
In September 2015, the Government of Armenia, (GoA) along with governments of all other member states of the United Nations, signed on to Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This marked an important milestone for Armenia reform agenda towards leaving no one behind.

In May 2016, the GoA launched the MDGs wrap-up report and formally kicked off the SDGs nationalisation process with setting up also its architecture i.e., coordination structure, institutional framework and four inter-agency thematic working groups.

In June 2017, the GoA prepared its medium-term development programme, which established strong synergies with the SDGs. Furthermore, the GoA tasked its reform unit – Center for Strategic Initiatives (CSI) - to update the Armenian Development Strategy (ADS) transforming it to a long-term strategic development framework until 2030, incorporating into it emerging priorities and needs, integrating crosscutting and innovative approaches as both a vision and a methodological tool.  

Up to now, the following steps have been undertaken in Armenia to anchor SDGs in the national context:

(i)             an analysis of national development plans to assess alignment with the SDGs, as part of Rapid Integrated Policy Assessment (RIA);

(ii)           establishment of an institutional architecture to coordinate the implementation process;

(iii)         hosting Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) mission to help design SDG Roadmap that will suggest quick wins, set common framework and methodological approaches towards the implementation of sustainable goals in Armenia.

In June 2017, the GoA expressed its interest to present the first Voluntary National Review (VNR) in July 2018 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) that will be devoted to the theme “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies”. The HLPF will review the global progress towards the SDGs 6, 7, 11, 12 and 15. The theme is fully in line with UN/UNDP continuous work on resilience building at the national and local levels hand in hand with the GoA and other partners.

VNR Guidelines will be used as guiding note for carrying out Armenia Voluntary National Review and preparation of its report. Innovative approaches will be in core of the process.

The objectives of the TOR includes:

  • Support scoping and framing of Armenia Voluntary National Review process and preparation of its report – in line with VNR Guidelines and with application of multidimensional, innovative and multistakeholder approaches.
  • Support in developing / aligning Armenia National Development Strategy (ANDS) 2030, Government program (GP) 2017-2022, and other strategic documents, as will be defined by the GoA and key stakeholders, for due incorporation of the SDGs nationalized targets and indicators and respective VNR reporting. Possibly include pilots from local level.
  • Analyze and systematize national development plans and policies, e.g. vis-a-vis RIA framework and Armenia National Development Strategy 2030, for gap analysis, including on the SDGs Tier framework (1, 2, 3), to respectively reflect also in VNR reporting.
  • Ensure that integrated approach of social, economic and environmental issues and leaving no one behind principles are incorporated in the national SDG framework and policy making, for also respective highlighting through the report.
  • Incorporate and synthesize inputs and needs from key stakeholders, including possibly from the local level, as lessons learned and recommendations to inform SDG nationalization further process.

To support the realization of the above-mentioned objectives, UNDP seeks to hire individual consultant to deliver TOR outputs.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The consultant will help develop Armenia National Voluntary Review process and prepare the report through a consultative process with stakeholders at national and possibly also local level.

The consultant will work closely and under the guidance from VNR Task Force. The latter includes the representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CSI, National Statistical Service (NSS), SDG Innovation Lab, and UN/UNDP. 

As mentioned, Armenia VNR process and its report will be carried out in line with corporate proposed guidelines. The VNR process prioritizes the following:

  • Ownership of the SDGs and advocacy/awareness raising;
  • Incorporation of the SDGs in national policy frameworks, including at local level;
  • Addressing the MAPS accelerators and implementation of a three-dimensional approach – economic, social, and environmental - in policy recommendations and actions;
  • Monitoring of the SDGs nationalized targets and indicators;
  • Thematic analysis of the prevailing theme of the reporting year, which is “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies” targeting globally on the SDG Goals 6, 7, 11, 12, 15;
  • Discussion of institutional mechanisms, means of implementation and next steps.

VNR documents shall be prepared in Armenian with executive summary also in English.
VNR final report shall be prepared in English and Armenian.

Under the overall guidance of UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, direct supervision of the UN RCO Specialist and SDG Lab head, and in close collaboration with VNR Task Force, the consultant will:

• Prepare the outline of VNR process (roadmap) and the report for approval by Task Force.
• Lead consultations and validations with stakeholders, including possibly from local level for delivery of TOR outputs.
• Lead VNR process and prepare the report incorporating national SDGs and MAPS accelerators.
• Prepare timely and top quality final products in English and Armenian.

Outputs, Deliverables, Timeline






1. Conduct scoping and framing of Armenia Voluntary National Review process and preparation of its report – in line with VNR Guidelines and with application of multidimensional, innovative and multistakeholder approaches.

VNR Roadmap and Report Outline presented to Task Force and approved

By 20 Dec 2017

VNR Content Process

2. Contribute to / align with Armenia National Development Strategy 2030, Government program 2017-2022, and other strategic documents, as will be defined by the GoA and key stakeholders, for due incorporation of the SDGs nationalized targets and indicators and respective VNR reporting. Possibly include pilots from local level.

Incorporated SDG nationalized targets and indicators in:

-   ANDS 2030.

-   GP 2017-2022

-   Other (TBD later)






First Draft

By 25 Feb 2018



Prefinal Draft

By 20 Apr 2018



Final Document

By 10 May 2018









3. Analyze and systematize national development plans and policies vis-a-vis RIA framework and Armenia National Development Strategy 2030, for gap analysis, including on the SDGs Tier framework (1, 2, 3), to respectively reflect also in VNR reporting.


Gap analysis of national development plans and policies viz

-   ANDS 2030

-   RIA for TIER 1, 2, 3

-   Other (TBD later)

4. Ensure that integrated approach of social, economic and environmental issues and leaving no one behind principles are duly incorporated in the national SDG framework and policy making, for also respective highlighting through the report.


Three-dimensional approach of social, economic and environmental issues and leaving no one behind principles incorporated in

-   ANDS 2030.

-   GP 2017-2022

-   Other (TBD later)


5. Formulate lessons learned and recommendations for further steps of SDG process through incorporating inputs from stakeholders, possibly also from local level.

Lessons learned and recommendations formulated

VNR Report

6.  Support preparation of VNR report

VNR Report produced as follows:

-   First draft

-   Final Draft

-   Final report


By 25 Feb 2018

By 20 Apr 2018

By 10 May 2018


Closure Phase

7. Present final report of deliverables

Final report

By 30 May 2018


  • In-depth knowledge of the SDGs Agenda 2030, ADS, Government Programme and other key national documents.
  • In-depth knowledge of the development situation and needs of Armenia.
  • Proven qualities of synthesis and presenting top quality written materials in English and Armenian.
  • Knowledge of innovative practices and methodologies is a strong asset

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Post-university degrees in development economics, political science, international development, management disciplines or in other relevant field.


  • Minimum 5 years of proven record of successful experience in high-level policy advisory services to government counterparts and international organizations.


  •  Proficiency in written and spoken English and Armenian. Knowledge of Russian is an asset.


Payment terms

Payment will be made in four installments upon confirmation by Task Force, UN RCO Specialist and SDG Lab head on delivery of outputs in a satisfactory manner:




Upon submission of VNR Roadmap and Report Outline signature of contract

30 %

Upon satisfactory completion of Outputs aimed for 25 Feb 2017 as confirmed by Task Force. Presentation of financial and narrative reports

20 %

Upon satisfactory completion of Outputs aimed for 20 Apr 2018 as confirmed by Task Force. Presentation of financial and narrative reports

30 %

Upon satisfactory submission of Final VNR report as confirmed by Task Force. Presentation of financial and narrative reports
