
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has approved a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) for Cape Verde in order to produce a UNDP Project Document (PRODOC) and a GEF CEO Endorsement Request (both using the appropriate templates) for the above mentioned project. Its Project Information Form (PIF) summarises the project concept and was produced in close collaboration with key government officials, donors, NGOs, CBOs and the private sector, under the guidance of UNDP-GEF. The PIF was approved by the GEF Council in November 2008, but received comments from Council, the GEF’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) and the GEF Secretariat, comments that need to be addressed during project preparation.
The project counts on a budget of $3.6 million in GEF funding and $14.4 million in co-financing to be mobilized. It aims at consolidating and strengthening Cape Verde’s protected areas (PAs) system through the establishment of new terrestrial and marine PA units and the promotion of participatory approaches to conservation. This will be achieved through the following three components:
  • The promotion of governance frameworks for the expansion, consolidation and sustainability of Cape Verde’s National PA system;
  • The strengthening of management effectiveness at selected terrestrial and marine PAs, where sites include 4 terrestrial PAs (totalling 13,157 ha) on Santo Antão, Fogo and São Vicente Islands, and 19 MPAs on Boavista and Sal (comprehending 31,320 ha of both exclusively marine areas and coastal/marine areas); and
  • Community mobilization & local capacity building for sustainable resource management within and surrounding PAs.
The PPG process is to be implemented between March 2009 and July 2009 and will focus on the activities necessary for approving and finalizing the proposed project. The focal points for the project in government and the PPG team of consultants will work in collaboration with existing related initiatives to carry out the following activities:
Baseline data collection and information gap analysis:
  • Initial geo-referencing studies for 8 targeted protected areas;
  • Baseline studies of state of ecosystems and biological resources in PAs
  • Baseline studies on resource use, ownership, socio-economic conditions and trends;
  • Detailed analyses to support strategy development for ecotourism, alternative livelihoods and payment services;
  • Threats and Barriers study.

Stakeholder consultation and engagement:

  • PPG inception workshops
  • Outreach to stakeholders within and adjacent to the targeted PAs and MPAs;
  • Initiate negotiations on institutional arrangements and co-financing requirements;
  • Report on stakeholder involvement, current capacities, including preparation of a stakeholder matrix.

Capacity assessment for management of terrestrial and marine PAs:

  • Assess initial terr. PA and MPAs management capacity needs;
  • Carry out initial studies of PA financing issues;
  • Analyze existing and potential legal and policy frameworks and define the institutional capacities required to support PA management;
  • Finalize negotiations on institution and co-financing arrangements;
  • Application of the UNDP-GEF Capacity Development and PA Financial Scorecards.

Project costing and M&E planning:

  • Contracting of the consulting team;
  • Mission by the International consultants;
  • Define Incremental Cost Analysis;
  • Outline project schedule;
  • Assess and define project budget requirements;
  • Apply SO1 or SO2 Tracking Tools;
  • Project Development Summary Workshop;
  • FSP finalization and submission

Devoirs et responsabilités

Encompassing approximately 5 weeks of work throughout the duration of the PPG the PA Economist Specialist will play a key role in scoping and analyzing the financial aspect of PA management while in close collaboration with Stakeholder and Engagement Expert, the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor and the UNDP Country Office Environment Focal Point, as well as the team of consultants.
More specifically, the specialist will be entrusted with the following tasks:
  • Prepare initial analysis of existing and potential PA financing;
  • Analysis of current and potential PA funding in Cape Verde, of the costs for effective PA management, and of the gap between funds available and funds needed;
  • Analysis of potential funding strategies and mechanisms for PAs in Cape Verde;
  • Assess cost-effectiveness and incrementality of proposed FSP activities;
  • Analysis of financial planning and management systems and capacities at the level of PA institutions and individuals PAs and;
  • Complete the UNDP-GEF PA Finance Scorecard.


  • Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in order to communicate complex, technical information to technical and general audiences;
  • Skill in negotiating effectively in sensitive situations;
  • Skill in achieving results through persuading, influencing and working with others;
  • Skill in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently and to resolve conflicts as they arise

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Extensive knowledge of protected area issues, including financial, legal and policy frameworks, PA financial management effectiveness (including community involvement and capacity issues), PA planning (including business planning);
  • Hold an advanced degree in economics or management finance with preference given to those with professional experience in conservation work including consistent specialization in issues of PAs and MPAs;
  • Have at least 5 years of proven experience in the mentioned field and;
  • Demonstrated track record of relevant production in the mentioned area (publications, project proposals, reports)
  • Previous experience with GEF project development is an advantage
  • Mastery of written English is a requirement, as the key deliverables will be in English
  • Working knowledge of Portuguese (or alternatively Spanish) is a clear advantage, as many of the reports to be analysed are only available in Portuguese