. However, as Russia targeted integration into international markets, internal energy costs began to increase rapidly. The communal housing sector was among the first to recognize the changes, as it consumes up to 20% of electric energy and 45% of heat produced in Russia. Currently, price trends constitute direct economic incentives for energy efficiency investments in the building sector.

The project strategy is to reduce existing institutional, management, information, technological, investment, and knowledge barriers that hamper wide penetration of energy efficient technologies and practices in the construction and building maintenance sectors. GEF financing will not be invested directly into renovation or energy efficiency improvements in existing/old buildings. However, GEF funds will be used to leverage additional private sector investment in EE buildings. GEF funds will also be utilized to build local capacities, regulations and information for effective decision-making and management systems.

The implementation of the full-scale project «Building Energy Efficiency in the North West of Russia» supported by UNDP and Russian Energy Agency» (REA) of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation with GEF financing started in 2010. Initially, the project had been planned for 5 years but later received a no-cost extension for two more years. The project closure is expected by December 2017.

Duties and Responsibilities

This terminal evaluation will be conducted according to the guidance, rules and procedures established by UNDP and GEF as reflected in the UNDP evaluation guidance for GEF financed projects. 

The objectives of the evaluation are to assess the achievement of project results, and to draw lessons that can both improve the sustainability of benefits from this project, and aid in the overall enhancement of UNDP programming.  

Mid-term review

The project mid-term evaluation (MTE) took place in late 2013 (final report submitted in early 2014) and its main concerns regarding the achievement of project’s outcomes.  The final evaluation should assess the extent to which the recommendations of the mid-term review have been taken into account by the project.

Final review – Terminal evaluation.

The terminal evaluation will explore in detail five major criteria:

  • Relevance: the extent to which the activity is suited to local and national development priorities and organizational policies, including changes over time;
  • Effectiveness: the extent to which an objective has been achieved or how likely it is to be achieved;
  • Efficiency: the extent to which results have been delivered with the least costly resources possible;
  • Results: the positive and negative, foreseen and unforeseen changes to and effects produced by a development intervention. In GEF terms, results include direct project outputs, short- to medium-term outcomes, and longer-term impacts including global environmental benefits, replication effects and other local effects;
  • Sustainability: the likely ability of an intervention to continue to deliver benefits for an extended period of time after completion.  Projects need to be environmentally as well as financially and socially sustainable.

Project objective: to build local capacities for and demonstrate local solutions to improved energy efficiency in buildings in three regions in North West Russia: Pskov, Vologda, Arkhangelsk and Novgorod oblasts.

The project was designed with three outcomes, as follows:

  • Enabling environment and enforcement capacities for improved energy efficiency at the provincial and local levels.  By creating effective enabling environment and institutional capacities at the local and regional levels, the project will help creating incentives for energy efficient investments and the reduction of end-use energy consumption;
  • Capacity building and know-how. It will establish a means of disseminating new technologies in design and maintenance of energy efficient buildings and housing networks. The project will: (a) develop recommendations and programmes for professional education and training on energy efficiency in construction and building maintenance; (b) integrate energy efficiency units into the curricula of provincial universities and technical schools; and (c) establish an interregional network of vocational training centers; 
  • Demonstration of local energy-efficient solutions and management models. The project will support initiatives to demonstrate energy saving potential of proposed technical and management solutions and provide models for replication.

Evaluation approach and method

An overall approach and method for conducting project terminal evaluations of UNDP supported GEF financed projects has developed over time. The criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact, as defined and explained in the UNDP guidance for conducting terminal evaluations of UNDP-supported, GEF-financed projects are to be used for evaluation. A set of questions covering each of these criteria have been drafted and are to be amended, completed and submitted with the matrix as part of an evaluation inception report, and included as an annex to the final report. 

The evaluation must provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful. The evaluation team is expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach ensuring close engagement with government counterparts, in particular the GEF operational focal point, UNDP-Russia Projects Support Office (PSO), project team, UNDP GEF Technical Adviser based in the region and key stakeholders. The evaluation team is expected to conduct a field mission to Pskov, Vologda, Arkhangelsk and Novgorod Oblasts, including the following project sites: 1) Energy efficient repairs in main building and outbuildings of MBDOU Kindergarten «Raduga» in municipality «Ostrovsky district», Pskov oblast, 2) Implementation of energy management system of public buildings in Pskov oblast, AO «Pskovskiye Kommunalnye Sistemy», Pskov, 3) Energy efficient new construction of apartment house in Porkhov, Pskov oblast, 4) Energy efficient new construction of apartment house in Parfino, Novgorod oblast; 5)  Energy efficient repairs in the building for outpatient healthcare of the Vologda City Polyclinic No. 3, Vologda, 6) Re-equipment of Energy Management Laboratory of Northern (Arctic) Federal University , Arkhangelsk. Interviews will be held with the following organizations at a minimum: UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub; UNDP-Russia PSO; Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation; Regional and Municipal Administrations of the Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Vologda and Novgorod Oblasts; Federal State Organization «Russian Energy Agency» (REA) by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation; Russian Association of Energy Service Companies RAESCO; International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO; Northern (Arctic) Federal University; Saint-Petersburg State University of plant polymers; International Finance Corporation (IFC) World Bank Group; UNDP supported projects of improving energy efficiency in buildings in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and other UNDP GEF EE buildings projects, as appropriate. In addition, former project managers and staff, international consultants hired previously by the project, the former National Project Director, the mid-term evaluator, and all sub-contractors hired by the project (both national and international) will be contacted.  

The evaluation team will review all relevant sources of information, such as the project document, project reports – including Annual APR/PIR, project budget revisions, midterm review, progress reports, GEF focal area tracking tools, project files, national strategic and legal documents, and any other materials that is useful for this evidence-based assessment.

The national consultant will be responsible for working on three reports as follows:

  • The main terminal evaluation report of the international evaluator where the national consultant will provide detailed comments, feedback, and inputs (supporting role);
  • A baseline analysis report which will examine the extent to which the changes achieved by the project were a result of the activities of the project and the extent to which they would have happened anyways (leading role);
  • A stocktaking report for the project activities which will examine all the main outputs of the project (reports and analysis and construction works) and provide a short summary of each report as well as an analysis of the impact and effectiveness of each report (leading role).

Evaluation criteria and ratings

An assessment of project performance will be carried out against expectations set out in the Project Logical Framework/Results Framework, which provides performance and impact indicators for project implementation along with their corresponding means of verification. The evaluation will at a minimum cover the criteria of: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. Ratings must be provided on the following performance criteria:

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E design at entry, M&E Plan Implementation, overall quality of M&E);  
  • IA& EA execution (quality of UNDP implementation, quality of execution - executing agency, overall quality of implementation/execution);
  • Assessment of outcomes (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, overall project outcome rating); 
  • Sustainability (financial resources, socio-political, institutional framework and governance, environmental, overall likelihood of sustainability).

Project finance/Co-finance

The evaluation will assess the key financial aspects of the project, including the extent of co-financing planned and realized. Project cost and funding data will be required, including annual expenditures.  Variances between planned and actual expenditures will need to be assessed and explained.  Results from recent financial audits, as available, should be taken into consideration. The PSO and project team will assist with provision of financial data to complete the co-financing table, which will be included in the terminal evaluation report.


UNDP supported GEF financed projects are key components in UNDP PSO programming, as well as regional and global programmes. The evaluation will assess the extent to which the project was successfully mainstreamed with other UNDP priorities, including poverty alleviation, improved governance, the prevention and recovery from natural disasters, and gender.


The evaluation team will assess the extent to which the project is achieving impacts or progressing towards the achievement of impacts. Key findings that should be brought out in the evaluations include whether the project has demonstrated: a) verifiable improvements in ecological status, b) verifiable reductions in stress on ecological systems, and/or c) demonstrated progress towards these impact achievements.

The evaluation team should also focus its assessments of project impacts as listed:

  • Perceptions on the “Situation at the end of the Project”, specifically focusing on how the project has influenced changes in the situation over the course of the project lifetime;
  • Nature and scale of the policy impact made by the project on policy related to energy-efficiency in buildings, if any, on relevant line departments of the government or other policy making bodies;
  • Extent of effectiveness of capacity building initiatives undertaken under the aegis of the project;
  • Appropriateness and effectiveness of the institutional arrangement deployed in the project with alternative scenarios, if any;
  • Details of co-funding, if any, leveraged by the project and its impact on the project achievements;
  • The effectiveness of monitoring and overseeing systems such as project steering committee and suggestion on improvements if any and consideration of how well the project has done adaptive management.

Conclusions, recommendations and lessons

The evaluation report must include a chapter providing a set of conclusions, recommendations and lessons.  Conclusions should build on findings and be based on evidence. Recommendations should be prioritized, specific, relevant, and targeted, with suggested implementers of the recommendations. Lessons should have wider applicability to other initiatives across the region, the area of intervention, and for the future.

Implementation arrangements

The principal responsibility for managing this evaluation resides with the UNDP PSO (UNDP Project Support Office) in Russia. The UNDP PSO will contract the national consultant and ensure the timely provision of the local travel arrangements. The evaluation team will be composed of 1 international evaluator and 1 national consultant.  The project team will be responsible for liaising with the evaluation team to set up stakeholder interviews, arrange field visits, etc.

Field Mission

The national consultant will participate in and support a field mission of 10 working days: 3 working days in Moscow, 1 working day in Saint Petersburg, 1 working day in Archangelsk, 1 working day in Vologda, 3 working days in Pskov oblast (Pskov, Ostrov, Porkhov), 1 working day in Novgorod oblast (Parfino). The national consultant will accompany the international evaluator in the field mission and to all meetings both in Moscow and to meetings in the other cities.

Evaluation timeframe

The assignment will take place from 1 September to 30 November 2017. The breakdown of the 23 working days of the national consultant is estimated as follows:

  • Preparation for the evaluation mission, organization of programme, meetings etc. (2 days) by mid-September 2017;
  • Participation in the terminal evaluation mission with the international evaluator and presentation of initial findings (10 days) in October 2017;
  • Baseline analysis and project stocktaking report, comments, feedback on draft evaluation report (9 days) in October 2017;
  • Inputs and contribution to draft and final terminal evaluation reports of the international evaluator (2 days) by the end of November 2017.

Expected outputs and deliverables

The national consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • Output 1: Comments to the inception report of the international evaluator and organization of meetings for the mission - no later than 1 week before the evaluation mission (2 days);
  • Output 2: Presentation of initial findings (together with the international evaluator)- end of the evaluation mission (10 days);
  • Output 3: Baseline analysis and stocktaking report. The baseline analysis which examines the extent to which improvements in energy-efficiency in buildings of Russia can be attributed to the project and the extent to which these policy, institutional, legislative, and regulatory changes would be happening anyway. The stocktaking report makes a brief summary of all the major reports/outputs prepared by the project and examines their impact and relevance. Finally, the national consultant will provide detailed comments and feedback on the draft evaluation report of the international evaluator (9 days);
  • Output 4: Contribution to the draft and final terminal evaluation report of the international evaluator (2 days).

The national consultant will provide supportive roles in terms of professional inputs, knowledge of local policies, local navigation, translation/language support, etc., as follows:

  • Preparation of inception report/work plan of the international evaluator prior to the mission;
  • Assessment of adequacy of the overall project concept, design, implementation methodology, institutional structure, timelines, budgetary allocation or any other aspect of the project design that the evaluation team may want to comment upon;
  • Preparation of the baseline analysis and stocktaking report (max 25 - 30 pages);
  • Analysis of the impact of the project activities on the various Russian government institutions responsible for realization of energy efficiency in buildings and, in particular, the extent to which the monitoring, testing, and compliance framework has been improved as a result of project activities;
  • Assessment of effectiveness of awareness generation activities through quality promotional packages/awareness material, number of awareness programmes, trainings undertaken and level of awareness created. Quality of documentation, if any, produced under the project like, brochure, etc. should also be considered.

The national consultant will report directly to UNDP Russia project support office and follow the guidance of the international evaluator leading the terminal evaluation. All reports are to be written in English.  The national consultant will focus on the baseline analysis section of the terminal evaluation, outlining if other donors were making a distinction between what has happened as a result of the project and what has happened from business as usual situation. The national consultant should provide an electronic version of all the required deliverables. 

Evaluation ethics

The national consultant will be held to the highest ethical standards and is required to sign a Code of Conduct upon acceptance of the assignment. UNDP evaluations are conducted in accordance with the principles outlined in the UNEG 'Ethical Guidelines for Evaluations'

Payment modalities and specifications

The national consultant shall be paid in three installments as follows:

10% - Following submission of a detailed workplan/inception report prior to the field mission;

40% - Following submission and approval of the draft terminal evaluation report and draft Baseline Analysis Report and draft Project Stocktaking Report;

50% - Following submission and approval (UNDP-PSO and UNDP RTA) of the final terminal evaluation report and submission and approval of the final Baseline Analysis report, and submission and approval of the final Project Stocktaking Report.


Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Functional competencies:

  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team;
  • Ability to plan and organize work, efficiency in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
  • Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations;
  • Strong analytical, research, reporting and writing abilities.

Required Skills and Experience


  • University degree (Masters or equivalent) in an environmental or international development field such as environmental science, energy efficiency, international development or other relevant field.

Work experience:

  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience related to energy-efficiency in the Russian Federation;
  • Experience with the current international and national energy efficient building policies, legislation, stakeholders;
  • Experience related to energy efficiency in buildings is an advantage;
  • Experience with technical assistance projects in the field of energy and/or energy-efficiency in Russia is an advantage;
  • Knowledgeable of GEF and UNDP monitoring and evaluation policies and procedures is an advantage;


  • Excellent spoken and written Russian and English.


Evaluation procedure

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a cumulative analysis taking into consideration the combination of the applicants’ qualifications and financial proposal. The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive, compliant, acceptable;
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical criteria - 70% of total evaluation (max 70 points):

  • University degree (Masters or equivalent) in environmental or international development field such as environmental science, energy efficiency, international development or other relevant field (max 6 points);
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience related to energy-efficiency in the Russian Federation (max 10 points);
  • Experience with the current international and national energy efficient building policies, legislation, stakeholders (max 10 points);
  • Experience related to energy efficiency in buildings is an advantage (max 10 points);
  • Experience with technical assistance projects in the field of energy and/or energy-efficiency in Russia is an advantage (max 5 points);
  • Knowledgeable of GEF and UNDP monitoring and evaluation policies and procedures is an advantage (max 5 points);
  • Excellent spoken and written Russian and English (max 4 points).
  • Interview (20 points).

Financial criteria - 30% of total evaluation (max 30 points).

Only candidates passing the 70% threshold for the technical proposal will be considered for the financial evaluation.

The candidate with the highest score from technical criteria + financial criteria will be selected with the maximum score possible being 100 points.


Application process

Recommended presentation of offer:

  • Completed letter of confirmation of interest and availability. Please paste the letter into the "Resume and Motivation" section of the electronic application;
  • Financial proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by the breakdown of costs.  The breakdown should contain: professional fee for home-based work (number of working days), professional fee for work on mission (number of working days), travel costs (international travel to/from Moscow and per diems for all locations). Tickets for local travel to project sites within Russia will be arranged by the project.  Per diems cannot exceed maximum UN daily allowance rates ( and consultants are encouraged to bid lower amount to make their offers more competitive.

Please note that the professional fee is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. fee, health insurance, vaccination and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of service, etc.). All envisaged international travel costs must be included in the financial proposal.

If an applicant is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under reimbursable loan agreement (RLA), the applicant must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.

Individual consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under

General terms and conditions as well as other related documents can be found under:

Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.