
The PECSME  Project
The Project ‘Vietnam: Promoting Energy Conservation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprise’ (PECSME) is a joint effort of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and Vietnamese counterparts, aiming at encouraging application of the energy efficient practices among SMEs in Vietnam, and so contributing to the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emission by the sector.
The project will contribute to the transformation of Vietnam’s SMEs from highly energy inefficient and polluting to energy efficient with greatly reduced pollution through the operation of a carefully chosen and integrated mix of project components operated by government agencies, financial institutions, education providers, and mostly private sector energy efficiency service providers.

The PECSME project comprises an integrated set of activities designed to address in a holistic fashion the barriers to widespread utilization of energy efficient management practices, operations and technologies in five priority industrial sectors:
  • Brick making,
  • Ceramic making,
  • textile,
  • Food processing, and
  • Paper. 
The project will achieve its objectives by supporting an integrated set of six component programs comprising:
  • policy and institutional support development;
  • communications and awareness;
  • technical capacity development;
  • energy efficiency services provision support;
  • financing support; and
  • demonstrations.
The project started up in early 2006 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2010. A high qualified  ISTA is immediately required for supporting the PMU and the UNDP CO with the aim of improving the whole project performance toward project objectives.
The International Senior Technical Advisor Position
The Senior Technical Advisor (STA) will implement his/her main functions under the supervision of the Deputy Country Director (Programme). The STA will be based in the project Vietnam: Promoting Energy Conservation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (PECSME).
In line with UNDP staff rules, the ISTA’s annual performance will be measured by achieved results agreed among the UNDP Head of the Sustainable Development Cluster and the National Project Director. 
The ISTA builds capacities of MOST as well as their local affiliates, together with the National STA, consultants recruited under the project and especially based on international experience and (national and international) research; and is a key advisor to the project partners as well as the UNDP on technical and policy aspects of Green House Gas mitigation. 
In exercising his/her role, the incumbent supports the planning, management and monitoring of the project. He/she works in close collaboration with national counterparts as well as with the programme staff in the UNDP Country Office and relevant HQs units for ensuring knowledge sharing and the highest possible quality of project outputs. He/she also contributes to capacity building for Country Office staff in the area of Climate Change. 

Deberes y responsabilidades

The summary of the key function of the ISTA is :
  • Provide advice on strengthening institutional capacities, and provide inputs for capacity building of  project partners, personnel of local (provincial) affiliate departments, and UNDP through the various stages of the project; and actively provide capacity building inputs on a range of climate change relevant aspects; support management (planning, quality management, monitoring and evaluation) of the project.
  • Provide technical advice to MOST and project partners/key stakeholders in the areas of energy conservation and energy efficiency and GHG emissions by means of sharing development experience / good practices that have been acquired elsewhere with relevant stakeholders, as per the planned project activities;
  • Provide policy advice to MOST and project partners/key stakeholders by means of advocating for relevant EC&EE policies, support development of management and financial models/replicable practices in the area of EE&EC within the PECSME framework, sharing knowledge and experience relevant to the UNDP climate change policy development.
 Specific Tasks
A. Institutional capacity - Project Implementation and M&E, Quality, Risk
  • Provide NPD with strategic advice on the overall project implementation strategy, as  recommended in MTE report, with particular focus on piloting the Energy Performance Contract model, use of  CDM approach to mobilize additional capital for EC&EE projects.
  • Lead and collaborate with NSTA to improve and assure the effective implementation of the project impact-oriented M&E plan.
  • Assist PMU to carry out risk assessment and risk mitigation plan, ensuring that risk mitigation actions are incorporated in the project work plan.
  • Assist PM in preparing all major Project reports, including Annual Project Progress Report, Project Implementation Report, M&E report and other technical reports,
  • Assist PM in reviewing annual plans/reports to ensure consistency, measurability, integrity, appropriateness, focus and continuity of project activities inline with project scope and vision.
  • Act as quality reviewer of selected project outputs and provide professional advice/solution for quality improvement (TORs, reports and other printed material).
  • Support PMU staff to implement the M&E Plan and the Quality Management Plan. 
B. Provision of technical advice in selected project components
  • Develop a specific plan for introducing and modeling the Energy Performance Contract, the capital mobilization for EE&EC using CDM approach and guide the implementation of the plans;

Guide and assist PM and other members of PMU in carrying out specific activities in the EPC and the CDM implementation plan, including 

  • drafting quality TORs
  • support the organization of EPC Promotion Workshop;
  • Conduct training session for EESPs on EPC application;
  • Support  and provide a particular hands-on training to selected EESPs in implementing the EPC approach, the related financial mechanism and for implementing some EPC demonstration projects.

C. Provision of the policy advice

  • Providing support, advice and comments in regard to energy conservation regulations, law  and standards of equipment energy performance in development and other specific regulations.
  • Providing advice, upon lessons learnt from implementation of the EPC and CDM approach, any policy issues that need to be taken up to decision makers of MOST, MOIT and MONRE.
  • Work with UNDP CC policy advisor to develop concept papers on CC and EC market transformation for Vietnam
The ISTA is major responsible for delivering the followings:
  • Preliminary and Final implementation plan for EPC and CDM approach, with S.M.A.R.T., targets and deliverables and sound implementation strategies.
  • Review and revision  of major TORs related to the implementation of the pilot EPC projects and get part of the EESP and projects selection process.
  • Training material and the Training Evaluation Report of training session on EPC model contract which should be tailored to fit to the Vietnamese needs and legal issues.
  • Draft and final TORs related to CDM implementation study and training delivery.
  • Supervision of IC responsible for conducting CDM implementation study and related training delivery. Quality control and comments of draft and final reports and training material the IC will be committed to prepare.
  • Risk assessment and risk management plans updated on the quarterly basis.
  • Quality review  notes and advice on impact assessment
  • Report on implementation of the M&E
  • Quality review and recommendations for final PIR/APPR, AWPs and selected technical reports
Reporting Arrangements

The ISTA will continue to implement his main functions and undertake specific duties described in Section III and IV of this TOR, in close collaboration with the UNDP Programme Officer, Project Manager (PM) and other PMU staff. As previously, ISTA will continue to be supervised by the UNDP Country Director in Viet Nam.


  • Ability to lead strategic planning, change processes, results-based management and reporting
  • Ability to apply development theory to the specific country context to identify creative, practical approaches to overcome challenging situations, particularly in the field of energy efficiency and energy conservation. 
  • Ability to demonstrates openness, constructive and positive ways of working toward change, ability to manage complexities.
  • Excellent English oral and written communication skills
  • Strong networking, team-building, organizational skills 

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Master Degree in public or business administration, international development; energy technology and engineering
  • At least 10 years of international experience in the field of energy efficiency (technology development, energy policy development, training and capacity building)
  • Experienced in result-based management approach in project formulation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation;
  • Proven experience in resource mobilization from governments, non-government organizations and the private sector;
  • Proven networking, team-building, organizational and communication skills;
  • Excellent communication skills, full proficiency in English both written and verbal;
  • Knowledge of Vietnamese would be an advantage.