

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Offices in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and UN ATSCR 1244 Kosovo developed a regional environmental Programme in nine locations in the mentioned Western Balkans countries/territories suffering from the legacy of polluting industries and requiring industrial renewal, environmental clean-up and new economic initiative.

The aim/objective of the 3-year $15 million Western Balkans Environmental Hot Spots Programme – - involving 6 countries/territories and nine environmental hot spots locations is threefold:

  • To enhance regional cooperation in Western Balkans (by showing value added and influencing the way people perceive and act in the regional cooperation),
  • To improve living conditions in communities around targeted environmental hot spots through progress in clean-up/remediation activities in selected locations (making progress and communicating it effectively to stakeholders),
  • To ensure control of existing pollution and prevent similar environmental problems happening in the future through building up knowledge and capacity in the local communities and at the national level.

Most of the funding within this program is dedicated in the physical works needed to mitigate the environmental and human health impacts resulting directly and indirectly from industrial and mining activities. Environmental monitoring is a critical component in evaluating such works.

The establishment of a water and/or air pollution monitoring regime and system – a fundamental responsibility of the hotspot owner is a common requirement for all pilot or demonstration projects within the program, albeit one that is to be elaborated in a project specific manner for each site. In the absence of a (‘minimal’) water and/or air monitoring regime and system, it would not be possible to assess the effectiveness of the concerned clean-up activity.

Providing opportunities to improve environmental monitoring skill sets across the involved countries/territories and program sites is not only important in allowing the physical works undertaken  to mitigate the problem to be assessed but is also an important component that can be used for   institutional strengthening and capacity building  for improved environmental management abilities within the region.

Deberes y responsabilidades

 Tasks and responsibilities:

  • The purpose of the task is to present and provide environmental monitoring and field surveillance information, tools and approaches to participants from the 6 countries/territories within the Western Balkans Environmental Program that they can practically use for designing, undertaking and assessing environmental monitoring required either as part of a specific remediation project, as a regulatory requirement or in trying to identify a particular environmental problem or source.
  • This is to be delivered in the form of lectures, presentations and interactive activities within a 1.5 day workshop. The approach should build on from the general principles and approaches of environmental monitoring and field surveillance, and then move to monitoring focus (biological, chemical, etc), principle monitoring techniques for media (air, water, soils, biological etc), principle standards (national/international) followed by application in the field (see attached draft agenda).
  • An interactive component where practitioners can consider and apply what they have learnt within the workshop will also be incorporated using the existing intervention sites as a model for preparing a monitoring plan using the available tools. Tasks will also include assisting the UNDP Montenegro Office in sourcing materials for compiling a resource document for each of the participants.
  • Material should be developed in line with the situation and scenarios present within the Western Balkans in general and in relation to the interventions sites being specifically addressed within the program. Standards and approaches should incorporate both national and international values (IPPC/EU/WHO) and should consider technologies and/or approaches that are available and adaptable to the Western Balkans.



  • Excellent experience/knowledge in the field of application of environmental monitoring and field surveillance for a range of industrial, mining and contaminated sites and purposes (reconnaissance, regulatory and performance);
  • Expertise in the preparation and presentation of tailored environmental monitoring  training  through lectures and interactive workshops to  a wide range of audiences;
  • Expertise in preparation and provision of environmental guidance materials;
  • Familiarity with International and European Environmental Protection legislation and standards and their implementation in all participating countries/territories. 

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Educational Background

  •  Postgraduate qualifications in an environmental, engineering or science field relevant to environmental monitoring and site assessment for industrial, mining and contaminated sites.

 Level of Experience

  • 10+ years of experience working in the field of environmental protection, environmental management or other relevant field associated with Environmental Monitoring, field surveillance, site assessment.
  • Extensive experience in the development and presentation of environmental monitoring training packages through workshops, lectures, written materials, study tours etc.
  • Extensive experience in undertaking environmental monitoring and site assessment using a range of tools and approaches and monitoring a variety of media.
  • Excellent understanding of the principles, tools, and techniques required to monitor industrial, mining and contaminated sites and expertise in their application to human and environmental health.

General skills

  • Good writing skills, clear and persuasive and experienced to prepare valuable  materials that will serve as points of reference;
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity to effectively interact with all participating countries/territories;
  •  Experience working in a post conflict/transitional, multi-cultural work environment;
  • Familiarity with the UNDP work in the environmental field will be an asset;
  • Ability to operate under strict time limits;
  • Proficient knowledge of written and spoken English.

Applicants are kindly requested to send their CV along with a cover letter to UNDP Office in Podgorica by e-mail to by March 18th 2009, CoB.  Please indicate in the cover letter the post reference clearly, otherwise your application may not be considered. Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their qualifications and work experience, and only the short-listed candidates will be invited for interview.

UNDP is an equal opportunity employer.