Development losses caused by disasters as well as population and GDP exposure to hazards are continuously being increased in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereafter BiH). The country is exposed to various hazards, with most common ones being earthquakes, floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, landslides and man-made hazards with climate change forecasts predicting an acceleration of extreme weather phenomena. BiH is among the most forest rich states in Europe with forest land covering 48,3% of the territory of the country. Forest fires occur in BiH on a yearly basis. During period 1999 to 2009 BiH was affected by more than 6,100 forest fires causing direct damages amounting to close to 50 million USD. 98% of fires are caused by humans which means that awareness raising, education and local actions that decrease detrimental human actions should be strengthened.
The numerous challenges the country faced after the war, combined with political deadlocks and weak economic situation put disaster risks at the bottom of priorities. This led not only to weak general capacities but also to unabsorbing of improvements and new approaches in dealing with disaster risks. In order to shift the focus from “business as usual” and introduce innovative DRR approaches in BiH, UNDP developed Disaster Risk Analysis System (DRAS) software. DRAS allows free access to scientific hazard data to decision makers and citizens in order to increase disaster risk awareness for specific locality. DRAS consists of 3 Modules. Module is 1 publicly available, while Modules 2 and 3 are accessible to respective local authorities. Module 1 that displays floods, landslides, earthquake and mine suspected areas hazard maps on google maps can be accessed via the following link: Module 2 allows local governance authorities to view information on individuals that are considered as vulnerable categories of population, enabling better inclusion of vulnerable categories into DRR planning. Module 3 allows fast computer analysis and creation of spatial risk assessments for local authorities combining scientific hazard, land use and vulnerability data. Additional expansion of DRAS to include fire hazard and risk assessments would provide for invaluable assets for DRR and much needed awareness raising of fire risks in the country.
Given the Czech experience in advancement of disaster management and in particular forest fire prevention including risk assessments, objective of this assignment is to transfer Czech experience to BiH through development of general fire hazard and risk assessment methodology for scaling up of DRAS, but also through delivery of hazard and risk assessment for two beneficiary municipalities (Mrkonjic Grad and Livno) and workshop for municipalities on fire hazard and risk assessment.
The above described background is a summary and the selected candidate will be provided with more details on the current disaster risk reduction situation and on-going activities in the country.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, Fire Hazard and Risk Assessments Expert is to develop methodology for inclusion of fire hazard and risk assessments into DRAS as well as develop and deliver fire hazard and risk assessment for two municipalities (Mrkonjic Grad and Livno). Mrkonjic Grad and Livno are two beneficiary municipalities of Increasing Resilience of Livno, Mrkonjic Grad and Maglaj and are highly exposed to the risk of fires.
The expected outcome of this assignment is direct contribution to improved fire assessment practices in BiH with particular focus on municipal level leading to increase in fire risk awareness and community resilience.
The consultant will be expected to achieve following deliverables:
- Conduct analysis (approx. 20 standard pages in English language) of current status of fire hazard and risk assessments in the country and familiarize himself with DRAS system (within two months after the start of assignment);
- Propose methodology (approx. 40 standard pages in English language) for inclusion of fire hazard and risk assessments into DRAS (within three months after the start of assignment);
- Develop and deliver hazard and risk assessment (approx. 40 pages in English language per each municipality) for two municipalities (Mrkonjic Grad and Livno) (within seven months after the start of the assignment);
- Deliver a workshop to relevant personnel of 5 fire prone municipalities, including Livno and Mrkonjic Grad, on how to conduct fire hazard and risk assessment based on approved methodology.
In detail consultant is expected to:
- The starting point for the assignment would be familiarization with DRAS system and current status of fire hazard and risk assessments in the country compared to latest developments in the field with focus on municipal level. This will include analysis of current fire hazard and risk assessment practices including quality and availability of input data (historical fires data, land use, type of vegetation, humidity, temperatures, topography, etc.) for these assessments, international practices and latest developments. In order to achieve this, expert will conduct desk review of relevant local and international documentation and come to a mission to BiH in order to interview all relevant stakeholders.
- Based on the assessment expert will propose methodology for inclusion of fire hazard and risk assessments into DRAS. Proposed methodology will contain all relevant aspects including details on input data (historical fires data, land use, type of vegetation, humidity, temperatures, topography, etc.), explanations of related calculations, description of all technical aspects, etc. Particular focu will be put on vulnerable categories of population. UNDP will ensure translation of proposed methodology and share it with relevant governmental stakeholders and academic institutions in the country to seek their inputs and approval. The presentation of the final approved methodology to all relevant stakeholders will be done by expert during the second mission in the form of roundtable.
- Based on approved methodology the, expert will deliver detailed scientific fire hazard and risk assessment for two municipalities (Mrkonjic Grad and Livno). Data required for hazard and risk assessment for these two municipalities will be collected by UNDP through requests to relevant official institutions. Final hazard and risk assessments for Mrkonjic Grad and Livno will serve as testing of methodology and final input for DRAS once the system gets upgraded with additional module for fires.
- In the end expert will deliver a workshop to relevant personnel of 5 fire prone municipalities, including Livno and Mrkonjic Grad, on how to conduct fire hazard and risk assessment based on approved methodology.
All tasks will be done in close collaboration and support of local stakeholders and civil protection and forest fires experts and UNDP. Draft and final versions of methodology, fire hazard and risk assessments will be approved by relevant counterparts and UNDP, all of the recommendations/questions made by the relevant counterparts and UNDP have to be take into the account or explained. The duration of this task is estimated to be 60 working days including two missions to BiH within 7 months.
All documents to be delivered by consultant should be in English language. UNDP will ensure translation of these documents into local languages as well as translation of relevant local documents into English language.
The consultant is expected to initiate and conduct at least two (2) meeting at the Czech Embassy in Sarajevo– at the beginning of the first mission and at the end of the last one.
- Upon signing of the contract - 11th January 2019, 20%;
- Delivery of methodology for inclusion of fire hazard and risk assessments into DRAS - 20 days, 25th March 2019, 30%;
- Development and delivery of hazard and risk assessment for two municipalities (Mrkonjic Grad and Livno) and workshop for municipalities - 40 days, 30th August 2019, 50%.
Corporate Responsibility and Teamwork:
- Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Plans, prioritizes and delivers tasks on time;
- Strives for and promotes excellence in performance continually;
- Participates effectively in a team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating with others;
People Skills:
- Demonstrates ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds;
- Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others;
- Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent and credible behavior;
- Respects individual/cultural differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork;
- Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process.
Partnering and Networking:
- Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies;
- Ability to work as a member of a team as well as work autonomously.
- Plans and procedures quality results to meet established goals.
- Technical writing skills, formulates written information clearly and persuasively;
- Strong communication skills;
- Presents information in a clear and articulate manner.
Job Knowledge and Expertise:
- Strong analytical skills;
- Knowledge and experience on fire hazard and risk assessments;
Required Skills and Experience
Academic Qualifications/Education:
- Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) forestry, environment, development or related field;
- BA in combination with 2 additional years of working experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
- At least 7 years of professional experience in the field of disaster risk reduction with focus on fires;
- Knowledge and experience of working on fire hazard and risk assessments;
- Strong understanding of disaster risk reduction and in particular understanding risks;
- Experience of working on fire hazard and risk assessments in Czech Republic and/or EU;
- Proven knowledge and previous experience in preparation of of written reports and studies in this or related field.
Languages Requirements:
- Fluency in written and spoken English language is required for this assignment.
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 point would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Technical criteria:
- Rating based on Qualifications - Weight: 35%;
- Rating based on Interview - Weight: 65%:
- Strong understanding of disaster risk reduction and in particular understanding risks;
- Experience of working on fire hazard and risk assessments in Czech Republic and EU;
- Proven knowledge and previous experience in preparation of written reports and studies in this or related field.
Financial criteria: Weight: 30%.
Long/Shortlisting Criteria:
- Relevant Education - 20 points;
- Relevant professional experience - 20 points;
- Experience of working on fire hazard and risk assessments in Czech Republic and EU based on CV and/or methodology - 60 points;
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology:
Cumulative analysis
When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
- * Technical Criteria weight-70%
- * Financial Criteria weight- 30%
Applicants are required to submit an application including:
- Proposal:
- Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
- Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work; or sample of previous document/strategy/paper done by the consultant. Methodology (up to 3 pages in English language) should list the proposed workplan including concrete activities and timelines of the assignment, list of relevant stakeholders that will be consulted in BiH, short overview of international, Czech and/or EU fire hazard and risk assessment methodologies that will be used during the assignment as well as potential challenges and mitigation measures.
- Completed and signed the Offeror’s template Confirming Interest and Availability (please follow the link:;
- Latest personal CV, including past experience from similar projects, and email, telephone and any other contact details for references;
- Financial proposal which will separately specify professional fee, indicating number of anticipated working days, travel costs (air-ticket or use of private vehicle), living allowance, and all other applicable costs.
Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.
- For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 65 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
- Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.