
International Consultant - Access to Justice Study Team Leader: Re-advertise

The Government of Solomon Islands through the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs wishes to better understand the existing justice needs of the people of the Solomon Islands, challenges and issues that affect their access to services, and resources, and systems and institutional set-ups that are needed to meet people’s demands.  

UNDP therefore proposes to support the Government to undertake a study that assesses justice related needs amongst people from across the country, including remote areas, and explores the related implications for service delivery.

The concept note for the study is included as an annex at the end of this Terms of Reference document. 

To undertake the study, UNDP is looking to establish an integrated research team comprising of:

1. A2J Study Team Leader 

  1. Research institution with proven experience in conduting a similar work in Melanisa, notably, Solomon Islands, to undertake a nationwide survey amongst the people
  2. Expert with ecnonomics and legal background to undertake costing analysis in the justice sector

The team will be supported by UNDP-based project manager (national or international) with legal background to support the overall task managing of the exercise under the overall supervision of the UNDP Governance Team Leader and overall guidance of UNDP Country Manager. Depending on the outcome of the inception phase, the team might be supported by additional expertise. 

Deberes y responsabilidades

The A2J Study Team Leader will be responsible for managing the research team and producing the final report. He/she will report to the UNDP A2J Project Manager for day to day matters, and will work under the overall guidance of the UNDP Country Manager and Effective Governance Unit Team Leader.  

The Team Leader will be expected to manage a team that comprises of people working both in the Solomon Islands and remotely. The Team Leader will ensure regular information sharing amongst the team, and will be responsible for planning, coordinating, implementing and monitoring all study related activities. The study process will involve a series of integrated stages i.e. methodological planning, data collection, data analysis, formulation of policy options and report drafting). The Team Leader will take overall responsibility for the final report, and will advise the other team members on the structure for the report and required contributions, and will take responsibility for collating inputs.

The Access to Justice Technical Working Group (TWG) will be actively involved in all stages of the study process providing guidance and technical input. The TWG comprises of government stakeholders and development partners working in the justice sector.

UNDP will provide quality assurance and technical oversight to the overall process. UNDP will also undertake responsibility for identifying the team members, managing contracts and budgets, and providing support for in-country logistics. UNDP is aiming to have the full team in place by August 2018.

 The Team Leader will be directly responsible for the elements of the process outlined below.

  1. Inception Report: Working closely with the research team, the Team Leader will prepare an inception report outlining the detailed proposed methodology for the overall study and a detailed workplan indicating timelines of key in-country missions and deliverables, financing requirements and responsibilities amongst the team. Noting that access to justice is a broad, all encompassing term, the inception report will clearly outline the substantive scope of the study (i.e. extent of focus on criminal/civil/family law, formal/informal, geographic regions etc.) The inception report will include a clear travel plan for the team, indicating when team members will be in the Solomon Islands for joint team meetings and activities and also a travel schedule for necessary visits to the Provinces. The inception report should be informed by a thorough desk review of information already available, and initial consultations with key stakeholders.
  2. Questionnaire prepared for the perceptions survey amongst existing and potential users of justice services: Drawing on information from the desk review and in close consultation with the research team, UNDP, A2J TWG and other stakeholders, the Team Leader will prepare the questionnaire for the perceptions survey. Once finalised, the research institution will be responsible for pilot testing and conducting the survey based on the questionnaire. Team Leader will provide continuous quality assurance and advice support to the research team throughout the data collection, analysis, and report-writing/presentation phases. The survey should be designed to generate data that (a) gives context to the administrate data collected and (b) reflects the views of the demand side and rights holders of the justice system.
  3. Data Collection: Whilst a research institution will be responsible for collecting data through a people’s survey, the Team Leader will be responsible for managing all other elements of data collection in close collaboration with the research team (i.e. as per the details in the Concept Note, this includes: i) Practioner interviews in Honiara and one or two provintial centers; ii) justice sector administrative data; and iii) Justice Stories. In addition to having oversight for data collection, the Team Leader will him/herself be expected   to undertake stakeholder interviews and compile the justice stories, and will therefore be expected to undertake travel to the Provinces. The Team Leader will also be repsonsible for ensuring that various sources of data complement each through corroboration and contrast.   
  4. Data Analysis: The Team Leader will lead the overall process of data analysis with inputs from the research institution,economist, UNDP and the TWG. The research insitutution will provide an analytical report of results from the perceptions survey and a full set of data tables and the Economist will be responsible for all costing related analysis. The Team Leader will draw together all inputs and work closely with a statistician (unless the team leader has a statistical background) to triangulate information from different sources and examine trends and relationships.   
  5. Facilitate working sessions amongst the A2J TWG: The TWG will be actively engaged throughout the study process and the Team Leader will provide updates in person or remotely at critical milestones. With a view towards ensuring national ownership for the research, in-depth working sessions are planned with the TWG for the proess of data analysis and crafting of policy options. Working closely with UNDP, the Team Leader will facilitate working sessions with TWG members to validate findings, elicit  technical guidance and together brainstorm and craft scenarios and policy options for the way forward. It is tentatively expected that the working session on data analysis could take place in November/early December and the working session on policy options in February 2019.
  6. Drafting of Report: Working closely with the research team, the Team Leader will coordinate the drafting process. The proposed structure of the report is as below (to be finalized during the inception phase and might be subject to adjustment throughout the exercise):

.                 1. Study methodology

                  2. Findings on people’s legal needs

                   3.  Analysis of the justice system

.                   4.Scenarios and policy options

The draft report will be shared with UNDP for review and circulation amongst key stakeholders. The Team Leader will be responsible for reviewing feedback in consultation with UNDP and preparing the final draft of the report.


Corporate Competencies:

• Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;

• Ensures that the work undertaken is consistent with UN/UNDP values;

• Treats peers fairly by maintaining consistent values inspiring trust and confidence through personal credibility

• Accepts responsibility and accountability for the quality of the outcome of his/her decisions

• Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards; 

• Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the project. 

• Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; 

• Treats all people fairly and without favouritism 

Functional Competencies:

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise / In-depth knowledge of the Subject-matter 

• Strong research background and demonstrated experience producing high profile reports

• Academic and practical knowledge of access to justice, rule of law and human rights.

• High level of comfort working in multi-disciplinary areas that touch on statistics and economics

• Strong understanding of dynamics in government, civil society and the donor community in developing countries.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


• Advanced University Degree (Masters or equivalent) in Law or a related social science field.


• Extensive practical experience working on issues of access to justice in developing countries.

• Demonstrated experience leading complex research initiatives.

• Experience managing diverse and integrated teams, both in country and remotely.

• High degree of comfort on issues linked to statistics, economics and gender.

• Familiarity and experience in the Pacific region, particularly Melaniasia and Solomon Islands, is not required, but would be a significant advantage.

• Confident leading interactive working sessions amongst diverse stakeholders.

• Excellent verbal and written communication skills (English).

• Ability to meet deadlines.


• Excellent working knowledge of English.  

• Fluency in the national pidgin is an advantage