
The UNDP Environment and Energy Group (EEG) is based in UNDP’s Bureau of Development Policy and is responsible for providing leadership and technical support towards the delivery of the Environment and Sustainable Development pillar of UNDP’s Strategic Plan.  Its main focus is helping countries develop the capacity to mainstream environment into national and local, but also global and regional, policies and practices such that development can become sustainable.  The principal areas of work are policy development and support, market mechanisms, adaptation to climate change, and local governance of resources, including energy.
In this context, EEG is launching a project that seeks to develop national and sub-national policy responses to manage climate change across key economic sectors.  The objective of this project is to strengthen technical capacities of developing countries to integrate climate change risks and opportunities into human development based planning and programming.    .  In support of this objective, the project will pursue the following outputs: (1) Support available for designing national climate change strategies, investment plans, programmes and/or related products; and (2) Capacities strengthened for integrating climate change risks and opportunities into national development assistance

Organizational Context

The Lead Technical Specialist (LTS) will report on progress of the project to the Project Board.  The LTS will be supervised by a BDP/EEG Task Manager for day-to-day implementation related matters.  He/she will be supported by a project assistant.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The LTS is responsible for the day-to-day management, co-ordination and supervision of the implementation of the project activities leading to the project outputs as outlined in the project document.  He/She will specially focus on activities relating to the output focusing on supporting the design of national climate change strategies, investment plans, programmes and/or related products The LTS will be responsible for the following:

Functions / Key Results Expected

  • Technical
  • Project Management
  • Advocacy and Substantive skills
  • Knowledge Management and Sharing
1. Technical
  • Oversee identification of existing, and development of new, applicable methodologies and decision-support tools that will be of use in preparing climate change strategies and plans, and/or other related products;
  • Identify technical experts to support in-country activities on the economics of climate change.
  • Propose value-added project activities following internal discussions and identification of best practices.
  • Guide assessments of mitigation/adaptation costs/benefits conducted in the context of this project;
  • Provide substantive guidance to, and review of, national assessments;
  • Review national outputs and organise quality control reviews, as required.
  • Key result: Technical expertise, Methodologies, Decision-Support Tools for climate change risks and opportunities identified, developed and/or applied.  
2.  Project Management

  • Lead strategic planning for activities;
  • Lead the identification, selection, and recruitment of national, regional, and international experts;
  • Prepare Terms of References for inputs (individual and institutional consultancy services, organization of training, workshops, etc.) with expert technical support as required;
  • Finalize project proposals based on country needs that fall within the scope of the overall project
  • Supervise, co-ordinate and facilitate the work of all national, regional, and international experts retained for different activities at the global level in support of project outputs;
  • Ensure UNDP best practices are incorporated into relevant activities;
  • Ensure project remains on track operationally, adjusting timing and programming as required;
  • Prepare necessary background documents for Project Board and Multi-Agency Task Force meetings and follow up on the outcomes of such meetings;
  • Provide strategic inputs and advice to the CDAC Principal Technical Advisor, as needed.
  • Oversee shadow budget and, in consultation with relevant focal points at UNOPS, ensure adequate management of resources provided for the project;
  • Prepare a detailed work plan for the project.
Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Keep BDP/EEG PTA updated on all project relevant milestones;
  • Keep Project Board fully informed of the progress of implementation;
  • Guide the preparation of UNDP monitoring requirements, including project progress reports, annual and quarterly work plan and budget plans;
  • Monitor and evaluate activities implemented by national partners, in consultation with UNDP Regional Technical Advisors;
  • Liaise with UNDP/Evaluation Office on the conduct of project evaluation and ensure access by the evaluators to project documentation, personnel, and institutions involved in the project.
 Project Closing and Audit
  • Review and finalise project progress reports (quarterly and annual / financial and substantive) against set targets and indicators, with an analysis of evidence of progress towards planned outputs according to schedules, budgets, and inputs provided by the project;
  • Prepare final project report, with an analysis of progress towards expected results as defined in the project document and subsequent work plans and budgets.  Together with UNDP, organise final project review meeting.
  • Key result: UNDP has run an effective, high-impact project on climate change policy options that forms the basis for future capacity development activities.
3.  Advocacy and Substantive skills
  • Provide advisory services and lead strategic thinking on the project;
  • Lead internal public relations for the project, identifying collaborative opportunities and promoting project results, to ensure project remains relevant and linked to UNDP processes;
  • Liaise with UNDP Regional Team Leaders and Regional Technical Advisors and, through them, UNDP Country Offices;
  • Conduct analytical work related to the project, and share findings and recommendations;
  • Develop technical and strategic position papers, presentations, advisory and briefing notes, as needed.
  • Key result: EEG recognised as a leader in developing capacity for, and support of, climate change policy activities.
Donor Relations
  • Design and implement a resource mobilization strategy;
  • Build partnerships with regional institutions;
  • Identify relevant, on-going activities by UNDP and other agencies, and establish linkages;
  • Liaise and co-ordinate with donors, NGOs, and other government departments operating complementary activities and innovations and link to project.
  • Key result: UNDP widely recognised as delivering a capacity development programme on time and cost-effectively.
4.  Knowledge Management and Sharing
  • Guide the development of a Service Delivery Platform for the project;
  • Identify, extract, develop, and disseminate lessons and experiences from the project and other sources to populate the Service Delivery Platform as well as the Adaptation Learning Mechanism (in liaison with CDAC-HQ);
  • Prepare Policy Briefs, as required.
  • Key result: UNDP supports a substantive knowledge base on the economics of climate change.


Corporate Competencies
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
Functional Competencies
  • Development and operational effectiveness.
  • Ability to lead formulation, support of implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of development projects.
  • Excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity, and ability to synthesise project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports.
  • Excellent oral communication skills and conflict resolution competency to manage inter-group dynamics and mediate conflicting interests of varied actors.
  • Ability to apply theory to the specific policy context to identify creative, practical approaches to overcome challenging situations.
  • Demonstrated solid knowledge and relevant applied experiences in the economics of climate change including econometric and/or General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) based analytical work.
  • Demonstrated analytical skills (including expert knowledge of critical econometric tools and software for supporting analytical work).
  • Broad understanding of all thematic areas of climate change (adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer, and financing).
  • Demonstrated project implementation skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills; commitment to team work and to working across disciplines.
Leadership and Self-Management
  • Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Good team player, self starter, has ability to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • A post-graduate degree in economics or related field, with focus on climate change impacts estimation.
  • At least 7 years of practical experience in development economics or environmental economics, with a focus on measurement of impacts and/or policy formulation.
  • Experience in reporting to donors and associated monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Communications experience and advocacy skills an asset.
  • Work experience in an international organization and knowledge of UNDP policies and procedures is desirable.
  • Experience in working and collaborating with governments and UNDP Country Offices is an asset.
  • Willingness to travel as appropriate.
  • Excellent knowledge of English, including writing, presentation and communication skills. Fluency in other UN languages is an asset.