

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide. UNV contributes to peace and development by supporting Member states to leverage volunteerism as a means of implementation and people’s engagement to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNV is headquartered in Bonn, Germany with an office in New York and has six regional offices in Amman, Bangkok, Dakar, Istanbul, Nairobi and Panama.

UN General Assembly Resolution 70/129 on “Integrating volunteering in peace and development: the Plan of Action for the next decade and beyond” (A/RES/70/129) adopted in 2015, provides a global framework through which stakeholders can support and leverage the potential of volunteerism to deepen civic engagement and sustainable development outcomes. The UNGA resolution that followed in 2018 (A/RES/73/140) encouraged Member States to increasingly cooperate with other volunteering stakeholders to further integrate volunteerism into national development strategies and include information on the contribution of volunteerism to the SDGs in the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).

Outcome 1 of the UNV Strategic Framework 2018-2021 supports the efforts of Member States to deliver on the 2030 Agenda through volunteerism as an effective means of implementation and people engagement. This includes supporting conducive policy environments for people to volunteer through the provision of advisory services to Member States on the development of policies, legislation and programmes. Work on Outcome 1 is carried out by the Volunteer Advisory Services Section (VASS).


When public policies and legal frameworks facilitate participation and reduce potential barriers, citizens are encouraged and inspired to volunteer. A favourable environment for volunteerism respects and nurtures traditional forms of volunteerism while broadening and enhancing opportunities for voluntary action to complement national development efforts.

To date, UNV efforts to create an enabling environment for volunteerism have focused on supporting member states to develop and enact laws and policies on volunteering including policies to set up and manage  volunteer programmes and schemes. Across the world, about 95 countries[1] have enacted laws or policies relevant to volunteerism. UNV is commissioning this study to better understand the key trends and features that contribute to creating an enabling environment for volunteerism; the contribution of various instruments in creating this enabling environment and how these link to broader development frameworks such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

While laws and policies, and national schemes on volunteering may explicitly promote volunteerism, their effects may also negatively impact volunteering when they may lead to overregulation, narrow the access, shrink diversity and restrict civic space by excluding a particular group or discouraging volunteerism, or by providing a narrow definition which excludes forms of volunteer activity. UNV estimates that 70% of the world’s volunteers are informal volunteers, volunteering within their own communities, whilst 30% are formal volunteers, volunteering through an organizational structure. This raises questions of the reach, opportunities and challenges of laws and policies for informal volunteering and key questions on the effectiveness and relevance of focusing efforts on laws and policies as a way to create an enabling environment and a conducive policy for volunteering.

An enabling environment for volunteering is the ecosystem in which volunteering can flourish.  Usually it is achieved through the strategic integration of volunteering into national development priorities and plans, as well as through stand-alone volunteering infrastructure.  An enabling environment works to nurture consists of the benefits of volunteering for development outcomes, and to minimise its costs for volunteers.  This involves a number of key principles that the ecosystem should provide – such as the freedom to volunteer, gender equality in volunteering, safety and security of all volunteers, and the voice and recognition of volunteer groups.  It also requires specific interventions to promote these principles, as well as to provide opportunities to address inequalities and to ensure that the furthest behind benefit first. As such, the enabling environment for volunteering through laws and policies can be categorized into four types:

1. Laws and legislation specific to volunteering: National laws on volunteering regulate volunteering, providing a framework for various volunteer arrangements and distinguishing it from other activities, particularly employment.  Volunteering laws remove legal obstacles to volunteerism by defining ‘volunteers’ and ‘volunteering’, clarifying the rights and duties of volunteers and answering all the questions related to volunteer engagement in one uniform document.?  Laws and regulations may also establish formal bodies or institutional arrangements for volunteering. 

2. Volunteering Policies: Policies on volunteering set out public plans and investments to support volunteer action in a particular country or context.  They tend to be medium-term initiatives with a specific goal, for example to increase volunteering efforts among a particular target group, or to establish a new programme or intervention on volunteering. 

3. Laws that affect volunteerism: Volunteers are affected by a variety of laws, e.g. labor laws, social insurance and tax laws, liability laws, immigration laws, workplace safety laws/rules both directly and indirectly when such laws can affect the working conditions, remuneration and safety of volunteers.

4. Sectoral and cross-sectoral policies and schemes that integrate or affect volunteering: A wide range of other policies can impact on volunteering in a particular country.  Sectoral policies or legislations?related to the development and engagement of civil society?and/or youth to promote citizens’ voluntary initiatives and activities. Sectoral policies, such as those on health, education and environment may also either provide the framework for investments and partnerships with volunteers, or establish new schemes and programmes that engage volunteers.  Gender policies may include goals and targets that are relevant to volunteering, such as on women’s leadership and representation, or on gender and care work. 

In many countries and regions, the laws and policies regulating volunteerism have led to establishment of national and regional volunteer schemes to manage the volunteers and/or volunteer programmes. Some of the aims of these volunteer schemes are: creating opportunities for youth; administering social services; alleviating rural poverty; and addressing environmental issues. While the correlation between a policy or legislation related to volunteering and establishment of volunteer schemes remains high, however this needs to be explored further.

In addition to laws, policies and volunteer schemes, national and local governments have also created platforms for coordinating with volunteer involving organisations, have incentivized volunteers through public recognition awards. Further measures that guarantee safety and security of volunteers, provide insurance (for both formal and informal volunteers), provide tax incentives, may be important enablers for both formal and informal volunteering. With increasing use of technology and globalization of networks, online volunteering platforms whether managed by national / local governments, volunteer involving organisations or others, have also created access to opportunities and participation in volunteering opportunities especially for informal volunteers. Analysis of such measures in creating an enabling environment of volunteering also needs to be assessed.

UNV together with IFRC and other stakeholders is working on a Global Technical Meeting (GTM) 2020 for Plan of Action. The discussions at GTM 2020 will focus on reimagining volunteering, this critical analysis on the enabling environment of volunteering will help in formulating new guidance for member states and other stakeholders in this domain.


The objective of this critical analysis is firstly to identify the key trends and features that contribute to creating an enabling environment for volunteering; secondly to improve understanding of the contribution of both the enactment and implementation of volunteer infrastructure, in terms of creating an enabling environment for volunteerism and thirdly to assess how different policy approaches further the integration of volunteerism into planning, resourcing and achieving national development priorities, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

These findings will be used to develop two guidance notes. The first guidance note will focus on identifying good practices in creating an enabling environment for volunteerism (both formal and informal) in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. The second guidance note will focus on legislation and policies including case studies of good (and potentially bad) practices, which will be used by UNV to advise Member States and other stakeholders in the future.

The Consultant will report to the Programme Specialist, Volunteer Infrastructure at UNV Bonn.


The exact methodology for the research and analysis should be proposed by the consultant in his/her technical bid.  However, in terms of scope this must include selecting and researching countries from diverse geographical, economic and social contexts that represent a number of different approaches to creating an enabling environment for volunteering. A common analytical framework should be developed and agreed with UNV, in order to conduct the critical analysis and to understand what the results for an enabling environment for volunteerism in relation to the specific context.

Criteria for Analysis

The final criteria are to be developed and proposed by the consultant during the inception phase and may include some of the following:


  • What are the key drivers to creating an enabling environment for volunteerism among government and its partners?
  • How relevant are existing legislations, policies and schemes to maximise the potential of volunteering for the SDGs and the integration of volunteerism into the SDGs?
  • What aspects of volunteering, types of volunteers are covered in the relevant legislation, policies, programmes and other interventions? Which are excluded?
  • What have been the drivers of current examples of legislative and policy framework(s) on volunteerism according to the key stakeholders?
  • How does the content of legislation around volunteerism relate to the wider legislative context?  For example, does it enshrine new rights or freedoms, clarify existing rights, put restrictions on rights?


  • To what extent are policy objectives around volunteerism consistent with the priorities of national and / or local development identified by Members States in their long-term national development strategies?
  • How well have policy objectives around volunteering been integrated into key sector strategies and vice versa?  What are the mechanisms and processes that have been developed to enable implementation?


  • What evidence exists of positive and negative changes produced by laws, policies and schemes and other interventions on volunteerism, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended at community, local or national levels? For example:
  • Increased investment in volunteer schemes, programmes and other supports by government and partners
  • Greater freedoms and protections for volunteers of all kinds including those that wish to volunteer informally (de jure and de facto)
  • More inclusive opportunities for those groups left furthest behind to participate in volunteering
  • Greater recognition and positive perception of volunteering among the general public
  • Improved planning to support volunteer efforts as stakeholders in national development
  • What aspects of volunteerism are seen as more relevant to development priorities and which are considered to be less relevant in the context? Does this have implications for the types of volunteering which are promoted across broader policy and legislative frameworks?


  • To what extent has implementation of laws and policies on volunteerism sustained and consistently implemented by governments at all levels – community, local and national, since their promulgation / enactment?
  • What were the major factors which influenced the sustainability of the implementation of policies and programmes on volunteerism?
  • How does integration with national development strategies influence the sustainability and support to volunteering of different kinds?

Gender and Social Inclusion

  • To what extent do the laws and policies on volunteerism involve practical measures to guarantee an adequate treatment of gender issues, beyond equal participation by men and women, to using volunteering to address changes in attitudes and behaviours in gender relationships in society?

Core stakeholders

The critical analysis will include identification of relevant stakeholders to be consulted. For the purposes of this analysis, core stakeholders are defined as those individuals, groups, or entities which are directly involved in developing, implementing the laws and policies on volunteering, and those that are involved in other interventions such implementation of volunteer schemes, provision of volunteer incentives, etc. In addition, core stakeholders also include those individuals, groups or entities which are affected by the implementation of such laws and policies on volunteering and would therefore have a stake in the success of laws and policies being implemented. Currently identified core stakeholders for the analysis include, but are not limited to:

  • Representatives of government / member states involved in drafting, promulgation, implementation of laws and policies

  • Parliamentarians

  • Representatives of government ministries / departments managing and implementing volunteer schemes/programmes

  • Target beneficiaries; e.g. local non-UN volunteers, youth, etc.

  • Partner organizations for UNV at the UN system (e.g. UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, etc.)

  • Human rights and civil society organizations

  • Volunteer Involving Organizations

  • Corporate Sector Partners

  • SDG Stakeholders

  • Informal volunteer groups

The consultant will develop a mechanism for stakeholder participation and consultation as part of the inception report. Based on the stakeholder analysis, the methodology for critical analysis will be finalized.

Data Sources

As part of the inception report, the consultant should propose a robust approach to gathering and analyzing data utilizing both primary and secondary sources. It is likely that the consultant will conduct this process using various data collection methods including a desk review of available evidence including the content of relevant products, group interviews/focus groups, individual interviews, online data gathering and interviews. Relevant data sources may include, but are not limited to:

  • Published research and studies on volunteering contribution to national development, their measurement, impact, etc.

  • Published research and studies relevant to volunteers such as those on their rights and responsibilities, safety and security, incentives and liabilities, etc.

  • Published research and studies on platforms for volunteering

  • 2009 Global Research study on laws and policies affecting volunteering since 2001

  • Guidance note on Laws and Policies on volunteerism

  • Laws and Policies under the UNV Volunteer Infrastructure Database

  • Thematic Evaluation of UNV Contribution to Volunteer Infrastructures (2014)

  • National Volunteer programmes, strategies and their evaluation.

  • Project Documents and Annual Project Performance reports relevant to Volunteer Infrastructure

  • UNV Strategic Framework: 2018-2021

  • Mid Term Review of UNV Strategic Framework 2018-21

  • Review of any findings and recommendations from the Gender Analysis for Volunteering Infrastructure

  • UNV Global Programmes good practices and success stories document

  • Additional UNV evaluation reports and their related recommendations, where appropriate;

  • Additional resources as relevant.

State of World Volunteering Report 2018

Duties and Responsibilities

3. Description of Responsibilities (scope of the work)



Estimated Working Days

Due date


% of deliverable

Desk review and inception report submission phase


Online/skype briefing with UNV Volunteer Advisory Services Section (VASS)

1 working day

21 July 2020







Inception report including desk review, the methodology for critical analysis including assessment framework; case study development, guidance note structure, proposal for focus countries for review and list of stakeholders to be interviewed, etc.

3 working days

27 July 2020


Home based


Submission of final inception report based on feedback from VASS

1 working day

31 July 2020

Home based

Data collection and analysis phase


Online consultation with stakeholders.

10 working days

15 Aug 2020





Debriefing on preliminary finding with VASS including a report of activities carried out, people interviewed and preliminary findings

1 working day

20 Aug 2020



Draft report submission phase


Submission of draft critical analysis of enabling environment for volunteering against the agreed framework; referenced and with full original research appended to the report.

5 working days

30 Aug 2020






Skype presentation of critical analysis to UNV for feedback and incorporation of comments to finalize analysis

1 working day

3 Sept 2020




Submission of draft guidance note with 5 good practices on creating an enabling environment for volunteering in the context of SDGs.

7 working days

15 Sept 2020


Home based


Submission of draft guidance note with 5 case studies on policies and legislations for volunteering.

7 working days

30 Sept 2020


Home based



Online presentation of draft guidance notes, good practices and case studies for feedback and incorporation of comments to finalize them.

1 working day

7 Oct 2020



Final report submission phase


Final critical analysis, the two guidance notes with good practices and case studies submitted based on the feedback by UNV VASS

3 working days

14 Oct 2020


Home based





Corporate Competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards, and those of the partner organizations,

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability,

  • Analytical and strategic thinking;

Functional Competencies:

  • Strong research, conceptualization, analysis and writing skills in relation to volunteering and civic engagement;

  • Strong analytical, negotiation and communication skills, including ability to produce high-quality analytical reports.
  • Strong ability to build strong relationship with clients, focus on impact and result for the client and respond positively to feedback.
  • Good application of Results Based Management 
  • Ability to work independently, produce high quality outputs.

Management and Leadership:

  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback,

  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude,

  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills.

Communications and Advocacy:

  • Strong ability to write clearly and convincingly, adapting style and content to different audiences and speak clearly and convincingly.
  • Strong presentation skills in meetings with the ability to adapt for different audiences.
  • Strong analytical, research and writing skills with demonstrated ability to think strategically.
  • Strong capacity to communicate clearly and quickly.
  • Strong inter-personal, negotiation and liaison skills.
  • Proven capacity to produce reports.

Required Skills and Experience

Education: Master’s degree or equivalent in law, international relations, political sciences, public administration, social sciences or other related fields.


  • At least 10 years of demonstrable experience in conducting evaluation or impact assessment of large projects / programmes at national or international levels

  • Demonstrable experience of analysis of public policy initiatives and/or legislative frameworks

  • Expertise in developing guidance notes and policy frameworks.

  • Sound knowledge and experience in results-based management (especially results-oriented monitoring and evaluation)

  • Knowledge and experience of volunteerism will be an added advantage

  • Experience of working in, or assessing, multi-country programmes

  • Ability to write concise, readable and analytical reports

Language requirement: Excellent oral and written communication skills in English, knowledge of other UN languages especially French and/or Spanish is an advantage

Criteria for Selection of the Best offer:

The selection of the best offer will be based on the combined scoring method – where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted – 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted 30%.

Key selection criteria are:

  • Proposed approach and methodology for the assignment (25%)
  • Experience of conducting evaluations of large projects or programmes (15%)
  • Experience in analysis of public policy initiatives and/or legislative frameworks (15%)
  • Expertise in developing guidance notes and policy frameworks (10%)
  • Knowledge and / or experience of volunteerism (5%)
  • Financial proposal (30%)

Applications should contain:

  1. Cover Letter, including a summary of your experience and expertise and why you are the most suitable for the job)
  2. CV (or P11)
  3. Technical proposal: The technical proposal shall describe the methodology and the approach to how to fulfill the required deliverables. It should be justified by referencing previous experiences.
  4. Financial Proposal using the duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability (COI) Link to COI template;


Your Financial Proposal must indicate the total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per the template provided.  The offer should be in US Dollars. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNV under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNV, including return economy travel ticket to the duty station and per diems. 
e) Personal CV or P11, indicating all past past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;

Please paste the cover letter into the the "Resume and Motivation" section of the electronic application and ensure you have provided all requested materials. All supporting documents should be scanned and attached into one PDF format document. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Queries should be sent, att Marc Wharton clearly marking – 0094730: Consultant - Critical Analysis of Laws and Policies in the email subject line.

Terms and conditions, as well as contract samples, can be found at this link:
as well as contract samples can be found at this link:

Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are only able to inform the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

Please make sure you provide all the requested materials. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications sent by email will not be considered. Applications without the fully completed Confirmation of Interest Form, including financial costs will not be considered.

Note: UNDP/UNV reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this procurement notice. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP/UNV with similar terms of reference, experience and educational requirements.