
The Government of Myanmar has developed the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP), as its overarching strategy for sustainable development in Myanmar in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 agenda. The MSDP will be implemented through a number of instruments, including through the Project Bank, a clearinghouse for large-scale government and public-private-partnership projects. The mechanism for coordinating and monitoring implementation of the MSDP, the MSDP Implementation Unit has yet to be convened. The MSDP is to be a “living document” with regular reviews of its implementation based on rigorous evidence.
The tasks of monitoring the implementation of MSDP and conducting regular evidence-based reviews of its achievements requires a robust monitoring and evaluation system, the coordination of which is beyond any single government ministry.
Myanmar has as of yet no national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system that keeps track of the implementation of all of the government policies and plans – there is no policy or legal framework on national-level M&E, no agency mandated to maintain such strategic-level oversight and no mechanism to comprehensively collect, exchange and consolidate data coming from project, program and policy implementation.
The Central Statistical Organization (CSO)1 with the support of UNDP’s Support to Effective and Responsive Institutions Project (SERIP), has recently finalized the development of a National Indicator Framework (NIF) with a comprehensive set of indicators to monitor the 28 strategies of the MSDP. From September 2019, process of metadata development for the NIF indicators has been launched and it is expected to complete in early 2020. The metadata process of NIF has three main objectives which are, a) NIF with full metadata (statistical detail information about concept and definition, data
1 The Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of the Ministry of Planning and Finance is the national statistical agency conducting national household surveys, analyzing data and producing reports. The CSO’s role of national data custodian and statistical quality assurer is set out in Myanmar’s new Statistics Law and in the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS).
source, data collection method, calculation methodology and procedure for quality assurance, etc) will be developed, b) institutional arrangement for NIF reporting will be set up, and c) data baselines will be established and so to proceed with indicator target setting.
To ensure effective implementation of the MSDP, the CSO or other designated government agencies will need to ensure coordination of data collection against the MSDP’s 286 indicators, many of which are composite and require inputs from more than one ministry. Beyond collection of data effective monitoring of the NIF requires that indicator stories be produced for indicators across agencies. These indicator stories will be make available to policy-makers to ensure they have information on implementation progress as per the NIF and can use this information to design adequate policy responses where necessary.
UNICEF and UNDP are also supporting a national evaluation working committee in the MoPF in conducting a National Evaluation Capacity Assessment (NECD) based on a regional methodology already successfully applied in Thailand, Indonesia and other countries of the South East Asia region. The findings of this assessment need to inform the development of an M&E system for the MSDP.
Against this background, UNDP seeks the services of an experienced Senior International M&E Systems Advisor to provide policy advice and for the design of a national M&E system with a focus on the monitoring and evaluation of the MSDP, ensuring also a link of the MSDP NIF process with ongoing sectoral monitoring efforts .

Duties and Responsibilities

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Required Skills and Experience

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