
The Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP), financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), was approved in June 2016 and the project implementation commenced in September 2017. The primary focus of the project is to put in place robust coastal protection measures in the three islands of Funafuti, Nanumea and Nanumaga; and by building institutional and community-level capacities to prepare for the impact of increasingly intensive wave actions in the country.

While the construction of physical defense is considered one of the urgent actions required to reduce Tuvalu’s extreme vulnerability, the Government of Tuvalu is acutely aware that there is a considerable need to invest in long-term resilience of the country and that it can be achieved only by strengthening the ability of each of the nine islands to identify, plan for and execute locally-relevant adaptation actions.

In response, the design of the TCAP project also contains a component whereby island councils (Kaupules) and communities will receive assistance in facilitating participatory consultations, identifying climate change adaptation priorities, reflecting the priorities in the island investment plan, executing priority actions and monitoring results. Importantly, all of these areas of support will be provided in the context of the existing Island Strategic Plan framework.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Working under the direct supervision of the TCAP National Project Manager, in close collaboration with the Government of Tuvalu and UNDP Country and Regional Teams, the consultant will be responsible for providing high quality implementation support to Output 3 of TCAP including:

  • Support the TCAP PMU and MoHARD/DRD, in collaboration with the CCPDCU, in developing the Operations Manual for the Performance-Based Climate Resilience Grants (PBCRGs), building on the ongoing work of UNDP/LoCAL, which include the minimum conditions (MCs) and performance measures (PMs) for obtaining the PBCRG, the Means of Verification (MoV) for compliance, the process and timeline for performance assessment, the fund distribution mechanism, and monitoring and reporting mechanisms;

  • Assess the eligibility criteria for accessing the Tuvalu Survival Fund and reflect them in the Minimum Conditions/Performance Measures or in the capacity building strategy targeting Kaupules;

  • Initiate a strategic dialogue with MoHARD on synchronizing the ISP production/implementation cycle;

  • Work closely with the LoCAL team for jointly finalizing the PBCRG implementation design;

  • Sensitize and raise awareness of Kaupule and MoHARD/DRD staff about all the Operations Manual and other related process in the ISP cycle;

  • Undertake outer island missions as needed and produce a mission report for each mission;

  • Support MoHARD/DRD Capacity Strengthening Program through identification of the technical and financial assistance that can be provided by TCAP (areas of assistance should fall within the scope of TCAP);

  • Develop, in collaboration with MoHARD/DRD, CCPDCU and LoCAL, a capacity development strategy for Kaupules;

  • Assist the initial MC assessment mission for new Kaupules, and;

  • Review the existing process of ISP formulation and the content of ISPs and make recommendations for establishing a consistent ISP revision process (including the alignment of timelines for all islands, formatting, contents), integrating climate change adaptation needs, and improving Kaupules’ capacities for planning and implementation.


  • 15 years of professional experience with at least 10 years of experience in the Pacific;

  • Having at least 5 years of direct experience working with or related to Tuvalu Government Administration;

  • Proven track record of providing advisory service and coordination with the high-level government official in the Pacific, especially in Tuvalu;

  • Proven track record of directly involving in performance-based grants and similar tools like budget support;

  • Experience in capacity development and institutional strengthening in the Pacific, ideally in Tuvalu, in the context of fiscal transfer, decentralization processes and/or climate change adaptation;

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Minimum Master’s Degree in Development Administration, local government or rural development;

  • The following information are to be concisely provided by the applicant while bidding for the consultancy works:


    Technical Proposal

    P11 Form

  • Statement of how applicant meets requirements for qualifications & experience;

  • Proposed methodology/approach including preliminary work plan (covering deliverables, key activities and due dates);

  • Names and contacts of 3 referees;


    Financial Proposal


  • Lump sum financial proposal inclusive of all cost- Daily fee/Travel/ accommodation and any cost associated to undertake this consultancy;

    Consultancy Proposal should be mailed to C/- UNDP Pacific Office , Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji or sent via email to etenderbox.pacific@undp.org no later than August 1st, 2018 (Fiji Time) clearly stating the title of consultancy applied for. Any proposals received after this date/time will not be accepted. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to procurement.fj@undp.org. UNDP will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants. Incomplete, late and joint proposals will not be considered and only offers for which there is further interest will be contacted. Failure to submit your application as stated as per the application submission guide (Procurement Notice) on the above link will be considered incomplete and therefore application will not be considered.