The forest biome of South Caucasus, with greater part of mountain forests in Armenia and Georgia, covers around 20 percent of the Caucasus Ecoregion and listed by WWF as a global conservation priority with extremely rich biodiversity. These forests are important source of livelihoods for mountain communities in Armenia and Georgia. Forest degradation and reduced forest integrity result in biodiversity losses, losses of livelihoods and in reduced resilience of forest ecosystems to the impacts of climate change. Changes in regional temperature and precipitation regimes, including shifts in the frequency and intensity of extreme climate-related events affect forest ecosystems, population health, livelihoods, local economies and natural resource availability across national borders. Over the past years, climate extremes have played an important role in an increased occurrence of wildfires, which were uncommon a few decades ago. The mountain forests of South Caucasus, where fires were not an intrinsic factor for many years, are currently much more vulnerable and sensitive.
Climate change (CC) in the South Caucasus eco-region is a transnational challenge, thus further regional cooperation would be an important step for adaptation planning and building climate resilience in the region. The ecosystems are highly vulnerable to climate change due to an increasing exposure to climate-induced wildfires and the lack of adaptive capacities that are limited by a number of barriers and systemic gaps which are common for two countries, including: i) weak regulatory framework, fragmented competencies and conflicting institutional responsibilities hamper an adequate assessment and mainstreaming of climate risks in national policies and planning; (ii) institutional and individual capacities of the responsible entities are constrained by limited technical knowledge, preventing the application of suitable adaptation and wildfire risk reduction approaches in mountainous terrain (iii) inadequate monitoring, forecasting and early warning system, and limited capacities to generate, coordinate and disseminate climate and early warning information;(iv) weak technical and operational capacities for efficient fire prevention and on-the-ground adaptation measures to secure resilience of communities and ecosystems; (v) insufficient regional cooperation and data/information exchange between two countries; (vi) information and knowledge gaps to understand and address the risks of wildfires at local level. The regional approach will allow building cooperation between the two countries on hydro-meteorological data management, harmonizing hazard assessment methodologies, monitoring and forecasting of wildfires and other climate-induced disasters, setting up joint Early Warning Systems and other activities to overcome those barriers. The common modelling tools for risk and vulnerability assessment, common SOPs on information collection, storage and dissemination, as well as reporting standards on climate induced hazards are necessary.
Having said these, UNDP in partnership with the governments of Armenia and Georgia initiated preparation of the regional project to be presented to the Adaptation Fund (AF) with aim to increase the resilience of mountain communities and forest ecosystems on which they depend to climate induced hazards through sustainable fire management practices and capacity building. As a result, the project will enhance protection of South Caucasus rich forest biodiversity, enhance carbon sinks, and improve population safety and livelihoods. The objective of the project is to assist Armenia and Georgia in the implementation of an integrated transboundary climate-resilient wildfire management approach in order to improve climate resilience of South Caucasus mountain communities, livelihoods and ecosystems. The project will achieve this by enhancing the existing capacities to manage fire risk at local, national and regional levels based on enhanced regulations, climate risk knowledge and information, and strengthened institutional collaboration and transboundary cooperation frameworks. As a result, the Adaptation Fund project will improve the resilience of 600,000 ha of mountain ecosystems and of 800,000 people in two countries.
Scope of work:
The objective of this assignment is to develop a Project Concept Note and full Project Proposal on “Increased climate resilience of South Caucasus mountain communities and ecosystems through wildfire risk reduction” to be submitted to the Adaptation Fund. The International Consultant will act as a resource person to lead the project preparation process, to coordinate project scoping and to deliver the Project Concept Note and the Project Proposal’s full packages in line with the format and requirements of AF.
This will also involve provision of technical support in: i) reviewing of the existing materials and outputs of local consultants; ii) designing the project components and detailed activities, including cost-estimates, and detailed log-frame; iv) finalization of the project concept note and the proposal and related Adaptation Fund submission materials; iv) liaison with the relevant national stakeholders, Implementing Agency and parallel bilateral initiatives as requested; v) advice on the project implementation strategy in general.
The consultnat will have to address technical comments from AF and UNDP before and after submission for final approval by the AF’s Board. The International Consultant will be responsible for coordination with other consultant(s) as needed and ensuring overall quality and timeliness of the delivered proposal’s package.
The consultant will act under the overall supervision of UNDP Armenia Sustainable Growth and Resilience Programme Analyst in coordination with the Energy and Environment Portfolio Team Leader of UNDP Georgia, and as informed by guidance from the UNDP Regional Technical Specialist.
Deberes y responsabilidades
Consistent with the above general scope, the Consultant will work closely with local experts as coordinated by UNDP and will perform the following duties:
- Lead and advice a team of multi-disciplinary national experts engaged in the process of preparation to ensure complementarity in data gathering, analysis and provision of inputs into the package preparation;
- Work closely with relevant government and non-government agencies, support stakeholder consultations and document their inputs and incorporate into the concept and proposal;
- Ensure the concept and proposal are evidence-based and has all necessary references to proof a that the proposed adaptation solution demonstrates its feasibility across all project outputs;
- Provide guidance for data collection related to project planning and monitoring with particular attention to the description and quantification of the baseline investments;
- Support UNDP in coordination the project development with the on-going and planned climate change and related regional and national initiatives to ensure synergies and avoid duplication;
Design of the concept note and the full proposal
- Building on the existing pre-concept note to review subject related policies, reports and material and the experience of relevant regional and national initiative in the subject area, as well as similar projects approved by the AF to come with a solid baseline and justification for climate resilient fire risk management practices;
- Finalize project scoping with the provision of project strategy, evidence and in-depth situational analysis to support the design of the concept and project addressing additionality, climate and non-climate drivers, gaps and needs, best practices and lessons learned. Provide summary note on available global evidence on the efficiency of the proposed project strategy;
- Develop a Theory of Change (TOC) for promoting sustainable wildfire management practices integrated with ecosystem-based adaptation;
- Further elaborate on the purpose, expected outcomes, outputs and activities of the proposed project with cost estimates, based on a coherent logical framework that should include SMART indicators to measure performance with sources of verification and key assumptions;
- Provide clear indication of social, environmental and economic benefits, innovative aspects, project sustainability and replication potential, etc.;
- Identify and indicate the compliance with national technical codes and standards, as well as compliance with the Environmental and Social Policy of the Adaptation Fund. Support in preparation and provision of inputs into environment and social safeguards assessment through data collection and analysis.
- Identify the roles and responsibilities of all concerned stakeholders and outline a practical mechanism for project implementation. Work closely with UNDP Country offices to design project management arrangements in accordance with UNDP rules and procedures;
- Identify possible risks and challenges to be faced by the proposed project, as well as design risk matrix with mitigation actions to ensure its success and sustainability;
- Prepare the project budget, as well as the procurement plan, detailed as requested by the AF full funding proposal template;
- Consider cross-cutting issues related to gender aspects and vulnerable groups and ensure input into gender analysis as required;
- Elaborate the project tentative work plan and implementation timetable, TORs for core project management, etc.;
- Prepare the project monitoring and evaluation framework with cost estimates;
- Develop the full AF project proposal with all mandatory annexes;
- To address comments from the Governments, UNDP and review committees on the proposal during submission and final approval processes (including the case if approval period will exceed contracting period);
- To contribute and participate in the project scoping, design and validation meetings, to disseminate related materials and to deliver presentations as necessary;
Terms and Conditions for provision of services:
- The assignment will be a combination of in country missions and the desk study; At least one country visit to Georgia and Armenia for 5 days in each country is envisaged to conduct interviews, gather first-hand information, present project scope and overall strategy, and provide inputs into discussions around project log-frame and implementation strategy at the project design meeting;
- UNDP reserves a right to terminate the contract at any phase if the requirements as per the TOR are not met.
Expected outputs:
- Draft Work Plan with conceptually defined project preparation steps and check-list for baseline information gathering- (December, 7 2018)
- AF Project Concept Note - (January 15, 2019)
- Complete draft AF Full Project Proposal’s package with all mandatory annexes - (March 15, 2019)
- AF Full Project Proposal package with annexes addressing UNDP and Governments’ comments for submission to the AF- (15 April 2019)
- Revised AF Full Project Proposal package addressing the AF Secretariat comments - (31 August 2019)
Payment mode:
Payment will be conducted in the following installments upon completion of the tasks under each output and approval of deliverables by UNDP country offices and Regional Technical Specialist:
- Output 1 - 20 % of total amount
- Output 2 - 20 % of total amount
- Output 3 - 40% of total amount
- Output 5 - 20% of the total amount
In addition to the consultancy fee the expert will be paid Cost of economy class round trip ticket, terminal and visa (if needed) expenses, as well as DSA during in country mission according to established UNDP rates and procedures.
- Understanding of and practical exposure to the institutional and operational framework governing climate induced hazards and disaster risk reduction in the countries with economies in transition; Strong interpersonal skills with ability to establish and maintain effective work relationships with people of different social and cultural backgrounds;
- Strong track record with producing high quality research and strong quantitative skills in project design, scenario analysis;
- Proven knowledge of communication tools, excellent writing skills;
- Excellent coordination and collaboration skills, with ability to work under time pressure and handle multiple activities and projects concurrently;
- Ability to work independently and to participate effectively in a team-based information sharing;
- Good computer literacy, knowledge of MS office software and web-based applications.
Habilidades y experiencia requeridas
- Advanced University Degree (MSc, MA or PhD) in natural and environmental sciences, development studies, risk management and other relevant discipline. A relevant university degree in combination with qualifying experience in the project design and evaluation may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
- At least 7 years of proven experience in Adaptation Fund, GEF, GCF project design and evaluation under UNDP, UNEP, WB and/or other international organizations in the area of CC adaptation, ecosystem and community resilience, DRR; handling of AF and GEF review processes;
- Proven practical experience in information gathering and research methodology; experience in coaching/mentoring/assisting team of consultants;
- Proficiency in the English language is required. Knowledge of Russian is an advantage;
Candidates will be evaluated using a cumulative analysis method taking into consideration the combination of the applicants' technical qualifications, experience and financial proposal. The contract will be awarded to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as technically responsive/compliant/acceptable to the requirements of the ToR and received the highest cumulative (technical and financial) score out of below defined technical and financial criteria.
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the technical evaluation would be considered for financial evaluation.
Technical Criteria - 70% of total evaluation - max. 70 points
Financial Criteria - 30% of total evaluation - max. 30 points.
- UNDP Personal History form (P11):
- Financial Proposal and Availability form : OFFEROR’S LETTER TO UNDP
General Conditions of Contract is available here:
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