
More than 70% of the poor in developing countries live in rural areas. Agriculture is the largest employer in low-income countries, accounting for 60% of the labor force and producing 25% of GDP. More than two-thirds of all people surviving on less than $1 a day live and work in rural areas either as small holder farmers or as agricultural laborers. This shows the strong link between commodities to rural communities and development. Rural communities both produce and rely on many commodities. Within the agricultural sector a focus on commodity production and in particular on building a more integrated approach between productivity and natural resource sustainability at the farm level and along the supply chain up to government and international markets, can make a major difference to rural poverty. 
UNDP Role in Green Commodities
UNDP recognizes that to have a real influence on global commodities and markets it needs to act globally, harmonizing and connecting activity across producer countries and vertically up the supply chains to include major buyers and consumers and not only the producers and governments. UNDP’s unique mandate and ability to act as interface between governments, private sector and communities provides it with the unique position to achieve this global impact. Hence this UNDP Project will systematize and scale up UNDP efforts and combine them with partner initiatives to have a visionary and major impact on global commodity production and the lives of billions of people involved with such production.
Within UNDP, the Environment and Energy Group (EEG) provides advocacy, policy advisory and operational services to support the organization’s work in these areas across 166 countries. It leads UNDP’s efforts to advance the environmental agenda in development through a close partnership with other UN agencies and especially with the UNEP. On behalf of UNDP, it also has responsibilities for communications, outreach and global advocacy on development related environment and energy issues. UNDP’ EEG is exploring development of a sustainable commodity project to fulfill this need and improve the social, environmental and economic sustainability of commodities production and trade by developing global multi-stakeholder strategies on a sector-by-sector basis.
Objective of the Project
The objective of the project will be to contribute to shifting global markets to drive the production and sale of green commodities instead of current unsustainable practices. The project will systematize and scale up the existing green commodity activity of UNDP to achieve this vision.
General Objective of the Consultancy
Support UNDP to coordinate the design and establishment of the sustainable commodity project (SCP) and make the project operational.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Specific Objectives and Deliverables
1. Coordinate experts and specialist consultants required to prepare the project design and operation
Deliverables: Consultants engaged in the design of the project
  • Write terms of reference for required services.
  • Coordinate recruitment process of consultants
  • Monitor and provide guidance for specific consultancies
  • Support the administration and monitoring of the budget for consultants
  • Support and facilitate establishment and operation of the Advisory Board for the SCP  
2. Establish and maintain relations with relevant stakeholders and partners
Deliverables: Agreements with major partners on role, inputs and participation in the SCP
  • Stakeholder engagement plan
  • Outreach and maintenance of communication with stakeholders relevant for the establishment of a SCP.
  • Create, manage and distribute the production of communication material required for the promotion of SCP (brochures etc).
  • Organize, manage, facilitate and document inter-agency and stakeholder events strategy definition of the SCP.
  • Participate in global events relevant for the international production and trade of commodities and sustainable livelihoods in order to promote SCP.
  • Support internal UNDP communication so SCP is fully integrated in EEG, RCUs and COs  
3.  Support definition of the scope and strategy of the SCP
Deliverable: Scoping and strategy papers supporting and outlining the design of the Project
  • Coordinate research and preparation of scoping papers regarding commodity trade, voluntary sustainability initiatives and other topics which will contribute with the establishment of SCP.
  • Coordinate review and development of financing options (cost recovery) for the Project
  • Conduct desk studies on best practices in environmental and social standards and voluntary sustainability initiatives in commodity production and trade, including review of best practice within UNDP and particularly UNDP GEF projects, for design of Project
  • Coordinate the development of the business case for green commodities and identify outstanding global data gaps to achieve this
  • Support the development of a strategy for engaging financial institutions for sustainable commodity production
  • Incorporate UNDP ISEAL project into SCP activities
  • Support identification of pilot countries and commodities for the Project to be incorporated into the project document
  • Draft a project document detailing SCP design  
4. Fundraise with potential donors and international organizations for the initial financing of the Sustainable Commodity Project (SCP).
Deliverable:  Proposals to donors as required
  • Develop database on the positions and current investments of potential donor representatives in preparation for specific events.
  • Develop draft proposals
  • Support UNDP’s promotion of the initiative to donors
  • Maintain relations with representatives of potential donors and stakeholders of SCP


Proven track record of excellence in the development of natural resource and sustainable development projects. Strategic thinking, management and fundraising skills advantageous.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or higher) in natural resource management, development and/or environmental economics or business. 
  • Preferably with additional training in environment, natural resources, public policy and administration, and development issues.
  • Over 5 years of progressively responsible and relevant global experience in the field of natural resources or environmental economics and development.
  • Experience with UNDP, private sector, agriculture and commodity supply chains preferable.
Language Requierements:
  • Excellent command in written and spoken English is essential; working level proficiency in Spanish and/or French is desirable.