
UNDP country office in the UAE, with funding from counterparts from the civil society, is celebrating the Government of the UAE and other counterparts from the private sector the UN International day of peace 2017 that was agreed to take place during an event on the 14th of September in Dubai.

As visual and audio assets have the greatest impact on quick conceptualization and contextualization of issues, it is anticipated that producing a short video will bring quick results on sensitization and conscience on actions for peace building and conflict prevention. The short film will be another source material for stimulating the discussions and launch a dialogue process. Further, it is envisaged that through this production, policy-makers and planners will begin to take into account peace building in policy formulation and planning processes.

UNDP is inviting bids from productions houses and individuals for the production and filming of a 7- 10-minute film that will be used on the day of the event as well as on the different digital and social media platforms during and after the International day of peace 2017.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Assignment Objectives

Production of a 7-10-minute film that should be seen as a tool to encourage dialogue across different groups, promote peace building and explain the role of the government, civil society and UN System in this process.

The audience of the short film is the population of the WORLD in general, and the UAE in particular. The film will be screened on the day of the event, social media platforms among other possible occasions.

It is expected that the film will focus on the following elements:

  • Peace: what is understood under ‘peace’ by population of UAE who are very diverse? It is expected that especially women and youth will be featured. Objective is to show a wide spectrum of people saying the same sentence about peace in different languages/dialects that can be the basis for discussions after the screening of the video. How does the absence of peace impact the daily lives of people? What are the coping mechanisms at the community level to deal with conflict?
  • How does a peaceful world look like? What is necessary to arrive there?
  • Peace building in UAE: who are the peace builders in UAE? What are their challenges? How do they overcome/circumvent them? It is expected that the film will feature at least 2 individuals who are seen as respected leaders, or role models, in this field.
  • What is the role of the government, civil society and the UN system in the peace building process? What does the Ministry of Tolerance do? It is expected that the video will highlight one positive example of the work of the Ministry of tolerance and one example from the civil society.
  • Show the added value of UNDP and the partnership with the Government of UAE and other actors.
  • Identify and give visibility to additional support that is needed from potential partners in this area.

In addition, the producer is also expected to extract 2-3 minute clips from the main clip for specific use on UNDP/UN websites and social media. The video will be produced in English, adding English and Arabic subtitles. The proposed video should be in a presentable format and one that could be uploaded on social media, UNDP websites, and TV.

Under the overall guidance and supervision of UNDP country office, the film production house or individual will be responsible for the following:

  • Preparatory works: storyboarding, and creative theme.
  • Filming and audio in UAE including 2-4 interviews with key UNDP and Government Staff, as well as local communities.

 Coordinate the filming and interviews

  • Post-production, editing and finalization of video.
  •  Ensure delivery of all the end products that meet the deadlines as specified below
  • Ensure delivery of all footage obtained for production. UNDP retains full Copy right of all footage filmed.
  • Ability to commute to various locations in the UAE
  • Ensure pre-production, filming and post production at the highest quality
  • Ensure highest broadcast quality production and filming
  • Liaise with UNDP UAE country office on production schedules, filming, filming formats and location access.
  • The consultant will be also responsible for editing the scripts of the video, whose final version must be approved and cleared by UNDP.
  • Ensure that all requests and instructions received from the UAE country office pertaining to the type of production that is required are fulfilled.

Support in the printing and dissemination of the video

  • 5 physical copies (HD video) printed and sent to UNDP office.
  • Copies of the high-resolution footage and audio files made available to the UNDP Team.
  • Ensure that the correct video formats are used as requested by UAE country office as stated below.
  • Work with the highest professional ethical standards and in keeping  with UNDP’s and the Government of UAE ideals and core messages
  • Ensure that the correct technical requirements are followed as stated below
  • It is expected that the video will be subtitled to English and Arabic

It is expected that the consultant will produce:


  • A Creative theme and a story board based on inputs from UNDP.
  • Draft 1: unedited rough version upon which UNDP will provide initial inputs
  • Final high Res file of film
  • Delivery of all footage filmed for the production on hard drives or tape
  • Final version: DVD
  •  H264 1mbit Web streaming file of seven minute version
  • 3.AfirtversinftevioshallbesumitedfrUNPrevieweoeAugust
  • 2017. The final version addressing comments received shall be submitted to UNDP by 30 August 2017.
  • UNDP Retains full rights of all footage filmed for the production


  • Excellent planning and organizational skills.
  • Proven ability to meet deadlines.
  • Able to work effectively with UNDP.
  • Able to work in a culturally diverse environment.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Duty Station

 The assignment is expected to be Abu Dhabi based with one travel to Dubai. The travel to Dubai will involve 1 day of video shooting. The rest of the working days will be anywhere the consultant prefers noting that he might be invited for a few meetings with UNDP country office team.

Duration of Assignment

 The assignment will be for a duration of 10-15 days with expected start date August 12, 2017.

Fee Proposal

The applicant is requested to provide a proposal or quotation of the fees/cost for services, which will be rendered. The fee proposal should consist of:

 a lump sum for the production of a 7-10 min video which will include:

  • composition of the film crew
  • number of working days
  • cost to hire of equipment for the length of the production
  • any other cost

UNDP will provide the guest speakers, the talents/guests and will do all the coordination for the shooting location and transportation.

Expertise and Qualifications

The production house or  individual  contractors  should  have  the  following  knowledge  and experience:

  • Have extensive experience in producing documentary films, TV programmes and/or 3 to 4-minute short format films. Proof of experience will be submitted with application to bid.
  • Able to produce high quality broadcast video on tight deadlines on a variety of different issues and subject matter.
  • At least 5 years of proven technical experience for the cameramen / editors involved in the production.

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Technical requirements:

  • Broadcast quality full HD video, 1920 x1080p, 50FPS
  • Professional sound recording at minimum of 96 kHz/24-bit
  • HD web files (H264 MOV.) as final products
  • HD DVD as final products
  • Canon 5D or equivalent camera an advantage

Provision of Monitoring and Progress Control

UNDP and the consultant will have a few meetings to discuss progress. It is expected that the consultant will produce a work plan, a story board, and three drafts of the video before submitting the final output.

Draft 1: unedited rough version upon which UNDP will provide initial inputs

Draft 2: first edited version of film upon which UNDP will provide substantive inputs Draft 3: second edited version of film upon which UNDP will provide final inputs Final version

Payment Terms

Payment Schedule



Upon submission and approval of work plan and story board



Upon submission of Draft 1



Upon submission and approval of Draft 2



Upon submission of Draft 3



Upon submission and approval of final product


Evaluation Method

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on UNDP’s cumulative analysis method. When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  1. responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
  2. Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical (70%)

and   financial (30%) criteria specific to the TOR


Evaluation and Selection Criteria

The technical proposal is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Terms of Reference (TOR)/Scope of Work (SOW) as per the evaluation criteria below. In order to be included in the short list, the bidder must get a total score of no rating below 70% for each of the criterion. Any CV’s getting below 70% in each of the criterion will not be eligible for the financial proposal.

Technical criteria (based on delivered visual materials, CV and P11)



1.      Have extensive experience in producing documentary films, TV programmes and/or 3 to 4-minute short format films



2.      At least 5 years of proven technical experience for the cameramen / editors

involved in the production



3.       Able to operate or dispatch a single member team (“one man band”) that can

produce and film on location without any other supervision



4.      Quality of past videos



5.      Fluency in English. Working Arabic is a plus.




Financial criteria





End of Assignment Review


The video will be evaluated by UNDP in the United Arab Emirates.


Inputs from the Consultant




Submission of Proposal

Interested firms or individuals should submit a proposal in response to the TOR, which should include the following:

  • Cover letter stating how the individual meets the selection criteria in the TOR
  • CV and technical proposal that includes:
  • crew composition (Names; Address, Telephone/fax number, Email address) if applicable;
  • Related projects in the last 3 years (Name of project/clients, Project size/amount in USD, Project Duration or contract duration (start to end),
  • Scope of work –brief description of tasks and achievements)
  • Detailed Financial proposal with breakdown of different budget lines to produce the video
  • At least 3 sample videos on DVD or online