The Agenda 2030, which was adopted by the Member States of the United Nations at the post-2015 Summit in New York, from 25 to 27 September 2015, recognizes the interconnection between poverty eradication and sustainable development.
Agenda 2030 also clearly defines the relationship between its universal application framework and Agenda 2063 for the African continent. The Member States of the United Nations in fact reaffirm that it is "important to support the African Union Agenda 2063 and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), both seen as an integral part of Agenda 2030.
Guinea-Bissau, a signatory of both agendas, faces today the challenge of implementation. The 17 SDGs guide actions in all United Nations Member States until 2030 in the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. Following the adoption of Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063, countries are required to integrate these agendas’ objectives, targets and indicators at national level.
The final document of Agenda 2030 explicitly refers to statistics as a key instrument for implementing the SDGs and for monitoring countries progress. In that document reference is made to the need for "high quality data, timely and viable, and disaggregated by income, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, physical disability and geographical location".
Therefore the SDGs pose an unprecedented data demand both in quantity and quality. The “leaving no one behind” principle and increased role of environmental monitoring in the sustainable development particularly imply that the world needs more data with better quality than the current statistical system can provide.
It is against this backdrop that the Secretary General’s High Level Panel (HLP) on Post-2015 Development Agenda called for actions to “improve quality of statistics and information available to people and government” in “A New Global Partnership” and “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” pledged to intensify efforts to strengthen statistical capacity in developing countries.
The National Statistics Institute of Guinea-Bissau (INE in the Portuguese acronym) is the primary responsible for the national inventory of the SDGs indicators. The final document of the post-2015 process presents a list of 17 Objectives, 169 targets and 244 indicators built to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the SDGs, which have been in force since 1 January 2015.
Similarly to all countries in the world, Guinea-Bissau needs to develop a SDGs indicators framework adapted to its reality. In order to achieve this, a diagnostic analysis of the country statistical capacity to monitor the implementation of ODS within a broader data ecosystem analysis to assess the current data situation of Guinea Bissau is necessary. This work is meant to determine what is required for national statistical systems to realize the data revolution and monitor the SDGs through an effective monitoring system.
The Guinean-Bissau Strategic and Operational Plan “Terra Ranka” (2015-2020) endowed with indicators, after the work developed by the Secretary of State for Planning and Regional Integration, with UNDP support, lacks an analysis of the country’s capacity to measure it as well as to define target, baselines and means of verification.
To that end, international consultant with experience in similar work already undertaken in other countries is required. INE will have the primary responsibility of this work. Consultant will be hired by UNDP with financial support from the UN-WB Humanitarian-Peace-Development Nexus.
The international consultant will consolidate the findings of the country assessments and write the final report. The report will provide a SDGs indicators mapping as well as a review of the entire Data Ecosystem in Guinea-Bissau as exhaustively as possible, including data stakeholders, data culture, legal framework, technology, infrastructure and interaction between these components that could potentially feed and support a SDG M&E system and database.
Indeed, for setting the ground for the SDG implementation in the country, it is essential to provide INE with technical expertise for the preparation of the diagnostic analysis and inventory of the SDGs indicators that Guinea-Bissau will monitor, namely through the creation of a database. It will also be critical for INE to have a full understanding of the existing data ecosystem in Guinea Bissau, how this is currently functioning and how, over time, this could be better aligned and used for sustainable development.
Duties and Responsibilities
Conduct a Data Ecosystem analysis, provide a comprehensive SDG indicators mapping, and evaluate the capacity of INE to identify, collect, analyze and measure the SDGs indicators in Guinea-Bissau, including through the creation of an up-to-date and accessible SDGs database.
- Undertaking a desk review of existing literature, research and reports from data-related initiatives, laws and regulatory frameworks, to broadly capture the data landscape of stakeholders, relationships, and processes in the country;
- Conduct surveys, interviews and focus group discussions as relevant and required, in order to capture detailed and precise perspectives of stakeholders;
- Identify, in the specific case of Guinea-Bissau, relevant indicators to monitor the implementation of SDGs in the country;
- Identify the producers/possible generators of these indicators;
- Given the availability of data in the country and its technical capacity, identify the SDGs indicators that can already be measured in the country, which can be measured with some technical support and those that cannot be measured;
- Elaborate a SDGs indicators mapping, their baselines, targets and means of verification, and level of disaggregation (for example by gender and geographic location in the regions, urban centers and rural areas, etc.) taking into consideration the data available in Guinea-Bissau;
- Conceptualize the creation and management (including training) of a database to monitor the implementation of SDGs in the country.
- Analyze, with a human rights-based approach, the indicators suggested for Terra Ranka and define its baselines and means of verification to allow their monitoring;
- Produce a baseline assessment of the national data for development ecosystem, including a detailed and exhaustive mapping of its various components, identifying the systemic challenges and gaps that hamper the full realization of the data revolution for sustainable development, and recommendations for follow-up actions.
- Demonstrates excellent writing skills, and strong communications and presentation skills;
- Demonstrates leadership, team building and coordination skills;
- Good interpersonal and teamwork skills and proven ability to work in a multi-cultural setting and teams with diversity of background and skills;
- Excellent understanding of statistics and strong analytical skills;
- Excellent capacity to analyze indicators;
- Demonstrated organizational and planning skills, and ability to meet deadlines and to manage multiple tasks effectively and efficiently;
- Provides feedback and advice; responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view.
Required Skills and Experience
Qualifications and Skills Required
- Hold a Master's degree in Statistics or Economics;
- Relevant training in elaborating MDG and/or SDGs indicators, as well as its monitoring and evaluation.
Professional Experience
- Minimum 5 years of experience in socio-economic analysis and research;
- Knowledge and broad experience monitoring SDGs indicators, in particular in elaborating mappings of indicators, baselines, targets and means of verification;
- Experience in database design;
- Proven experience in Results Based Management (RBM);
- Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation of projects;
- Experience in undertaking broader data ecosystem assessment;
- Experience working with the United Nations System and/or other multilateral organizations and knowledge of its rules and procedures;
- Previous work experience and knowledge of the reality of Guinea-Bissau will be an asset.
Required Languages
- Excellent oral and written knowledge of French is required.
- Knowledge of Portuguese and/or English is an added-value.
Please visit the below link for the ToR.