
Lao PDR is located in the centre of a dynamic and prospering region. The Lao economy has grown strongly for more than a decade. From 2001-2005, real GDP growth was amongst the highest in the region, growing at an annual average rate of 6.3%, 0.3% higher than average growth rate in the previous 5-year period (1996 – 2000). Trade is viewed by the Government as a driver for growth and poverty alleviation. The proportion of GDP generated by the agriculture and forestry sector is approximately one-third, and much of the export expansion driving growth is based on activities that directly exploit the country’s natural resource endowment - hydro-electricity and mining.
Poverty in Lao PDR declined steadily from 46% to 33% during the decade 1992-2002. The UNDP Global Human Development Index (HDI) has shown consistent improvement between 1993, when the Lao PDR ranked 141 out of 173 countries, and today when ranked 130 out of 177 countries. However, an estimated 32 percent of the population still lives below the national poverty line. Poverty is multi-dimensional and, given the high dependence of the Lao national economy on natural resources, together with the fact that up to 80% of Lao people are highly dependent on the natural resource base for their livelihoods, is closely linked to environment health and the sustainability of natural resource use and management. In terms of food security, for example, approximately 40% of the rural population are considered at risk of becoming food insecure because of either loss of access to natural resource, floods, drought, or a sudden increase in food prices.
The Lao PDR accessed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 4 January 1995. As a party to the UNFCCC, the Lao PDR is required to periodically report to the Conference of Parties (COP) on greenhouse gas inventories, national measures to mitigate and facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change, and any other information relevant to the achievement of the objectives of the Climate Change Convention. Lao PDR is also a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol, which it accessed on 6 January 2003, and may thus host Clean Development Mechanism project activities to mitigate greenhouse gases.
With funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and technical support by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Lao PDR completed its First National Communication (FNC) in November 2000. Similarly, with funding from GEF and technical support by UNDP, the Lao PDR is in the process of finalizing its National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA). The preparation of a Second National Communication (SNC) for UNFCCC, funded by GEF, has been approved and the implementation of this project over the next three years will encompass a national greenhouse gas inventory, vulnerability and adaptation analysis, integration of mitigation and adaptation considerations into national programmes, and a gap analysis, amongst other activities.
On 8 of May 2008, the Prime Minister established the National Steering Committee on Climate Change (NSCCC) and defined its mandates and responsibilities. One of the outcomes of the NSCCC is the development of a National Strategy on Climate Change that assesses the impacts, and outlines priority actions that need to be taken. This strategy is expected to be completed in September 2009, and its development will be undertaken in three stages:
  1. Stage 1 (August 2008 – March 2009): Sectoral working groups will assess impacts of climate change and identify priority actions with the participation of all stakeholders, including international organizations.
  2. Stage 2 (December 2008-June 2009): analysis of the implications of climate change on economic growth and the poverty reduction goals of the country will be undertaken. A financing framework will also be articulated to identify funding priorities and access new carbon financing instruments. Stage 1 and Stage 2 will conclude with the draft strategy and action plan that will be submitted for the consideration of the NSCCC.
  3. Stage 3 (March 2009-October 2009): consultative process leading to the adoption of the National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.
Given the central role of UNDP in supporting the Government to develop the Lao PDR NAPA and SNC, access to the UN MDG Carbon Facility, and support the development and implementation of a NAPA follow up project, together with a broader set of programmes that address governance, poverty reduction, UXO and disaster management, and environment, UNDP is well placed among development agencies in Lao PDR to support the Government to address the complex linkages of development, climate change and environment in an integrated manner.
In this context, UNDP seeks qualified candidates to provide the Climate Change Office (Secretariat to the NCSCCC) and Sectoral/Technical Working Groups with technical assistance and advice in order for them to develop the SNC, and to provide input to the process of development and implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy. Under the guidance of the Water Resources and Environment Agency (WREA), the Advisor will work closely with relevant government agencies, primarily the NSCCC, Climate Change Office of WREA, Ministry of Agriculture (MAF) and Working Groups, providing technical, operational and strategic advice, and relevant capacity development services. His/her work will include capacity building and institutional strengthening activities and the provision of technical and strategic inputs on climate change within the key government fora.
The Climate Change Technical Advisor will also work closely with the UNDP/UNEP Environment Unit team to develop a climate change action programme and oversee its implementation. S/he will identify opportunities for partnership building with donors, private sector and other actors in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Advisor will advise on climate change-related resource mobilization, particularly available carbon financing options including the MDG Carbon Facility. In this respect, s/he will provide technical advisory services on a wide range of climate change related issues.
The day-to-day work of the Technical Advisor will be guided by Director General of the Department of Environment to ensure the effective implementation of the project work plans and enhance national ownership and results.  The management of the Technical Advisor performance assessment will be the responsibility of the Deputy Resident Representative - Programmes, working in consultation with the project stakeholders.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Summary of key functions:

  • Strategic guidance and advice to the Government of Lao PDR to develop a comprehensive and consolidated response to climate change challenges, including to the elaboration and implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy
  • Provision of technical, capacity building and institutional support to the Government to develop the Lao PDR SNC, including results based management and reporting
  • Formulation of strategies, programme and projects related to climate change and facilitation of their implementation
  • Creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of resource mobilization strategy related to the climate change programme.

1. Function / Expected Results

  • Strategic guidance and advice to the Government of Lao PDR to develop a comprehensive and consolidated response to climate change challenges, including to the elaboration and implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy
  • Provide technical, capacity building and institutional strengthening support to the Government, NSCCC, National Climate Change Office and Sector Working Groups as they develop and implement the National Climate Change Strategy for Lao PDR.
  • Provide policy advice, strategic guidance and knowledge-sharing related to climate change to the Government.
  • Identify and develop a coordination mechanism between the multiple donors and INGOs that are involved in supporting climate change related activities, within the framework of a larger programme of coordination between Government and organizations supporting the environmental sector.
  • Promote information sharing and facilitate dialogue within the donor community by supporting the Government to initiate consultative meetings and prepare briefs and policy papers on climate change.

2. Function / Expected Results

  • Provision of technical, capacity building and institutional support to the Government to develop the Lao PDR SNC
  • Support the Government in the preparation of an updated report on current country’s situation with regard to sector policies, national strategies/plans, mechanisms and capacity for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
  • Provide technical support to the production of an updated greenhouse gas inventory for Lao PDR.
  • Realize capacity building activities with the Climate Change Office and Sector Working Groups on methods and tools for conducting vulnerability and adaptation assessments.
  • Provide overall guidance and programme management support to the SNC project team, including results based management and reporting.

3. Function / Expected Results

  • Formulation of strategies, programmes and projects related to climate change, and facilitation of their implementation
  • Building upon initial work undertaken, map out the currently active development partners, donors and private sector actors in the field of climate change in Lao PDR, conduct gap analysis, identify opportunities and further develop the UNDP/UNEP Environment Strategy and Action Plan in the area of climate change to support the Government.
  • Develop relevant strategies (including partnership and resource mobilization strategies) and coordinate overall UNDP/UNEP support to the Government in the area of climate change.
  • Conceptualize, plan, participate and coordinate the review and inputs into a new National Human Development Report on climate change, if and when the development of such a report is decided upon by the Government and UNDP.
  • Advise UNDP/UNEP and UNCT on national and international developments relevant to the UN’s policy, programme and operational interests on climate change, and assist in identifying coordinated corporate approaches.
  • Participate in various policy and partnership fora such as the government-donor sector working groups.
  • Serve as resource person in capacity development activities on climate change for the Government and the UN, including for the development and implementation of a carbon neutral strategy for the UNDP Country Programme.
    Support CO units to incorporate climate change into Governance, Poverty Reduction, and UXO and Disaster Management Programmes.

4. Function / Expected Results

  • Creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of resource mobilization strategy related to the climate change programme
  • Strengthen the partnership/coordination with key stakeholders, particularly the donors, private sector, and the government fora to identify opportunities, formulate joint initiatives with maximum impacts and efficiency, minimize duplication of efforts and reduce transaction costs.
  • Explore the potential for private sector partnerships in climate change and environment, and work on advocacy for private sector, donors and government counterparts regarding the opportunities on carbon / environmental financing.  
  • Support resource mobilization efforts of the Government on climate change especially with respect to climate change specific financing mechanisms such as MDG Carbon Facility, CDM, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) scheme, etc.
    Promote transfer of appropriate technologies such as alternative energy solutions.


Functional Competencies:

  • Demonstrated capacity and substantial experience in dealing with policy and strategic issues related to climate change. Substantive knowledge on all technical aspects of climate change, environmental governance, environmental economics and policy and institutional reviews with proven track record on policy advice.
  • Experience in capacity assessment and development.

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
  • Ability to lead policy formulation and monitoring.

Management and Leadership

  • Demonstrated experience in dealing with partnership building
  • Substantial pervious experience in working with high level and senior government officials, donor representatives and civil society on policy and strategic issues
  • Demonstrated strong coordination and facilitation skills
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Works well under pressure
  • Proven networking, team-building, organizational and communication skills

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • A master’s degree in Environmental Economics, Policy, Climate Change Science or related social science fields


  • A minimum of seven (7) years of work experience in strategy formulation and management, and advisory capacity in the areas of climate change.
  • Proven professional experience and sound technical knowledge on Climate Change, including experience in the development of greenhouse gas inventories, and vulnerability and adaptation analysis.
  • Track record of successful capacity building and institutional strengthening activities with the public sector.
  • Experience with GEF Programme formulation and management, or experience in environmental financing, is desirable.
  • Knowledge of UNDP and UN system policies, programming and operational issues is desirable.
  • Working experience with UNDP, other UN agencies, international organizations and private sector in the relevant field is an advantage.  

Language Requirements:

  • Full working knowledge of English. Knowledge of Lao language and its culture is an asset.