
The constitution of Timor-Leste provides for a decentralized public administration and the topic has been on the political agenda since 2003.9 The 5th Government proposed to kick-start its decentralization process with what it called “administrative pre-deconcentration” and a district level structure was outlined under Decree Law No. 04/14 in January 2014. The recent development of the legal framework is also encouraging as, after several years pending in the National Parliament, the Law on Local Government and the Law on Municipal Elections were both approved by the National Parliament in 2017. Together with the Law on Territorial and Administrative Division, approved in 2009 and amended in 2017, the legal framework governing the decentralization process will soon be in full effect under the 7th Government.

A related area of growing concerns is over the capacity and quality of public service delivery provided by local governments. The government has proposed to allocate $132 million in 2018 for all Municipalities, as compared to $20-42 million in 2017, to be used for various decentralization programmes including the Integrated Municipality Development Planning (PDIM) and National Suco Development Programme (PNDS).

UNDP has signed an agreement with KOICA for the implementation of the project “Enhancing public sector accountability through institutional strengthening in anti-corruption and decentralization” in 2018 and 2019. The project goal is that Timor-Leste achieves sustainable peace and prosperity through strong institutions that deliver services in a more efficient, transparent, and inclusive manner to the people of Timor-Leste.

UNDP is looking for an enthusiastic person for the position of National Project Manager to coordinate the implementation of two components of the Project “Enhancing public sector accountability through institutional strengthening in anti-corruption and decentralization”. The person will work closely with the Technical Specialins to implemente the components listed below:

  1. Anti-Corruption: Government Officials and Civil Servants of Timor-Leste (Direct), General Public (Indirect)

Output 1.1: Key ministries’ and Municipality civil servants’ internal control mechanisms strengthened and transparency and accountability mechanisms adopted at the national and local levels - National Anti-Corruption Strategy finalized and approved - Municipality civil servants’ awareness on ethics & integrity and regulations on procurement increased - % of civil servants who deal with tax collection and licensing of foreign investment companies increased their knowledge on the prevention of corruption 

Output 1.2: Capacities of oversight institutions to promote corruption prevention and public-sector integrity increased

Output 1.3: Public commitment to address corruption and promote good governance and sustainable development strengthened through national awareness and dialogue initiatives

B. Supporting Effective Service Delivery and Decentralized Public Administration: local civil servants of the two pilot Municipalities, members of the Working Groups, and targeted community members (Direct), and general public (Indirect).

Output 1.1: Priority areas in each pilot Municipality identified agreed, promoting participation of women and youth through the UNDP ART methodology;

- At least one priority area for each Municipality was agreed by stakeholders including women and youth 

Output 1.2: Social impact projects designed and implemented at the local level, improving the service delivery capacity in each pilot Municipality.

- At least one project developed and implemented for each pilot Municipality through the participatory planning.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Duties and Responsibilities


The selected person will support the Project team on communication activities as follows:

The intern will work under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and in close collaboration with all Project’s team. The intern role consists of the following duties and responsibilities:

1.Prepare press releases, stories and communication materials with information of project activities in order to update the website of UNDP.

2.Design and support the preparation of project reports.

3.Prepare presentations and design banners for workshops and activities.

4.Take pictures and videos at workshops and project activities to inform progress of the project to donors and counterpart.

5. Edit and fully develop short videos 

6.Write short success stories for UNDP website.

7.Managing the translation 



The key results have an impact on the overall project effectiveness and communication to key stakeholders.


Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:

(a) Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or

equivalent, or higher); in the fields such as: Communication, public relations, designing, field editor and developers, etc

(b) Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent); in the fields such as: Communication, public relations, designing, field editor and developers, etc

(c) Have graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation.

field editor and developers, etc

(c) Have graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation