
Kosovo considers climate change as a priority area and is dedicated to make its contribution to the solution of this global challenge. Even though Kosovo is not a Party to UNFCCC yet, has responsibility to respond to the requirements of the Convention and Protocol, as one of the signatories of the Energy Community Treaty. Energy Community Treaty also sets clear targets of reducing energy use while demands increase the share of renewable energies. Based on current data, Kosovo’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions globally is almost negligible, its commitment to join the global efforts to reduce the level a greenhouse gas emission has been forthcoming. 

In the context of legislation on climate change, aspects related to these changes are included in the relevant environmental legislation, including Law on Environment, Law on Protection of Air Pollution and Law on Water. 

It also approved the Climate Change Strategy 2018-2028, which is consistent with the expected policy framework of the EU climate and energy. Within the activities in the climate change sector, Kosovo has prepared the register (inventory) of greenhouse gases for 2008-2013.    

Currently in Kosovo, Monitoring Verification Platform (MVP) has been defined in the Law on EE, adopted in 2018, as an official tool for calculation, verification and reporting on achieved energy savings to be used by municipalities.  The Monitoring and Verification Platform is a simple tool for calculating energy savings and recording of all energy efficiency plans, and projects implemented for energy efficiency. Prizren Municipality has developed Energy Efficiency Action Plan (MEEAP), and Kosovo Energy Efficiency Agency (KEEA) provides to the municipality a software and guidelines for establishing a MRV system for tracking progress on implementation of EE projects, mentioned in the MEEAP. 

The Energy Community Secretariat recommends the MVP as the official tool for sector-relevant reporting and it has been shared with many of its contracting parties. Furthermore, the GIZ ORF-EE, GIZ’s Kosovo Energy Efficiency Project and the Kosovo Energy Efficiency Agency have provided online trainings to 11 municipality Energy managers on MVP, in 2020.

The objective of the UNDP’s project “Support for Sustainable Prizren – Initiating Urban NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions)” is to prepare the city of Prizren for reducing the overall Green House Gases (GHG) emissions through cross-sectoral interventions at the municipal level, such as collaboration between industry, Kosovo institution, private sector, civil society including women CSOs and academia that account for different experiences based on gender sensitive approach. 

The Prizren city has established the Green Growth Centre (PGGC) serve as NAMA planning and oversight office. It has the authority to collect data on city-wide GHGs emissions and report them, to operate the city-wide GHG inventory, to develop indicators which reflect sustainability perspectives, rather than simply measuring the progress.  The Municipality of Prizren’s Inventory for Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) emissions has been set for 2014.  The GHG emissions from the energy, agriculture and waste management sectors were assessed, while the sectors for transport, land use, land use change and forestry, industrial processes and product use were not estimated (due to lack of complete data and specific information).  The process of the GHG Inventory enabled the Working Group officials to gain basic knowledge on GHG emissions accounting and preparation of the GHG inventory. As well, in 2019, was provided the MRV training why monitoring GHG emissions is important, what are the basic calculation steps and how to apply them for Prizren Green Growth Centre (PGGC) Working Group. This is initial step to enable the Prizren to map, track and monitor the GHG emissions within the identified boundary.

Therefore, UNDP looks for an international consultant to work closely with a Local Consultant to provide to develop design of a gender sensitive,  Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System for Prizren Municipality, which will contain a GHG MRV and a Mitigation/NAMAs component.

Objectives of Assignment

The objective of this assignment is to design the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System on GHG emissions for Urban NAMAs at local level, in Prizren City. 

Devoirs et responsabilités

Due to Covid19 pandemic the International Consultant must have knowledge and equipment to deliver remotely all activities required.

The International Expert shall be responsible for reviewing the existing specifics of the Prizren city to develop:

  • Design the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System on GHG emissions for Urban NAMAs at local level, in Prizren City.
  • Develop MRV handbook.

Progress Final 
The consultant will also submit to UNDP the progress Report and all supporting documentation – including source data and processed data, MRV handbook, materials, notes from the consultations, Powerpoint presentations, as well as any written and electronic documents produced.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

  • Output 1. Design MRV system for GHG emissions for Urban NAMAs in Prizren City (est. 10 working days)
  • Output 2. Develop MRV handbook and MRV workshop (est. 5 working days)
  • Output 3. Progress Report Final report with related documents (est. 2 working days)

Institutional Arrangement 
The International Expert will regularly report to the Project Manager and Portfolio Manager, Sustainable Growth and Resilience, United Nations Development Programme. The Expert is expected to liaise and collaborate in the course of performing the work with the project team, Local Consultants, Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency, Kosovo Statistical Agency, and Prizren Municipality.  

Duration of work  
The duration of the assignment is expected to last for 17 working days throughout October - November 2020. If the International Expert expects delay in the completion of the work, he/she should notify UNDP management in a duly manner. At all levels, the International Expert should communicate to the UNDP whether he/she needs further assistance from the UNDP team.  
Throughout the duration of this assignment, the UNDP team will provide feedback no later than 7 working days from the date of submission. 

Remuneration - Lump Sum Amount
All proposals must be expressed in a lump sum amount. This amount must be “all-inclusive” . Please note that the contract price will be fixed regardless of changes in the cost components. 

The contractor will be paid an all-inclusive fixed lump sum amount over the assignment period. The fixed lump sum amount will be paid in three installments in line with the schedule of payment table hereunder:

(i) Completed Output 1                    40%        
(ii) Completed Output 2                    40% 
(ii) Completed Output 2                    20% 

Required Presentation of Offer
The following documents are required:

NB: The costs of the organization of the workshops and meetings are the responsibility of the project.

Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer
This section criteria for selection of the best offer will be subject to a most cost-effective bid selection process based on a scorecard and taking into consideration the weights of the technical and financial scores, which are of, respectively, 70% and 30%. 

Technical score: 70% weight allocated as follows:

A/ The evaluation of the technical offer will be as follows:  

Criteria Points

Max Points

Post Graduate degree in Environmental Science/Management, Engineering or in related fields.


At least 5 years international experience and expertise in conducting Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for GHG emissions and related activities; experience in Kosovo is an asset.

25 pts

Three references specifically in the field of developing MRV systems and deliver of MRV trainings.

20 pts

Assessment of the methodological note and of the implementation schedule by the evaluation committee.

- Quality of writing and of the presentation:               20 points

- Understanding of the assignment:                            25 points

45 pts


100 pts

Financial score: financial offer (30% weight) 

B/ Evaluation of the financial offers: Only the financial proposals of the applications selected following the technical evaluation with a minimum of 70/100 points will be considered for the financial evaluation.


Corporate Competencies 

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies

  • Ability to synthesize research and draw conclusions on the related subjects;
  • Good analytical and report writing skills;
  • Good communication skills;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing;
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a multicultural team environment;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors; 
  • Responds positively to critical feedback.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Have a Post Graduate degree in Environmental Science/Management, Engineering, related or any other relevant qualification in related fields. 

Work Experience 

  • At least 5 years international experience and expertise in conducting Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for GHG emissions and related activities; experience in Kosovo is an asset.
  • Demonstrated experience working as consultant for program/ projects related to climate change and MRV for GHG emissions; and setting the MRV systems for Urban NAMAs.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing the MRV handbook and delivering trainings.
  • Demonstrated experience in technology information field 


  • Excellent writing, editing skills in English is a must.  

Application Instructions:

  • Click on the "Apply now" button.
  • Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation; You can type in, or paste your short Resume into the last box.
  • Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to upload your Resume.
  • System will only allow one attachment. All docs (CV; P11; financial offer; list of similar profiles should be included as one attachment).
  • Please make sure to submit all the requested documents/information; otherwise, your application will be considered incomplete.