
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the Centre of all its efforts, UN Women will lead and coordinate United Nations System efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It will provide strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

With the global mandate for facilitating economic empowerment of women, UN Women Bangladesh Country Office has been working on empowering and promoting the rights of women migrant workers especially low skilled migrant workers who make up 90% of the women migrant workers from Bangladesh.  UN Women Bangladesh’s efforts to integrate gender equality dimension into the migration cycle is being implemented in collaboration with MOEWOE, BMET, ILO and IOM since 2006.  The pre-decision and pre-departure stages of migration cycle are crucial for the aspirant migrant workers to get prepared with right kind of information on the Country of Destination (CoDs) in general and specific job related information in adequate manner.

Therefore, the Pre-departure programmes, as a part of the whole cycle of migration, are designed to reduce the vulnerability of migrant workers.  It is to enable aspirant migrant workers to maximize benefits from overseas employment, if provided in an effective manner. The migration cycle begins with making the decision to migrate, followed by leaving the country, arriving in the foreign country, settling in the workplace and integrating into the new environment, living and working overseas, and ends when the migrant finally returns home to readjust and reintegrate in society. Pre-departure orientation programmes should help workers to become informed and empowered in each phase in the overseas contract employment cycle.

There are ongoing efforts from Bangladesh government to organize and continue these pre-departure orientation programmes for migrants for different periods (for different trades); especially for women migrant domestic workers, the programme constitutes of 21 days.  The Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMET) of the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment provides country specific ‘pre-departure orientation’ session on host countries’ regulations, services, conditions, working environment, food habits, climate, culture, salary and other benefits, local language and social and religious practices.

The government has also undertaken the initiative of providing mandatory pre-departure training to all migrants through their existing 64 Technical Training Centers (TTCs) and Institutes of Marine Technology (IMTs), in order to decentralize efforts. Different actors have also worked on improvising content of the pre-departure manuals. However, the orientation still seems inadequate in many critical factors: the period, teaching methodology and receptiveness of the trainees reflect that. The NGOs also play a crucial and innovative role in delivering pre-decision and pre-departure orientations to prospective migrants in Bangladesh. In this context, it is critical to assess the existing pre-departure and pre-decision orientation to provide better services to aspirant migrant workers particularly for the female migrants.

This assessment is undertaken as part of a collaboration between UN Women and ILO project titled “Application of Migration Policy for Decent Work of Migrant Workers” funded by Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC).

Duties and Responsibilities

Overall purpose and Objectives of the Task:                  

The overall purpose of the assessment is to enhance capacity of Government to deliver and monitor the pre-departure and pre-decision orientation session in order to ensuring the quality of services for both women and men migrant workers with a special consideration on the needs of women migrant workers.

 Specific Objectives of the task are to assess:

  • The content and methodology in order to see the effectiveness of the selected pre-departure training courses provided by the Government, non-Government and private agencies;
  • The content and techniques of delivering safe migration message and its effectiveness in order to improve pre-decision orientation session to customize with the needs of women migrant workers;
  • The existing monitoring framework of the pre-departure training courses and pre-decision orientation session provided by the Government, private sector and NGOs respectively.

Scope of Work:

The pre-departure training and pre-decision orientation sessions provided by the  selected TTCs and IMTs, NGOs, Recruiting agencies (RAs) , worker’s and employer’s organizations will be part of this assessment.   The national consultant will be working within the scope of area mentioned below but not limited to:

  1. Developing methodology of the assessment to conduct within the timeline of the assignment;
  2. Selecting a few of the TTCs and IMTs who are providing pre-departure training to women migrant workers;
  3. Selecting a few of NGO/ CSOs to assess the pre-decision orientation session provided by them in specific areas/ community;
  4. Conducting focus group discussion (FGDs) with relevant officials of Govt., RAs, worker’s and employer’s organizations, NGO/CSOs, the trainees;
  5. Preparing an analytical report, synthesizing the findings and recommendations;
  6. Conduct sharing workshops on the draft report with relevant stakeholders for feedback and validation;
  7. Finalization of the report.

Timeframe and deliverables :


1. Assessment methodology reflecting the scope and limitations of the study;

2.Design and develop the first draft of questionnaire and tools for KII and FGDs;

3.Identify relevant Govt. institutions, RAs, employer’s and worker’s organizations and NGO/ CSOs conducting pre-departure and pre-decision orientation sessions for women migrant workers;

4.The focus group meetings and KIIs with the selected Govt., NGOs/ CSOs, private agencies and trainees;

5. Analyze the findings of the assessment (Desk review, interviews, focus group meetings, field visit and community meeting) and propose recommendations for next steps;

6.Draft analytical report synthesizing the findings and the recommendations;

7.Sharing workshop with key stakeholders for feedback and validation of the findings;

8.Finalization of the report.


1. Methodology of the Assessment and Workplan. By 22nd of October 2017;

2. Draft set of Questionnaire by 25th of October, 2017;

3.Draft Report on the Assessment 15th of November, 2017;

4.By 20th of November 2017;

5.Final draft report by 25th of November 2017.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN Women;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:

Required Skills and Experience


  • Minimum Master’s degree on Economics, development studies or other social science related subject.


  • At least 5 years of extensive knowledge in research and assessments on development issues;
  • Working experience on migration issues with Government, NGOs and international organizations;
  • Experience on integrating gender dimension from different experiences, methodologies, and approaches from different stakeholders;
  •  Demonstrated experience on developing analytical report, synthesizing the findings and recommendations.


  • Excellent Proficiency in written and spoken Bangla and English required.

Application Process:

Interested candidates are requested to submit:

  • Updated CV;
  • Personal History Form(P11);
  • Financial proposal: Per day rate for 20 working days.

Please use ‘National Consultant- Assess pre-decision and pre-departure orientation programme of aspirant migrant workers in Bangladeshas the subject heading of your application. All applicants must include (as an attachment) the CV, P11 and financial proposals. Applications without financial proposal will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment. “Personal History Form - P 11” can be downloaded from;.