
The UN’s Country Common Assessment (CCA) characterizes the overall situation in Madagascar by widespread, extreme poverty resulting in strong pressures on the unique natural environment. Close to 80% of the poor live in rural areas. Their livelihoods almost exclusively depend on agriculture and related natural resource-based activities. Low farm productivity in combination with a rapidly growing population has generated pressures for agricultural expansion through forest conversion under slash-and burn production systems. The degradation of Madagascar’s natural habitats, the degradation of watersheds, have a negative impact on the whole water resources. Furthermore, the rate of access to potable water is estimated at 36 % of the Malagasy population (2008) and the rate of access to the sanitation infrastructures is estimated at 27% of the whole population. This implied that to reach MDGs by 2015, an additional 6 million people will required access to safe water and 7 million to sanitation. Even if the MDG are reached, 13 million people would still have no access to the safe water supply while 12 million people have no access to improved sanitation. The lack of water master plan does not allow efficient management of the water resources and their usages. For the water and sanitation sector, the Country Program Action Plan (CPAP) states "…UNDP will collaborate with the Government and the others donors to improve the coordination and to develop synergies within the sector in order to provide sustainable solutions to problems related to water resources management and, in particular, access to the safe drinking water."
At present (2008) for the water and sanitation sector in Madagascar has a strategy, a legal and regulatory framework and a national programme that is aligned with MDG targets. This the result of a long history of initiatives that started in 1991 with the Sectoral Strategy and Action Plan for Water And Sanitation (Stratégie Sectorielle et Plan d’Actions pour l’eau et l’assainissement), and was further strengthened in 1998 by the adoption of the Water Charter (Code de l'Eau). In 2003 a national authority (Autorité Nationale de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement) was created, but never became fully operational and failed to address the question on integrated resource water management which was its main initial purpose. In 2005, the National Programme for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation (Programme National d'Accès à l'Eau potable et à l'Assainissement) was included in the State's General Policy.
In 2006, the Madagascar Action Plan (MAP) was elaborated. The MAP is the core national policy document guiding Madagascar’s water and sanitation sector, which has effectively replaced the PRSP. Challenge No 7 of commitment 2 reads "Substantially improve access to drinking water and sanitation" and specifies that "By 2012, 65% of the population will have easy access to safe drinking water and basic sanitary conditions". Considering that only 36 % of the population currently has secure access to drinking water, the goal targeted in 2012 is very ambitious and will require a large investment.

Challenge 8 of commitment 5 "Provide safe water and widespread oh hygienic practices" specifies that "1) infant mortality du to water related diseases will be significantly decreased"; 2) "all children will have to be educated in safe sanitary and hygienic practices". Challenge 2 of commitment 7 "Reduce the natural resource degradation process" plans to "develop an integrated water resource management plan for better management of freshwater resources, watershed and ecosystems".

Until July 2008, the Ministry of Energy and Mines was in charge of the water and sanitation sector at which point, the Malagasy Government established the Ministry of Water. This new Ministry is now responsible for all the policies, strategies and programs related to the water and sanitation sector.
The water and sanitation sector faces a series of issues to be addressed. Those issues were well identifies at the meeting of the "presidential dialogue" held in November 2007. The mains issues are:

  • The coordination between the Government, the donors and all the actors is weak. While a first step towards coordination has been achieved with the creation of Ministry of Water, much remains to be don to realize effective coordination and to strengthen the operations of the Ministry and to reach the MAP's goals.
  • There is no single coherent and comprehensive integrated water resource management plan which takes into account the multiple water usages at national and regional levels and provides overall guidance for the realization of the MAP and MGG.
  • The weak institutional capacity at the central and locals levels has delayed investment flows and the implementation of field water supply programs and, as well as the implementation of IWRM process.
  • The activities of the Ministry of Water are centralized in the capital. To implement programs in order to reach the Map's goals it is essential to engage the process of decentralization. An effective national strategy needs to take the regional dimension into account.

UNDP has provided support to the water and sanitation sector for over 10 years. According to the CPAP document, UNDP intends to continue its support to the sector through the improvement of governance and the coordination of the actors. An informal donor's coordination structure (Structure de coordination et de concertation), chaired by  the UN Coordinator, was established during the last year. Furthermor, UNDP has formulated program document for the effective implementation of the IWRM-process as well as the realization of water and sanitation master plan. This program will be launched in 2009.

Deberes y responsabilidades

UNDP is seeking to services of a highly qualified senior technical adviser on water resources, with a strong experience in integrated water resources management (IWRM) as well as in elaboration of water master plan, and with a thorough knowledge of water and sanitation sector of Madagascar. The adviser will work under the UNDP resident representative and will work closely with the Ministry of Water. The adviser will have the following functions:
  • Advises the UN resident coordinator and the UNDP team regarding the water and sanitation sector.
  • Advises the UNDP and National teams for the implementation of UNDP projects in water and sanitation sector.
  • Brings emerging issues to the attention of the UN Coordinator and the Malagasy Government, in accordance with the recommendations of the Dublin Conference on IWRM, of the Agenda 21 (Chapter 18) and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (WSSD-2002).
  • Assists in developing the IWRM policy in Madagascar and the coordination among major donor agencies operating in the country.
  • Develops innovative concepts and tools for IWRM.
  • Promotes and facilitates collaboration with Malagasy partners, donors, international and national organizations, and private sector operator to improve governance in water and sanitation sector.
  • Advises the Ministry of Water on implementation strategies for the MAP commitments related to drinking water supply and IWRM and secure linkage with MDGs.
  • Supports the Ministry of Water in the development of strategies and policies for the water and sanitation sector.
  • Assists in the inter-ministerial coordination of the management of Madagascar's water resources.
  • Works closely with the Ministry of water to implement its policy and strategies on IWRM at national, regional and local levels.
  • Assists in building progressively a knowledge base and an integrated water information system for the water and sanitation sector.
  • Assists in mobilizing financial resources commensurate with country needs in implementing the IWRM process.
  • Identifies discrepancy and non compliances with international standards regarding IWRM process.
·         Fosters and establishes relationship with IWRM process in the other countries.


Corporate Competencies 
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
Functional Competencies
Knowledge Management and Learning
  • Shares knowledge and experience and contributes to UNDP Practice Areas;
  • Encourages office staff to share knowledge and contribute to UNDP Practice Areas
  • Develops deep knowledge in Practice Areas;
  • Demonstrates strong coaching/mentoring skills, regularly providing helpful feedback and advice to others in the office;
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
  • Proven experience in project management, monitoring and programming activities.
  • A sound, practical understanding of water and sanitation management and the intersectoral issues related to water global management (water resource, water use, water quality preservation, etc.);
  • A sound, practical understanding of how risk assessment is applied to development investments and planning processes;
  • Ability to understand and interpret experts working on different areas of studies and make appropriate connections to line ministries;
  • Track record in providing leadership in the development and implementation of policy initiatives;
  • Ability to communicate technical concepts among many different stakeholders – government, donors, civil society organizations - in plain, non-jargonistic language, and to understand the language of sectoral policy makers.
  • Experience of working in Madagascar with government on development policy;
  • Understanding of the UNDP’s operating principles, in particular in relation to the adaptation funds, and how the application of these affects project design;
  • Experience of working with the UN is desirable.
Management and Relationship:
  • Focuses on impact and result for the client;
  • Coaches teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Builds strong relationships with stake-shareholders;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Education: University degree in earth science, in water resources management, or related fields.

Experience: A minimum of 10 years professional experience in the area of water and sanitation sector with a particular emphasis on integrated water resource management, water master plan and drinking water supply program.

Knowledge of the water sanitation context of Madagascar is required.

Knowledge of UNDP procedures is an asset.

Language Requirements: Be fluent in French and English languages