The UN Resident Coordinator Office (RCO) aims to achieve a better focus and enhance the impact of the UN activities in Kuwait. The RCO provides the strategic guidance and support to UN entities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and relevant UN resolutions. The RCO interacts with many interlocutors in Kuwait and forges partnerships with the Government of Kuwait. The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) includes 11 Resident UN organizations and 8 Non-Resident who are jointly working on a multi-year framework, the United Nations Strategic Cooperation Framework (UNSCF 2020-2025). The UN Resident Coordinator, as the designated representative of the UN Secretary-General, leads the UN System in Kuwait in its developmental work. The RCO serves as the Secretariat to the UN System and, as such, supports UN inter-agency processes.
The Common Country Analysis (CCA), is an objective baseline measure of the situation in the country, and a key instrument for the coordination function of the UNCT. The current Kuwait Common Country Assessment (CCA) was produced in 2015 and updated in 2018 as part of the UNSCF preparation process. The UNCSF has now been finalized and agreed with the Government of Kuwait, and its waiting for signature.
The CCA will provide integrated analysis and foresight for the Future Narrative in Kuwait post COVID-19. In this respect, it will be a living document that provides a strong focus on the 2030 Agenda, with a special attention to the gaps and opportunities for achieving the SDGs. The CCA will be a data-driven analysis of the national development situation with an emphasis on the principle of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) in support of achievement of New Kuwait vision 2035.
The process is being put in place by the RCO for a Common Country Assessment system and foresight that will turn into a flexible, speedy and strong analysis for informing sound programmes of cooperation and effective response to the country needs as indicated in the five-year Development Plan 2020-2025.
The update of the CCA will be based on a cyclical process of risk assessment, information update, analysis and foresight to feed the programmatic approach of the UNCT. The iterative process should be repeated on annual basis.
The scope of this consultancy is to facilitate the preparation of a high-quality, rights based, and evidence based CCA and Kuwait Future Narrative post COVID-19 Report.
The consultancy is located in the United Nations Resident Coordination Office (RCO) in Kuwait and reports to the Resident Coordinator Office Team Leader under the everyday coordination of the SDG Data Manager and Results/Monitoring Officer. It will be home-based, with possible missions to Kuwait if health and travel conditions allow it.
This consultancy is aimed to support the UNCT in Kuwait to develop a; 1) high quality and evidence-based Common Country Assessment and; 2) Kuwait Future Narrative post COVID-19 Report. It will examine the situation of the country Vis-à-vis Kuwait’s commitment to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, human rights, UN norms and standards and the principles of the UN Charter as well as the challenges and opportunities to realize New Kuwait Vision 2035 as set in the National Development Plan 2020-2025 .The CCA Report is expected to inform UNCT of priority programmatic interventions needed to achieve the outcomes of Kuwait United Nations Strategic Cooperation Framework 2020-2025. The Common Country Assessment will follow the United Nations Guidelines for CCA as annexed to the UN Cooperation Framework Guide (attached in Annex 1).
The main elements/ Sub-reports expected of the CCA and Kuwait Future Narrative post COVID-19 Reports are:
1. Multi-Dimensional Risk Assessment, and LNOB Analysis
2. Foresight and future scenario narrative:
o Economic resilience;
o Education and continuous learning:
o Protection of vulnerable group;
o Health, Well-being and Living Environment analysis
o Governance, institutional strengthening, and global positioning
Duties and Responsibilities
Scope of Work
1. To work with UNCT in identifying multidimensional risks that could impact the development trajectory of the country, particularly taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 crisis across the following risk areas: economic stability, food security, access to social services, social cohesion and the future of work, public health, built and natural environment, regional and global influences, political and democratic space, SDG financing and funding landscape risks.
2. To analyze the risk assessment and mitigation factors at immediate, short and medium term.
3. To incorporate briefing notes and indicator analysis produced by the RCO and the UNCT and systematize the collection of data, knowledge, best practices, and identified during the risk consultation process and UN-75 talks organized by RCO and the UNCT.
4. To identify and describe population groups left behind or at risk of being left behind in the country, assessing the evidence of who is left behind and to what degree and the underlying intersection of drivers of risks and vulnerabilities, sources of deprivation, discrimination and needs; and analysis of inequalities, including gender inequality, taking into account political, social, cultural, geography, governance, disasters, climate change, the environment or the economy related issues.
5. In collaboration with the SDG Data Manager and Results/Monitoring officer, to complement the risk analyses with available data and evidence available for Kuwait generating stronger evidence that support key messages, particularly the risk of population groups being left behind.
6. To develop the Foresight and Future Scenarios narrative that will arise from the multi-dimensional risk assessment studies and supported by data analysis from previous sections. It will take a prospective approach by focusing on enhancing quality of life, jobs and income and a right based approach to development, which the Kuwait – United Nations Strategic Cooperation Framework 2020-2025 intends to support. With Kuwait Vision 2035 as a guiding narrative, this section will analyze current developmental trends and pathways towards achieving the Agenda 2030, while anticipating possible impacts from the Multi-Dimensional Risk Assessment in Kuwait National Development Plant 2020-2025. The analysis of the policy briefs will be incorporated into the foresight and future scenarios.
7. To identify the progress, challenges, opportunities and gaps related to the achievement of the vision of Kuwait in following areas, with their respective descriptions:
7.1. Economic resilience: an economic resilient Kuwait that is less dependent on oil revenue, based on a knowledge-based economy with private sector participation of the economy. This section analyses Kuwait baseline and the gap to achieving its goals, particularly amid the challenges and risk posed by the crisis. It analyzes the prospects of bouncing back from the dual crisis as a more inclusive and sustainable economy. From a human capital and people-centered approach to economic development, this section will examine the relationship between economic growth, job creation and income, population access to public services, resource allocation for public services and expenditure, labour market policies and unemployment trends and prospects. It will highlight the demographic trends vis-à-vis the labour market, included the required skills and capacities needed to achieve a balanced and inclusive society.
7.2. Education and continuous learning: (e-learning) The COVID-19 crisis has brought severe shocks to the education sector in Kuwait as in the rest of the world. To become a knowledge economy and provide its young population with the skills required in a diversified economy, the acceleration of reforms needed to improve the quality of education, and to mitigate the strong impact of this unparalleled disruption to education, is an outmost priority. A prosperous Kuwait requires the accelerated rolling out of e-learning mechanism, and capacity building to educators. To reach a knowledge-based Kuwait, policies and planning will be needed to review the adjustment of plans and programmes, tolls and curricula to accelerate the back-to-school. Kuwait will become resilient to future crisis through the incorporation of measures that will enable the continued teaching and learning, with the necessary skills development. Finally, the section examines the effectiveness of the skill development and higher education services and programmes.
7.3. Protection of vulnerable group: A nurturing and cohesive Kuwait ensures at the adequacy and effectiveness of social protection systems for the population in vulnerable situations (national and non-nationals alike) and ensures that the benefits of prosperity are shared among its population. A socially cohesive Kuwait protects its vulnerable population from shocks. The COVID-19 and economic crisis has hit many of the vulnerable population from many angles. Their working and living conditions enhance their vulnerabilities, and at the same time the group that will be most impacted from the economic crisis. This section looks at the inter-linkages between social vulnerabilities and health – risk factors, and the conditions that make vulnerable groups prone to further exploitations.
7.4. Health, Well-being and Living Environment analysis: This section further analyzes national policies and services that affect universal access to health, quality of health services, impacting the prevalence communicable diseases and multiplying the risks non-communicable diseases. The health sector in Kuwait is playing a vital role during the crisis. Healthcare institutions will continue playing a vital role achieving the desired quality of life for the people of Kuwait. The health crisis is bringing valuable lessons to understand the need of improving service quality in the existing public healthcare system and developing a national healthcare system capable of resolving growing public health issues at reasonable cost. This section will further focus at the country status in terms of natural and built environment. It takes a look at the trade-off between economic development and environmental protection, vis-à-vis the prevailing patterns of urban development and its corresponding impacts in consumption patterns of natural resources. It examines at the impacts of economic diversification, and eventual reduction of government subsidies in the future living environment modalities. This section will make use of comparable data analysis between living standards, including rates of consumption natural resources – including land, waste management and protection of environmental assets, and the past and projected trends of economic and social development indicators. Finally, it will take a prospective analysis of the trends of biodiversity and environmental degradation and underlying environmental and health risks that this can provoke, including climate-change related risks.
7.5. Governance, institutional strengthening, and global positioning: A post-COVID Kuwait will have learnt from the need of improving effectiveness and efficiency in critical service delivery. The section elaborates on the required public sector and political reforms needed to become more resilient to future crises. It analyzes the various practices of governance at various levels with the aspiration of identifying critical areas needed to transform Kuwait over the three planning cycles: from Private led development (2020-2025) to Knowledge Economy (2025-2030) and becoming a Smart Kuwait (2030-2035). Starting from the state as the primary duty-bearer for human rights, the division of power, the organization of the state authority on the territory, including capacities to adopt a cross-sectoral and participatory approach to realize the 2035 Vision. The analysis of security, conflict prevention, corruption, rule of law, and access to justice, as well as public participation, freedom of opinion and expression, along with other fundamental freedoms and the capacity of the state to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. A second part of this section will elaborate the global positioning of the State of Kuwait, and the increasing role as a partner for preventive diplomacy, conflict resolution, humanitarian and development assistant, promoting peace and stability in the region.
The consultant will develop a technically sound methodology in accordance with human rights approach to data, international data protection standards and the UN Principles on Personal Data Protection and Privacy. The methodology will amongst others:
- Draw and synthesize secondary and primary data and add to existing data, statistics, analyses, reviews, research, studies and resources from within and outside the UN system. These include national and sector-specific development visions and strategies, national budget allocations, and development financing from domestic and international, private and public sources, regional and global reports;
- Capture data on regional and cross-border issues which impact on the country’s development trajectory;
- Ensure a highly participatory CCA process involving a wide range of national stakeholders – UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes, government, development partners, international financial institutions, private sector, civil society, international NGOs, trade unions, youth, women, children, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups of persons at risk of or already left behind;
- Employ innovative approaches to inclusive and participatory data collection and analytical processes that alsotakes advantage of the high internet and mobile coverage and usage in the country;
- The CCA design process and available methodological tools will facilitate identification of those left behind orat risk of being left behind across all the themes examined;
- The evidence and data, where it is possible, needs to be disaggregated not only by income, gender, geographyand age, but also other grounds of exclusion and deprivation. Social, cultural, economic, political, legislativeand other systemic drivers of exclusion should be examined and described.
C.Expected Outputs and Deliverables
The following schedule is expected to be used as a guide for the consultant in coming up with the final workplan with realistic timeline for the key deliverables.
Sl. No |
Deliverables |
Due date |
No. of full working days |
Payment schedule in percentage |
Review and approvals required |
1 | Inception report Desk review of all the available studies, reports, evaluations, surveys produced by the country, including the UNSCF 2020-2025, current CCA, Kuwait Vision 2035, KNDP 2020-2025, SDG VNR 2019, Key UNCT, and World Bank reports. Develop anInception Report, that includes detailed CCA Work Plan for completing the assignment, including tools and methodologies to be used for the Risk Assessment; questionnaires and guidance material developed for the consultations with stakeholders. |
15 Oct |
5 working days |
10% |
2 |
Annotated outline for CCA report with inclusion of the UN75 Talks With the series of UN75-Talkswebinars as the initial framework for discussion, and follow-up consultations with key stakeholders, the consultant will organize focus online discussions with the UN Resident Coordinator, UNCT, UN Results Groups, Non- Resident UN Agencies, Government, Civil Society, Development Partners, and others, as identified. The annotated outline for the CCA Report will incorporate key findings based on trends, data analysis, policy notes and background papers provided by the UNCT |
30 Oct |
10 working days |
15% |
| Substantive contribution to the preparation of the consultation and the resulting policy note |
3 | Draft CCA part 1: Multi-dimensional Risk Assessment Max 15 pages (English) in word format |
15 Nov |
15 working days |
15% |
4 | Draft CCA part 2: Kuwait Future Narrative post COVID-19 Max 15 pages (English) in word format |
30 Nov |
15 working days |
20% |
5 | Final CCA Report The final CCA Report will consist on max. 40 pages (English) and 2,500 words Executive Summary (submitted in soft copy). To be assessed using UNSDG Quality Checklist for CCA developing. |
10 Dec |
10 working days |
30% |
6 | Statistical Annex Compile and incorporate the essential annexes (excel tables and graphs) necessary to support the Common Country Analysis. |
20th Dec |
5 working days |
10% |
- Institutional Arrangement
Responsibilities of the UNCT
Under the leadership of UN Resident Coordinator, the UNCT will be responsible for the successful execution of the CCA processby managing and quality assuring the work and deliverables of the international consultant. In particular, they will:
- Guide the consultant in preparing the CCA Inception Report;
- Facilitate the review of the CCA Inception report, proposed data collection tools and CCA methodology;
- Provide all available key government, UN and other stakeholder data pertinent for understanding the country situation. All UN Agencies will make available all necessary data required for the CCA review to be included in a data repository;
- Perform statistical analysis of available data to support the CCA analysis, by identifying trends, comparisons andbenchmarks of the most relevant data, including SDGs and KPI of the Vision 2035 and the Kuwait NationalDevelopment Plan 2025. Identify key findings and messages derived from the data analysis;
- Provide all available key government, UN and other stakeholder documents, reports, and policy papers pertinent for understanding the country situation. All UN Agencies will make available all necessary documents for review to be included in a document repository for the CCA;
- Prepare the necessary policy papers in the priority areas of the UNSCF, driven from the three outcomes the cross-cutting themes of human rights, youth and gender, and climate action.
- Identify all key stakeholders to be consulted during this study;
- Organize meetings, consultations and focus groups and arrange the modality for these to take place;
- Provide timely feedback on the evolving draft of the CCA so that it meets the desired quality within the expected timeline;
- Prior to the finalization of the CCA report, facilitate the necessary consensus building with key stakeholders and final approval by the UNCT;
- Through the RCO, draw upon the technical capacities, expertise of the UN global and regional levels for achieving a high quality CCA.
Responsibilities of the consultant:
Under the overall guidance of the Resident Coordinator and the direct supervision of the Data Monitoring and Reporting Officer, the consultant will be responsible to undertake all necessary activities of CCA process and will be specifically responsible for thefollowing:
- Prepare, design and present the Inception Report, detailed CCA methodology and contextualization of tools to be used during the analysis, review and reporting to fulfil the consultancy objectives;
- Conduct consultations with key stakeholders (government, development partners, civil society, private sector) in very close consultation with the RCO;
- Prepare a high quality analytical CCA report and Future Narrative after COVID19 for Kuwait;
- Prepare presentations to the UNCT, government and national stakeholders as may be needed;
- Integrate into research design, analysis and report the UN Guiding principles: (i) Leave no one behind,
(ii) Human rights-based approach’ (iii) gender equality and women’s empowerment, (iv) resilience; (v) accountability; and (vi) sustainability.
Duration of the Work
The duration of work is 60 working days over a period of 3 months.
Duty Station
The consultant is expected to be in home based with expected missions to Kuwait when travel restrictions are lifted
Scope of Price Proposal
The financial proposal submitted shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or uponcompletion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified inthe TOR. The financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, living allowance, and the number of anticipated working days).
In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging, and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.
- EvaluationCumulative analysis
Total score=Technical Score + Financial Score. Technical Criteria weight - 70%, 700 scores maximum Financial Criteria weight - 30%. 300 scores maximum
The selection of candidates will be done in 3 stages:
1st stage: Prior to detailed evaluation, all applications will be thoroughly screened against eligibility criteria (minimum qualification requirements) as set in the TOR to determine whether they are compliant/non- compliant.
Shortlisting criteria | |
1 | Advanced university degree (Master’s and above) in development studies, economics, social sciences, international relations or any other related field; |
2 | Previous experience of conducting country/national level situational analysis, UN common country programming processes, some of which must be related to 2030 Agenda for sustainable development/SDGs; and SDG nationalization and reporting processes; |
3 | Excellent analytical writing and oral presentational English demonstrated by sample of past work submitted with the proposal; |
2nd stage: Evaluation of technical proposals
Short-listed candidates will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 490 points (70%) at the Technical Evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Technical Evaluation Criteria (Desk review and Interview based) | Maximum obtainable points – 700; Threshold – 490 points |
Relevant educational background | 70 |
10 years’ experience of conducting multi-disciplinary country/national level situational analysis related to 2030 Agenda or SDGs | 210 |
Previous experience Kuwait and/or Gulf countries | 35 |
Previous experience of conducting UN Common Country Analysis | 35 |
Substantial professional application of human rights, gender equality, environmental sustainability, result-based management and capacity development in research | 105 |
Excellent analytical writing and oral presentational English assessed from submitted past work; | 70 |
Arabic language is advantage | 70 |
Good understanding of the assignment with all specific components proposed within TOR have been identified clearly and in a logical order to address ToR requirements: Excellent 100% from the score Good 90% from the score Satisfactory 70% from the score Poor 40% from the score Very poor 10% from the score | 105 |
Financial Evaluation Criteria | Maximum obtainable points – 300 (30%) |
3rd stage: Financial evaluation
The cumulative analysis will be used based on the following methodology: All the offers of individual consultants who scored 490 (70% from 700) and more points during the desk review are acceptable for financialevaluation. The lowest financial qualified proposal receives 300 points and all the other technically qualified proposals receive points in inverse proportion per the formula:
Formula applied | P=y(µ/z) |
P=points for the financial proposal being evaluated |
y=maximum number of points for the financial proposal equal to 300 |
µ=the lowest priced proposal |
z=price of the proposal being evaluated |
The candidate achieving the highest cumulative score for both Technical and Financial evaluations will berecommended by the Evaluation Committee for contracting. ROSTER MEMBERS of United Nations and UNDP can be directly selected.
Applicants are requested to compile and submit as one PDF file the below-requested documents:
- Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability;
- Achievement-based CV, including: Summary of experience with preparation of country/national level situational analysis, UN common country programming processes,, UN joint programming and summary of past experience in a similar context and/or region, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and at least three (3) professional referees;
- Technical Proposal includes:
- One page that highlights your track record of work experience that demonstrates your practical skills and abilities in these areas and how you’ve been involved in these tasks in the past and explaining why you are the most suitable for this assignment.
- Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan – this section should demonstrate the Proposer’s response to the Terms of Reference aligned with 2035 agenda and SDGs byidentifying the specific components proposed, how the requirements shall be addressed, asspecified, point by point; providing a detailed description of the essential
performance characteristics proposed; and demonstrating how the proposed methodology meets or exceeds the specifications.
- Sample of past similar work Countries or sectors analytical reports or common country Assessments;
- Financial Proposal that indicates an all-inclusive Lump Sum Amount with a fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP, the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP. The consultant should be aware that the contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components.
- Focus on client satisfaction;
- Facility with statistical data and knowledge of human rights and gender equality approaches; statistics of qualitative and quantitative data in similar UNDPFs and ability to develop clear and concise presentations
- Ability to share knowledge and experience and provide helpful feedback and advice.
Required Skills and Experience
Requirements for Experience and QualificationsEducation:
- Advanced university degree (Master’s and above) in development studies, economics, social sciences, international relations or any other related field;
Experience and skills:
- At least 10 years’ experience of conducting country/national level situational analysis, UN common country programmingprocesses, some of which must be related to 2030 Agenda for sustainable development/SDGs; and SDG nationalization and reporting processes;
- Previous experience of conducting UN Common Country Analysis is an asset;
- Substantial professional application of human rights, gender equality, women’s empowerment, environmental sustainability, results-based management, resilience, and capacity development in research; with excellent understanding of inclusive economic growth, decent work, development risks, hazards, vulnerabilities and challenges of upper-middle income countries, including those linked to climate change;
- Experience in the discourse around UN development system reforms and related trainings/workshops of the UN System Staff College and other UN entities;
- Ability to design and implement participatory, inclusive, and innovative methods and tools;
- Ability to deliver a high-analytical report in a very short time and ability to lead a research team and work effectively and constructively in a multi-agency setting;
- Experience in Kuwait and/or Gulf countries highly desirable;
- Excellent analytical writing and oral presentational English;
- Knowledge of Arabic is desirable