
UNDP Practice Architecture

UNDP’s Strategic Plan 2008-2011 and the 2008 regionalization paper articulate the corporate requirement to bring timely and effective substantive and technical services to the country offices through strengthened practice architecture at the global, regional and country level. The UNDP Practice Architecture serves as a framework for better organizing UNDP to provide consistent policy advisory services, more relevant and substantive policy knowledge, better linking of policy and programming and capacity development. The value of the practice architecture lies in its comprehensive structure to solidify UNDP and its staff into a global team that ensures coherence, consistency, alignment and quality assurance in the way UNDP delivers service internally and to development partners and programme countries.

The practice management structure at the Regional Service Centre (RSC) level is composed of a dedicated Practice Leader (PL) for each practice/thematic area, a Knowledge Management Team Leader, and a number of technical policy and programme advisors and specialists. The PL coordinates the regional and community of practice with the global practice, regardless of funding source, to promote consistency and coherence within the practice.

The Bureau for Development Policy (BDP) is responsible for articulating UNDP’s global development policy, using evidence gathered through country applications, regional experiences and global interactions. BDP has a key role to play in helping country offices to accelerate human development by supporting the country offices in the design and implementation of programmes and projects that effectively contribute to the national-level policies and results. Driven by demand, and working through the Regional Bureaux and the 6 RSCs in Bangkok, Bratislava, Cairo, Dakar, Johannesburg and Panama City, BDP provides the global tools, analysis and capacities that country offices need to make a real difference in UNDP’s practice areas. BDP’s support of UNDP’s strategic plan 2008-2011 is focused in 4 practices (Poverty Reduction and the MDGs, Governance, Environment and Energy, HIV/AIDS) and 2 thematic areas (Capacity Development and Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment).

Thematic Approach: Environment and Energy Group
The Environment and Energy Group (EEG) focuses its work in support of the Environment and Sustainable Development results area of the UNDP Strategic Plan. Within this area, 4 key pillars are identified: mainstreaming environment; adaptation to climate change; environmental finance; and local access to environmental and energy services. Support to these pillars is delivered through specialized technical teams working in climate change, energy, ecosystems and natural resources. Technical team staff are located in each of the Regional Service Centres supported by a leadership and management team in HQ.

EEG provides an integrated package of services consisting of both policy advice and assistance in mobilizing the finance to deliver the solutions. Sources of funds for this work include the UNDP Biannual Support Budget (BSB), Global Cooperation Framework (GCF), Environment and Energy Thematic Trust Fund (TTF), GEF Trust Fund, Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF), Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), Adaptation Fund, Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol (MLF), a number of bilateral donors, foundations, the private sector, and increasingly complex environmental finance mechanisms such as premiums associated with the market price of regulatory and voluntary carbon market instruments. Currently EEG is supporting country office led programmes to a value of nearly USD 1 billion per year.

Regional Context

UNDP Africa’s strategic vision places capacity development for pro-poor growth and accountability at the centre of all UNDP-supported activities in the region, given the fact that lack of capacity in these areas remains one of the key challenges faced by Africa today in its efforts to achieve the MDGs. To achieve this goal UNDP has set itself the tasks of: (a) strengthening its strategic thinking and advocacy functions in line with the UNDP Strategic Plan and with Africa’s development agenda; (b) creating in-house capacity to translate corporate support goals into capacity development results; and (c) providing support to UN reform and strengthening its partnerships with both UN and external development partners.

African countries recognize that achieving the MDGs, and in particular the critical environment and energy targets outlined in MDG Goal 7, is fraught with complex challenges that will require ensuring the sustainable management of ecosystems and natural resources which underpin the economies of the countries in the region and the welfare of the poor, developing capacities for expanding access to energy services, and responding to the impacts/consequences of climate change.

To support African countries in the region in this area, UNDP will continue to mobilize and manage resources from GEF, bilateral donors, other trust funds and the new mechanism for environmental finance mentioned above.
In the area of energy, UNDP will: (a) accelerate implementation of sub-regional energy policies (ECOWAS, EAC) and support formulation for other sub-regions; (b) scale up delivery of energy services and adaptation of technologies such as multi-functional platforms and promote innovative and gender-sensitive local energy solutions; (c) create a favourable investment climate in the energy sector; and (d) complement capacity development initiatives for regional energy trade arrangements. Regarding climate change, UNDP aims toprotect sustained MDG achievement from climate change and setting development on a low carbon path: priorities will include: (a) integrating climate risk information into policies, planning processes and investment decisions; (b) building capacity for the routine use of climate risk information in national planning processes and early warning systems generating resources to minimize exposure of people and assets to climate risks; (c) adjusting fiscal and regulatory frameworks to enable the private sector to invest resources in a climate-sensitive way; (d) putting in place appropriate safety nets to help those affected by climate shocks to recover; and (e) facilitate Africa’s participation in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), including technology transfer through South-South cooperation.

In the area of sustainable management of ecosystems and natural resources, priorities include: (a) mainstreaming ecosystem management objectives into economic sector activities and land governance in production landscapes; (b) unleashing the economic potential of protected areas; (c) mitigating land degradation; and (d) promoting integrated water resource management. The Environment and Energy Practice in the east and southern Africa region, under the leadership of the Practice Leader, will need to focus on the priority areas outlined above, working closely with the other practices, with the regional programme, and with other environment and energy partners that are active in the region.

Deberes y responsabilidades

In line with UNDP’s regionalization framework document, the role of the Environment and Energy Practice Leader is to strengthen the practice in the region, with emphasis on practice management and co-ordination with connection to global experiences. The incumbent will ensure the quality and relevance of advisory support and ensure that related regional programme and project services are fully aligned with EEG norms and approaches. To that end the PL’s functions are fully integrated into the global planning and delivery structure of the Regional Service Centre within the Africa Sub-regional Office (ASRO). As a result, the incumbent will report and be accountable for the delivery and quality of results through the RSC Manager to the Deputy Regional Director (DRD) at the ASRO with regard to all matters related to the planning and delivery of demand-based policy advisory support to Country Offices, and to the EEG Practice Director in BDP/New York on issues pertaining to compliance with Environment and Energy practice policies, norms and standards, and the RSC contribution to global evidence-based knowledge in this area.

In addition, the PL will, upon demand: (a) support Country Offices and regional projects; (b) support the management of financial resources being invested from multiple sources in the environment and energy sector in the region ; (c) lead, coordinate and manage a team of technically specialized Policy and Programme Advisors at the L-4/5 level; (d) manage at least one substantive area of work in the politically complex environment of the region; and (e) lead the practice area in the region ensuring UNDP’s credibility to deliver quality and visible support to the region’s environment and energy agenda.

This integrated approach translates into joint work planning and joint performance assessment. The assessment of the PL’s performance will be conducted in line with the provisions of the 2008 regionalization framework. The incumbent will be responsible for the following functions:

1.  Practice Management and Co-ordination

Substantive Leadership:

  • Provide substantive leadership, coordination and management of the practice team including all personnel engaged in environment and energy activities in the RSC;
  • Through the Practice Facilitation mechanism at the RSC, contribute towards strengthening the interface between regional programme delivery and UNDP policy and practice;
  • Lead advocacy on environment and energy issues in the region including promotion of related global policies, norms and standards and the sharing of the global experience;
  • Collaborate with the EEG Practice Director at Headquarters to ensure that RSC support to countries is up to date on evolving environment and energy policies.

Coordination and Management:

  • Develop and implement environment and energy practice work plans and provide practice management oversight;
    Consolidate and anchor the practice architecture in the region to support Country Offices;
  • Ensure liaison with Country Offices and with the regional programme to support the inclusion of environment, energy, and climate change issues at the planning stages of country and regional programmes;
  • Identify sub-regional and inter-country development and integration opportunities and translate them into environment and energy capacity development initiatives;
  • Support the Global Tracking system for environment and energy services;
  • Manage all activities related to the practice functions at the RSC including direct supervision, where appropriate, of the policy advisors and specialists, and create a positive team environment while ensuring access to learning opportunities for all staff.

Mobilizing the Community of Practice:

  • Promote and support the development of an Environment and Energy Community of Practice (COP) at the regional level and catalyze and connect to global experiences including cross-regional/practice collaboration;
  • Leverage and capitalize on the approaches and tools in other practices to strengthen the environment and energy practice.

2. Policy Development and Advocacy

  • Contribute towards the development of corporate policy and guidance in the environment and energy area under the leadership of the Practice Director in BDP NY;
  • Provide substantive inputs to international fora to help shape global and regional development strategies, policies, norms and standards;
  • Provide substantive and content contributions to UNDP corporate discussions and Inter-Agency coordination on practice issues;
  • Represent UNDP (and UN partner organizations) to advocate practice messages in international development fora discussion;
  • Mobilize external partnerships behind UN/UNDP initiatives.

3. Policy Advisory/Programme Support-Delivery

  • Upon demand, provide policy advisory services to Country Offices, governments, the Africa regional programme, and other partners in the region in a specialized technical area;
  • Contribute to the design and formulation of country and regional programmes, drawing upon lessons from programmes and other initiatives in the region and from global experiences;
  • Provide effective demand-driven support to programmes being implemented in the practice area;
  • Strengthen internal Country Office capacity on the use of UNDP corporate environment and energy practice development frameworks;
  • Facilitate access to financial resources funds for environment and energy by Country Offices and regional programmes and promote the effective utilization of these funds;
  • Provide guidance on cross thematic issues and lead the development of cross practice synergy.

4. Programme Development and Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance:

  • Provide Quality Assurance to ensure alignment with global development policies, norms and standards;
  • Co-ordinate delivery of demand-driven service delivery to country offices and regional programmes ensuring professionalism in support – e.g. timelines, responsiveness, quality in deliverables, etc;
  • Effectively position UNDP’s practice capacity within the UN system to foster consistency in approach at the regional level by scanning and assessing activities of non-UNDP players and supporting UNCTs and UNDP CO programming arrangements with government counterparts.

Partnership Building:

  • Scan partnership opportunities and donor intelligence and inform the RSC Manager and DRD of new partnership developments – e.g. donor priorities, pledges, new donor funding modalities, etc. ensuring that these support the practice area;
  • Support the building of regional partnerships to support the environment and energy practice area, and support resource mobilization strategies in liaison with the DRD;
  • Maintain and strengthen partnerships with key multilaterals (Bretton Woods Institutions, regional development banks, etc) and key regional institutions on environment and energy matters;
  • Lead partnership building with regional and local institutions and consultancies;
  • Provide guidance and leadership for the engagement of civil society in environment and energy activities and promote civic engagement and the establishment of strategic partnerships;
  • Engage national and regional partners in practice policy and programme responses upon demand from, and under the leadership of the country offices and the UNCT.

5. Knowledge Management (KM)

  • Develop with the Knowledge Management Team, in co-ordination with the Practice Director and appropriate HQ technical advisors, region-wide lessons learnt, best practices and generate knowledge needed and lessons learnt to shape UNDP’s global strategies in the region;
  • Lead the building of environment and energy knowledge networks with regional and local institutions and consultancies;
  • Lead local KM sharing events and support the corporate KM agenda;
  • Support the development of a knowledge system and support the utilization of KM strategies and tools;
  • Develop an environment and energy expert roster for the region in the practice area;
  • Ensure cross-practice approaches and cross-regional collaboration.

The Practice Leader’s role will impact the strengthening of the global practice architecture of UNDP, the quality and relevance of programme and project services in the practice area and the results of UNDP’s programmes in the region in the practice area. In turn it will impact on UNDP’s capacity to deliver on its Strategic Plan 2008-2011.



  • Demonstrates high level technical skills and expertise in a particular substantive thematic area in the areas of environment, energy, or climate change;
  • Demonstrates ongoing up-to-date familiarity with global processes and practices in a related substantive technical area;
  • Demonstrates deep familiarity with the programme and project development and implementation process in a particular substantive area.


  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness, by serving as a model for UN/UNDP’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.


  • Strong ability to apply various practice/thematic area related development theories to the specific context, including translating practice principles into effective policy and programme interventions in the field;
  • Strong substantive knowledge in the field of environment and energy with ability to link knowledge to UN/UNDP global policies, treaties, processes and frameworks;
  • Capacity to interact with senior officials and credibly influence senior decision makers in UNDP programme countries and other international development organizations;
  • Strong analytical, negotiation and communication skills, including ability to produce high quality practical advisory reports and knowledge products, represent the organization and present global policies, norms and tools;
  • Professional and/or academic experience in environment, energy and related development issues.


  • Demonstrated ability to think strategically and to provide credible leadership;
  • Innovative approaches/experience on global development issues;
  • Demonstrated intellectual leadership and ability to integrate knowledge with broader strategic overview and corporate vision;
  • Demonstrated flexibility in leadership by performing and/or overseeing the analysis/resolution of complex issues;
  • Strong managerial/leadership experience and decision-making skills with proven track record of mature judgments;
  • Ability to conceptualize and convey strategic vision;
  • Knowledge and expertise/recognized expert in practice area;
  • Proven ability to lead a practice area and drive for results;
  • Demonstrated ability to be accountable for practice’s global policies.

Managing Relationships

  • Demonstrated well developed people management and organizational management skills;
  • Strong ability to manage teams; creating an enabling environment, mentoring and developing staff;
  • Excellent negotiating and networking skills with strong partnerships in academia, technical organizations and as a recognized expert in the practice area;
  • Strong resource mobilization and partnering skills and ability to accept accountability for management of large volume of financial resources.

Managing Complexity

  • Ability to address global development issues;
  • Substantive knowledge and understanding of development cooperation with the ability to support the practice architecture of UNDP and inter-disciplinary issues;
  • Demonstrated substantive leadership and ability to integrate knowledge with broader strategic, policy and operational objectives;
  • A sound global network of institutional and individual contacts.

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Ability to strongly promote and build knowledge products;
  • Promotes knowledge management in UNDP and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
  • Seeks and applies knowledge, information and best practices from within and outside of UNDP;
  • Provides constructive coaching and feedback.


  • Mature judgment and initiative;
  • Proven ability to provide strategic direction in practice area;
  • Independent judgment and discretion in advising on handling major policy issues and challenges, uses diplomacy and tact to achieve results.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • An advanced university degree in environmental management or a related development related field.


  • 10 years of overall relevant professional experience as well as a proven professional record in the practice area. Work experience from a developing country context is highly desirable. A track record of extensive national and international working experience with increasing managerial responsibilities in the development arena and UNDP’s practice areas and the ability to link to global policy development for UNDP.
  • Experience in leading/managing knowledge product development and dissemination.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in English both written and verbal.  Good working knowledge of French highly desirable.