
On the ground in about 170 countries and territories, UNDP works to eradicate poverty and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion while protecting the planet.  We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. With about US$5 billion in voluntary contributions annually, UNDP remains a partner of choice.  Next Generation UNDP builds on our existing assets—worldwide presence, thought leadership, and over 50 years of experience—to help countries and communities respond to a fast-changing development landscape.

UNDP is assisting African countries to translate economic growth into long-lasting, inclusive human development.  We are creating new solutions, building collaboration platforms, and sparking new partnerships and instruments for to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. We work with African governments, businesses, communities and regional organizations, helping countries to develop capacity, share knowledge and mobilize funds for sustainable development. The UNDP Africa Strategy, Analysis and Research team (SART) in New York provides strategic oversight, guidance and quality assurance, and broader regional analysis, including on global issues.  

UNDP Africa is currently seeking qualified candidates with expertise in selected thematic areas for an Individual Consultants Roster for future consultancies to support the SART in the implementation of key flagship research and analytical projects in 2020. 

The Vacancy Announcement will be open for a period of six weeks. All applications will be reviewed, and shortlisted candidates will go through a technical evaluation process.  Inclusion of an expert on this Roster does not imply any obligation by either UNDP or the candidate on the Roster.

Female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are strongly encouraged to apply.


  • To provide cutting edge support to conceptual research, case studies and surveys to help deepen and broaden the analysis related various knowledge product including working papers, briefs and online publications. 
  • To generate strategic analysis related to key thematic areas linked to UNDP’s six signature solutions, three elevation issues and six Strategic Impact Areas in Africa.
  • To undertake data analytics and infographics for various print and electronic media.
  • To support the editing, technical review, translation, development and publication of various knowledge and communication products.


The duration of each assignment from 1 to 6 months will be determined by the expected scope of work and deliverables between May 2020 and May 2021.

During this period, the individual consultants may be required to travel and/or spend time in New York for in-depth discussions with UNDP, attend Advisory board meetings and support the facilitation of stakeholders’ consultations.

Deberes y responsabilidades

 The individual consultants will work closely with the Chief Economist and the SART team. They will be available to (a) carry out background research and (b) provide technical inputs to flagship research projects including the preparation of the Sub-Regional Human Development Report and the Africa SDG Progress Report.

 General Task: 

  • Undertaking conceptual research, carry out case studies and surveys and write background papers to help deepen and broaden the analysis and the coverage of the report.
  • Generating knowledge products in key thematic areas related to UNDP’s six signature solutions (poverty eradication, governance, energy, nature based solutions, gender equality, resilience), three elevation issues (climate change, migration, inequality) and six Strategic Impact Areas in Africa (natural resource governance, women and youth employment and empowerment, structural transformation, peace and stability, climate change mitigation adaptation, affordable and sustainable energy).
  • Providing a clear analysis of economic development, prospects and trends in the region from a human development perspective, relating theoretical aspects of human development with the regional context.
  • Investigating root causes of constraints on human development, track development gaps and their impact on population groups, especially the vulnerable.
  • Carrying out data analytics and produce infographics using national, sub-national and regional indicators of development, including the Human Development Index.
  • Integrating policy analysis related to selected thematic areas including assessing performance and providing policy options.
  • Exploring regional and global contexts that broaden or limit government policy choices and alternatives including structured analyses of all policy alternatives, cost-benefit analyses and evaluation of possible micro-level impacts and trade-offs from policy shifts. Identify potential winners and losers.
  • Supporting the editing, technical review, development and publication of various knowledge and communication products including working papers, briefs and online publications. 


Research products including background papers, briefs, presentations, working papers related to the following thematic areas:

  • Poverty eradication
  • Governance, peace and security
  • Energy, nature based solutions,
  • Gender equality,
  • Climate change,
  • Migration,
  • Inequality,
  • Youth engagement,
  • Structural transformation,
  • Digital transformation;
  • Trade.


Corporate Competencies

  • Demonstrated commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values including working in a culturally diverse environment;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; and
  • Demonstrates ability to function in a team environment and shares knowledge and experience.

Functional Competencies

  • Excellent verbal and writing skills with strong academic and policy experience;
  • Cognate experience in academic research with particular focus the nexus between peace, humanitarian and development issues in Africa;
  • Outstanding analytical and statistical skills;  
  • Demonstratable ability to present coherent and convincing positions both in writing and orally;
  • Personal organization and ability for multi-tasking, the individual consultant must also possess ability to work under pressure and to accommodate change; and 
  • Demonstrable networking capability, interpersonal skills and strong ability to promote team work.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Minimum of a Masters in economics, social sciences or relevant field. 


  • At least 5 years of work experience in research, project planning, implementation and reporting.
  • Familiarity with the Human Development/capability approach including previous research and analytical work on poverty and inequality analysis and SDGs.
  • Preparation and presentation of technical documentation to diverse, high level audiences.


  • Knowledge of English;
  • Working knowledge of French is an asset.

Documents to be included when submitting the proposal:

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

A technical proposal

  • Provide brief information on similar tasks implemented over the past 5 years with concrete experience from Africa - a maximum 500 words-long.  Evidence of key deliverables and results could be attached to the document. Indicate specific thematic area(s) of expertise;

A financial proposal

  • Indicate the daily fee expected.
  • The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable deliverables as indicated below:
    1. The assignments will be delivered by one consultant within 1 month. All individual consultants must follow this schedule when submitting their financial proposal. All financial proposals should be submitted by. The template for the Financial Proposal can be downloaded from here. Please Note: The total working days per month are estimated to be 21.75 days. The financial proposal must be all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. professional fee, and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services.)
    2. Payment Modality:
  • Monthly upon satisfactory submission of monthly progress reports.

Administrative documents

  • Filled the P11 form including past experience in similar projects and contact details of referees (Blank form can be downloaded from here);

Please submit your full CV along with other documents listed above.  


Successful individual consultants must be able to travel to facilitate consultations in countries based on demand if required. When such a request comes, the organization shall bear the cost of travel including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses based on extant policies and rules.

Should the Individual Consultant (IC) wish to travel on a higher class he/she would be responsible for the additional cost. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal  expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior  to travel and will be reimbursed.

Evaluation Criteria
Candidates will be assessed based on the following technical criteria:

Technical Evaluation (70%):

  • Evaluation of the P11 and CV including educational attainment, relevance of past working experiences, sound knowledge of poverty and inequality analyses and African development issues in the Horn of Africa (35 points);
  • Quality and relevance of similar tasks undertaken in the past with concrete results (35 points);
  • Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70 per cent of the total technical scores will be considered for the Financial Evaluation; and
  • Financial Evaluation (30%): (if the professional fee should be based on the understanding that there are 21.75 working days in a month. The fee should be quoted in US dollar only.

The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal: p = y (µ/z),

  • p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated
  • y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal
  • µ = price of the lowest priced proposal
  • z = price of the proposal being evaluated

The final evaluation method will be based on a cumulative analysis of both the technical and financial proposals. 

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
  • Technical Criteria weight: 70 per cent 
    Financial Criteria weight: 30 per cent

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.


Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials. Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.

Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Individual consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under

Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.