Country: Thailand
Description of the assignment: Long Term Agreement (LTA for on-call International Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) Consultant
Country of Assignment: Home based with global missions
Project name: Asia-Pacific Development Effectiveness Facility (AP-DEF) and SDG Financing Team in Bangkok Regional Hub
Period of assignment/services (if applicable): The assignment, under this Long-Term Agreement (On Call), is expected to have a duration of 3 years. The maximum working days under this contract will be 783 days. The initial contract would be for one year (July 2020- June 2021) with an option for renewal in subsequent years upon satisfactory performance evaluation.
Duties and Responsibilities
To address the challenges of sustainable development financing, countries will need to develop new, more effective and integrated approaches to managing public and private finance. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda assumes that countries will use their own national development strategies and plans to respond to the SDGs and calls for the adoption of Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs). These frameworks should provide a structure for governments to form and implement a strategic, holistic, results-driven approach to financing their development objectives. This approach should help countries set a strategy to effectively mobilize the investments they need and provide a structure that supports coherence across government in channelling resources to the areas they are most suited.
UNDP’s Bangkok Regional Hub and the Asia-Pacific Development Effectiveness Facility (AP-DEF) have developed the Development Finance Assessment (DFA), a tool to respond to the growing demand from countries in the region to establish evidence and analysis, and introduce policy and institutional reforms for managing the increasing complexity of domestic and international sources of finance for development. DFAs were introduced as the very first development finance studies of their kind, seeking to bring together fragmented approaches on the use of the different sources of funds that may not all be primarily dedicated to address development challenges. By the end of 2019 more than 35 countries have undertaken DFAs, with demand growing among other countries globally.
The DFA offers support for governments and their partners in identifying and building consensus around solutions to address financing challenges. It makes finance issues accessible to policy and decision makers beyond the technical specialists in ministries of finance. It follows a process of multi-stakeholder consultation informed by accessible analysis on finance policy issues and what they mean for a wide range of actors and builds an agreed roadmap that can support progress across a range of areas, including:
- Strengthening the link between planning and finance policy functions, for example by: strengthening the governance mechanisms that align policies and annual budgets to the national development plan; estimating the cost of national development plans; and developing holistic strategies for mobilizing the public and private resources that will be needed to realize the objectives of a national plan.
- Strengthening multi-stakeholder dialogue on financing, for example by: supporting multi-stakeholder SDG platforms at the country level; incorporating public and private finance into regular progress reporting; and enhancing multi-stakeholder participation in policy processes.
- Solutions and reforms for mobilizing resources, for example by: strengthening policy and capacity to attract sustainable, inclusive private investment; and accessing untapped sources of international finance.
- Effectively managing finance for results, for example by: achieving better development outcomes with public finance, developing outcome-based incentives for private investment; broadening the mandate of revenue authorities; more effectively targeting vulnerable or excluded populations; strengthening parliamentary scrutiny over finance; and enhancing data collection systems.
The DFA is structured as a government-led process, with an oversight team led by a key ministry to guide the DFA process. The DFA builds consensus for reform in the areas above under the leadership of the oversight team and through consultations that engender participation in, and ownership of, reforms from a wide spectrum of actors at the national level. It aims to demystify technical debate on public and private finance and brings together decision makers from across government, the private sector, International Financial Institutions (IFIs), NGOs, development partners and other actors. By engaging this wide group of actors and making financing dialogue more accessible, the DFA aims both to build a broader base of support for reform agendas and to identify innovative solutions to the challenges of financing the SDGs.
The DFA analyses these dimensions, considering key aspects of each and using them to build a picture about a government’s approach towards integrated financing for sustainable development. It highlights the strengths of current systems and identifies opportunities to further enhance the ability for government and its partners to finance sustainable development. These form the basis of the DFA roadmap. Further details can be found in the DFA guidebook.
The changing landscape of finance and governments’ demand for integrated solutions to financing national priorities are opportunities for UNDP. Having been identified to support country platforms for SDG integration, UNDP country offices are now uniquely placed to offer strategic services based on an integrated and holistic approach to mapping, managing, mobilizing and channeling financing for SDGs in the public and private sectors.
To support governments in the region to take initial steps and plan sequenced strategies for mobilizing and aligning public and private resources to the 2030 Agenda, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub has established the Financing the SDGs Team. At the global level, UNDP has established the Finance Sector Hub, which brings together a corporate approach to offering services across public and private finance to countries around the world and to support countries to design and implement INFFs.
The consultants engaged in this LTA will support the implementation of Development Finance Assessments and Integrated National Financing Frameworks including support to INFF design and proposal development and support to Ministries of Finance on specific INFF follow-up action areas.
[1] Available at:
LTA Objective and Set-up
The overall objective to set up this Long-Term Agreement (On Call) is to support to the global and regional Financing SDGs Teams (managed by Bangkok Regional Hub) and working across colleagues working across regional and country offices globally with analysis, research and technical inputs for both regional and country initiatives around DFAs and INFFs, once there are specific assignments for the next 3 years.
1. To support Development Finance Assessment country support
· Map the financing landscape covering all types of finance
· Assess government’s existing financing strategies, policies and institutional structures to establish a baseline for the building blocks of an INFF
· Support research phase including:
o Compile and analyze data and policy literature to build an understanding of financing trends and the current policy and institutional landscape, following the DFA analytical framework
o Oversee national consultant in data collection, analysis and outreach to national stakeholders
o Actively participate in planning for the research mission with the country office, including determining the schedule and objectives for collection of data/information and engaging the participation of key stakeholders in the process
o Undertake research mission to (i) collect data and information, (ii) engage key stakeholders in the DFA process and (iii) share, socialize and refine initial emerging findings and ideas for recommendations to be developed
o Support technical discussions at a multi-stakeholder consultation workshop
o Engage closely with the oversight team to ensure the process remains in line with their guidance and objectives for the process
o Prepare first draft DFA report
· Lead consultation phase including:
o Engage in substantive dialogue with the oversight team to refine the draft report;
o Develop draft DFA roadmap;
o Engage in dialogue around the DFA roadmap to refine recommendations, clarify responsibilities and build buy-in;
o Undertake second mission including validation workshops: (i) with the oversight team, (ii) with the wider group of stakeholders engaged in the DFA process;
o Finalise the DFA report and roadmap under the guidance of the oversight team;
o Draft / feed into terms of references for priority recommendations to be taken forward and implemented in follow up to the DFA.
· Support launch as required (e.g. preparation of presentations)
· Propose a roadmap for implementation for establishing an INFF, including areas where UNDP can support DFA follow-up
2. Technical assistance for countries operationalizing integrated national financing frameworks
· Work with country offices and government counterparts to develop national INFF roadmaps, building on global INFF methodology as it is developed;
· Provide analysis and facilitate dialogue among national stakeholders as part of the INFF operationalization process; Support the development of national SDG financing strategies;
· Support the creation of institutional tools, such as monitoring frameworks, that will be used to operate an INFF;
· Provide technical assistance to countries in support of the establishment or strengthening of specific INFF building blocks or SDG financing strategies following on areas of interest and recommendations from the DFA, i.e. SDG costing/financing needs, financing strategies, budgeting for SDGs, tax policy research and analysis, SDG investor mapping and identification of private sector investment opportunities, private sector enabling environment and impact studies, support around SDG related bond structuring and monitoring, and support as needed to INFF roadmap implementation;
· Support the development of INFF proposals to development partners.
A. LTA Contracting modality and Call-off mechanism
· The initial LTA to be signed will be on a fixed daily fee for one year; however, UNDP does not warrant that any quantity of services will be purchased during the term of the LTA as this will depend on forthcoming needs.
· Once the LTA is signed, if there is a specific requirement to be documented, the focal person in the SDG Financing team would contact the top-ranking International INFF consultant for that Region (ranking to be set up as per evaluation method and criteria section below). Should this person not be available for the event, UNDP will contact the second ranked International INFF consultant in the Region and so on.
• Upon receipt of the request from SDG Financing team or Country Office, the International INFF consultant would have to confirm their availability for the assignment within three days. If positive, s/he would inform UNDP of the expected travel/lodging costs (if applicable if the event requires travel). Upon review of the same, UNDP will send the International INFF consultant a written communication confirming the requirement in the form of an Individual Contract (IC) sent by email. The contract will include details on the location of the assignment, number of hours/days to be worked, and other practical details. Price in the order will be based on daily fee included in the LTA contract and on the agreed travel costs. After the Individual contract has been sent, no further costs would be reimbursed by UNDP (increased number of work days/hours, or increased travel costs) unless there is prior written authorization by UNDP.
· Once the services are completed and have been approved by the SDG Financing team, the LTA INFF Specialist will send the following documentation for payment purposes:
a) complete invoice indicating number of days worked and travel costs (if any);
b) supporting documentation (bills/vouchers) for reimbursements of travel costs if applicable;
c) copy of the UNDP contract for the assignment.
It is anticipated that 6-8 assignments could take place per year.
B. Institutional Arrangement and Contract Management
The International INFF consultants will work under supervision of the SDG Finance Advisor and SDG Finance Policy Specialist at the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub and also the respective Resident Representatives (or Deputies) in the Country Office for in UNDP country offices related deliverables.
Contract Management:
UNDP SDG Finance team will regularly monitor the performance of these LTA holders, based on the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
KPI 1: Responsiveness: International INFF consultant should respond and confirm their availability event within 2 days of UNDP’s notification by email.
KPI 2: Quality of the work taken are as per work order submitted.
KPI 3: Accuracy of payment documentation. International INFF consultant shall provide complete payment documentation including accurate invoices with correct quantities, unit price, complete travel bills/vouchers for reimbursement, etc.
KPI 4: Communication and Reporting. International INFF consultant shall communicate and provide reports in a timely and professional manner
UNDP would conduct annual performance reviews of these LTAs, which might include meeting with the LTA holders and feedback from other stakeholders.
If the International INFF consultant fails to meet UNDP’s performance requirements detailed above, s/he will receive in the first instance a warning to improve their performance. Continued failure to meet performance requirements may result on termination of the LTA.
C. Duration of the Work
The assignment, under this Long-Term Agreement (On Call), is expected to have a duration of 3 years. The maximum working days under this contract will be 783 days.
The initial contract would be for one year (July 2020- June 2021) with an option for renewal in subsequent years upon satisfactory performance evaluation.
D. Duty Station
The International INFF Consultant will work remotely with missions required and support to countries globally.
- Demonstrate integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards
- Advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Required Skills and Experience
The consultant should possess the following expertise and qualifications:
Academic Qualification
- A Masters degree or higher in the field of Finance, Economics or other relevant fields.
Professional Experience
- At least overall 8 years of experience in the field of public finance, private sector development, strategic planning and budgeting, capacity building and advisory services; experience in public finance is required.
- Demonstrated experience of 3 years with a development partner or central government agency in the area of development finance and public institutional governance improvement and capacity building is essential.
- 5 years of rigorous data and information research and analysis policy analysis experience in the area of public finance, economics, private sector development are required.
- Experience in country level work rooted in public policy reforms in close collaboration with central government agencies and be able to lead consultations with senior government officials and facilitate discussions among a wide group of stakeholders is required.
- Experience in working with UNDP on financing or with the Development Finance Assessment methodology will be a strong advantage.
Language requirement:
Fluency in English (written and spoken) is required, and an ability to effectively summaries and present information. Please indicate in your proposal your fluency level in other UN languages.
Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
Consultant must send a financial proposal based on Daily fee in US dollar valid for Three years.
Professional Fee
The per day amount (in USD) quoted shall be all-inclusive and include all costs components required to perform the deliverables identified in the TOR, including professional fee, communication, and any other applicable cost to be incurred by the IC in completing the assignment.
· UNDP will pay to the Consultants based on the number of days spent in an event.
· The contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components or schedule of the assignment.
· For contract purposes “daily” would be understood as 8 hours of work, and “half day” as
· 4 hours of work.
· Daily Fee will be the basis for UNDP to calculate rates below one-day duration: half-day rate will be 60% of daily fee.
Travel Related Cost
UNDP may organize consultant for travel arrangement in line with UNDP rules and regulations. All the cost incurred from the mission will be reimbursed at actuals with prior approval according to UNDP rules and regulations.
· In general, UNDP shall not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class she/he should do so using their own resources.
· In the event of unforeseeable travel not anticipated in this TOR, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and the Individual Consultant, prior to the missions.
B. Recommended Presentation of Offer
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications. Please group them into one (1) single PDF document as the application only allows to upload maximum one document:
Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
· Personal CV, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references; (Please indicate your proficiency in other UN languages)
· Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.
· Samples of previous research/analytical reports/policy notes on relevant topics (please provide links where possible) and annexed detailed descriptions of relevant technical assistance work
The short -listed candidates may be contacted and the successful candidate will be notified.
C. Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer
The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and b) having the highest score out of set of weighted technical criteria (70%) and financial criteria (30%), hence only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
UNDP aims to sign Long Term Agreement with minimum 5 qualified Bidders.
Technical Criteria for Evaluation (Maximum 70 points)
The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and b) having the highest score out of set of weighted technical criteria (70%) and financial criteria (30%). Financial score shall be computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal received by UNDP for the assignment.
Stages of Selection process:
Preliminary Shortlisting on pass/fail basis
· Minimum Required Qualification
· Minimum number of relevant experiences (minimum overall 8 years)
Detailed Technical Evaluation;
Part 1
· Higher Relevant Experience – 25 Marks
· Samples of previous research/analytical reports/policy notes on relevant topics (please provide links where possible) and annexed detailed descriptions of relevant technical assistance work - 10 Marks
Please note only those candidates who score minimum 70% marks above 35 marks will be called for interview.
Part 2
• Telephonic Interview – 35 Marks
Financial Evaluation:
• Financial Evaluation- 30 Marks
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) will be considered for the Financial Evaluation. Shortlisted candidates shall be called for interview.