
  1. Background


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. The purpose of this consultancy is to support the implementation of the Making Every Woman and Girl Count programme by, in particular, supporting the development of training materials on Time-Use Surveys and statistics.


  1. Assignment Background:


To support member states in implementing the 2030 Agenda, UN Women’s Flagship Programme Initiative, “Making Every Woman and Girl Count (MEWG)” aims to affect a radical shift in the availability, accessibility and use of data and statistics on key aspects of gender equality and women’s empowerment. The MEWG Programme encompasses a multi-year and multi-country programme of work with particular focus on implementing and supporting regional and country-specific activities in the three inter-related key areas:


  • Building a supportive policy and institutional environment for the localization and effective monitoring of the SDGs;
  • Increasing the quality, comparability and regularity of gender statistics to address national data gaps and meet reporting commitments under the SDGs; and
  • Ensuring that gender statistics are accessible to users in governments, civil society, academia and the private sector, to strengthen adequate demand for their production.


Within the context of implementing this programme, and with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality, availability and use of gender statistics, UN Women is organizing a series of regional workshops that will bring together countries from across the regions to strengthen the knowledge of the United Nations guidelines and standards relevant to conduct Time-Use surveys.  


Deberes y responsabilidades

  1. Scope of work


The consultant will be working under the joint supervision of Gender Statistic Specialist of both UN Women Regional Office for Western and Central Africa and Asia and the Pacific to prepare a training module on “Conducting Time-Use Surveys and analysing time-use statistics”. The training module targets mid-level officials at National Statistical Offices, Ministries of Women and academia. The training module is expected to be fully informed by the relevant United Nations guidelines and standards on the topic and structured around 6 key areas: 1) policy uses and informational needs for time-use statistics (e.g. measurement objectives, including construction of satellite accounts of unpaid work); 2) conceptual framework and relevant United Nations statistical standards (e.g. System of National Accounts, 19th ICLS, ICATUS 2016);  3) sampling for Time-Use Surveys and field operations; 4) questionnaire design and methods of data collection; 5) editing, processing and analysing time-use statistics; 6) communicating and disseminating time-use statistics. The expected duration of each session is 2 hours and the tone and purpose of the training materials should be pedagogical.


  • Prepare an inception report that includes the concept note for the training, the training agenda and the selected topics for each session of the training module, including relevant reference material for each session.
  • Prepare power points presentation of relevant materials (e.g. United Nations guidelines and standards and best practices) for each session.
  • Draft a short syllabus for each session.
  • Prepare at least one hands-on exercise for learners to practice the materials being taught in each session.
  • Provide an example “case study” of a real-life instance for each session, including where time-use statistics have been used for Policy Making.
  • Provide an example dataset for the learner to use for exercises and instruction on how to construct different indicators, including SDG 5.4.1.
  • Include a list of links to existing resources on this topic (bibliography or on-line resource repository).
  • Draft 3 example quiz to test the students’ knowledge after finalization of the module (including solutions for trainers). 
  • Deliverables and target dates
  • Key Tasks


    Target Date

    Prepare a first draft training module on “Conducting time-use surveys and statistics”


    1. Inception report that includes the concept note for the training, the training agenda and the selected topics for each session of the training module, including relevant reference material for each session.
    2. Prepare power points presentation of relevant materials (e.g. United Nations guidelines and standards and best practices) for each session.
    3. Draft a short syllabus for each session.
    4. Prepare at least one hands-on exercise for learners to practice the materials being taught in each session.
    5. Provide an example “case study” of a real-life instance for each session, including where time-

    use statistics have been used for Policy Making.

    1. Provide an example dataset for the learner to use for exercises and instruction on how to construct different indicators, including SDG 5.4.1.
    2. Include a list of links to existing resources on this topic (bibliography or on-line resource repository).
    3. Draft 3 example quiz to test the students’ knowledge after finalization of the module (including solutions for trainers).

    D1: 3 days after signature of contract




    D2 to D8: share each topic for review, as it goes  before 16 of November





    Incorporate comments from supervisor and finalize the training module.

    1. Final concept note and agenda for the training
    2. Final power points presentation of relevant materials (e.g. United Nations guidelines and standards and best practices) for each session.
    3. Final short syllabus for each session.
    4. Final one hands-on exercise for learners to practice the materials being taught in each session.
    5. Final “case study” of a real-life instance for each session, including where time-use statistics have been used for Policy Making.
    6. Final example dataset for the learner to use for exercises and instruction on how to construct different indicators, including SDG 5.4.1.
    7. Final list of links to existing resources on this topic (bibliography or on-line resource repository).
    8. Final 3 quiz to test the students’ knowledge after finalization of the module (including solutions for trainers).

    D1: 5 days after signature of contract

    D2 to D8: 24 of November 


    Payments for this consultancy will be based on the achievement of each deliverable and certification that each has been satisfactorily completed. Payments will not be based on the number of days worked but on the completion of each stated deliverable within the indicated timeframes.


  • Contract duration and location

    This consultancy is home-based assignment starting from 15 October to 24 November 2020.



  • Experience with labour statistics, including thorough knowledge of international statistical standards such as those set up in the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians.
  • Additional experience on preparing training materials, syllabus and guidelines.
  • Knowledge about gender equality and the empowerment of women.
  • Strong research and writing skills, with strong analytical skills.
  • Excellent command of English.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  1. Required qualification


  • Master’s degree in the field of education, gender statistics, international development, gender studies or other related area.
  • A minimum of 10 years of professional experience designing and implementing statistical training, gender data training, and/or training on evidence-based decision making.
  • A minimum of 8 years professional experience supporting the conduction of Time-Use Surveys and analysing Time-use microdata from a gender equality perspective.
  • Thorough knowledge of relevant United Nations Guidelines and standards related to Time-Use surveys and statistics, including the International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics.
  • Evaluation of the applications
  • Applications will be evaluated based CV and technical experience.


    Technical qualification evaluation criteria:


    The total number of points allocated for the technical qualification component is 100. The technical qualification of the individual is evaluated based on following technical qualification evaluation criteria:


    Technical Evaluation Criteria

    Obtainable Score

    1. Education
    • Master’s degree in the field of education, gender statistics, international development, gender studies or other related area


    1. Experience and skills of the team
    • A minimum of 10 years of professional experience designing and implementing statistical training, gender data training, and/or training on evidence-based decision making.
    • A minimum of 8 years professional experience supporting the conduction of Time-Use Surveys and analysing Time-use microdata from a gender equality perspective.
    • Thorough knowledge of relevant United Nations Guidelines and standards related to Time-Use surveys and statistics, including the International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics.
    • Experience with labour statistics, including thorough knowledge of international statistical standards such as those set up in the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians.

    70 %

    1. Language and report writing skills
    • Additional experience on preparing training materials, syllabus and guidelines.
    • Knowledge about gender equality and the empowerment of women.
    • Strong research and writing skills, with strong analytical skills.
    • Excellent command of English. 

    10 %

    Total Obtainable Score

    100 %


    Only the candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% of total points will be considered as technically qualified candidates who may be contacted for validation interview.

  • The Submission package includes:

  • Updated CV
  • Personal History Form (P11 which can be downloaded from