
COVID-19 virus has created an unprecedented global crisis which has engulfed almost all of the countries in the world and has caused significant disruptions to the health, livelihood and wellbeing of all people on the planet. The spread of the virus characterized by its speed, scale, severity and societal and economic disruption, has disproportionately impacted the lives of poor and vulnerable population. The unregulated Informal sector has been most severely hit by the lockdown which is known to be the backbone of the country’s economy. This situation has led to enormous humanitarian crisis in the country leading to loss of millions of livelihoods threatening survival of the most vulnerable sections of the society.

The Uttarakhand state has historically seen higher rate of out-migration of its residents which is triggered due to lack of livelihood opportunities in the state. Due to the lockdown, out-migrated people have returned to their hometowns and villages due to permanent/partial loss of livelihoods with almost no options for taking up new livelihood activities due to lockdown restrictions. Another severely hit section of the society has been landless casual labour and daily wage workers. Comprehending this situation, Government of Uttarakhand has planned to develop District-wise strategy and Cluster-wise action plan for chalking down the roadmap for resettlement of these vulnerable sections in sustainable livelihoods either through wage employment or self-employment.

In the context, the state government has requested UNDP to provide technical support to develop a road map for resettlement by providing sustainable livelihood to the vulnerable sections . For this UNDP proposes to hire two consultants to provide support to the districts’ administration for development of Cluster based livelihoods plan for each identified cluster in convergence with existing livelihood platforms.

Devoirs et responsabilités


The expert consultant will support districts’ administration in developing action plans and designing strategies, on creating employability opportunities, as per the guiding inputs provided by the district officials.


  • Using the data related to targets beneficiaries and livelihood clusters developed by the districts identify and map all existing livelihood programmes and platforms along with their budgets and locate which elements represent barriers or obstacles to overcome.

  • Attending Departmental Consultation Meetings at the district Level for inputs and suggestions as and when required

  • Collection of Secondary data and literature review for understanding the purview and coverage of on-going Livelihood Promotion schemes and programme.

  • Meetings with Block Level officers for understanding implementation challenges and limitations

  • Identifying all the actors involved in the livelihoods Promotion analyzed, as well as their linkages, role, and added value;

  • Identifying which elements of the livelihoods promotion be strengthened for developing strong linkages between production and market actors and for the producers to be able to capture larger share of the gross margins;

  • Prepare a model district livelihood strategy to be up scaled to all districts. Provide handholding to all districts for preparation of livelihood strategy. Prepare the final livelihood strategy document for each district. The whole process will be undertaken under the guidance of distt CDO/DM.



  • Contract will be administered by UNDP.

  • The consultant will report to the State Head of UNDP, Uttarakhand.



  • Strong analytical capacity and experience in socio-economic analysis, needs assessment and programme design;

  • Experience of working with a range of organizations including local communities, civil society and governmental organizations;

  • Ability to plan own work, report on work progress and deliver outputs in a timely manner;

  • Excellent report writing, communication and interpersonal skills;


  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;

  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;

  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.



Qualifications et expériences requises


Essential –

  • Masters’ degree in Development Studies/ Agriculture/ Public Policy/ Livelihood/ Rural Development or any other relevant degree.



  • Minimum 5-7 years of experience in development sector or similar assignments; In-depth and proven knowledge in of development initiatives, policies and programmes.



Determined as Responsive to the requirement. Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation;

•             Technical Criteria weight - 70%;

•             Financial Criteria weight – 30 %


Technical Criteria (70% of total evaluation)

  1. Experience of working in social development space- 20%

  2. Experience working with the Central and/or State Government will be an added advantage - 20 %

  3. Nuanced functional research skills with attention to detail and academic vigour, with competency in data analysis vis-a-vis statistical packages (like SPSS, R, etc.) - 20%

  4. Excellent demonstrated documentation skills vis-a-vis MS Office Suite and prior experience in developing concept notes / reports / project plans will be essential - 10%


    Financial Criteria: (30% of the total evaluation) based on the total all-inclusive lump sum amount for professional fee for tasks specified in this announcement

    Submission of Proposal

    Financial Proposal:

    Consultant should specify his/her daily consultancy fee.  Please quote your professional fee only. Do not include travel costs in your financial quote as these will be reimbursed separately, as per actuals, subject to UNDP’s prevailing rules. 

    Documents to be submitted by Consultants

Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor Assignment

Updated and signed P-11 form for ICs


General Conditions for Individual Contract-
http://www.in.undp.org/content/dam/india /docs/procurement/UNDP%20General%20Conditions%20for%20Individual%20Contracts.pdf

Offerors Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) Assignment, including Financial Proposal template-


  1. Any kind of miscellaneous charges i.e. internet, phone, relocation charges etc. would not be reimbursed;

  2. Travel, lodging and boarding as per UNDP rules subject to prior approval

  3. Individuals working with institutions may also apply, contract would be issued in the name of institution for the specific services of individual

  4. Please note proposals without financial proposal will not be considered.

    UNDP strives to have a workforce, which reflects diversity and gender balance, and applies an equal opportunities approach. UNDP does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS status. All selections are on merit