
A.    Project Title

The National Consultant in the position of International Engineer in Solar-PV Technology is required particularly during the first year of the project to assist the Project Management Unit (PMU) in preparation of procurement and monitoring the work of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) company for the Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequality (ACCESS) Project in Timor-Leste.


B.    Project Description

In alignment with the UNDP Strategic Plan to reduce inequality, the acceleration of access to electricity using locally available renewable resources is a feasible intervention. In Timor-Leste, about 76.5% of the villages have access to the electricity grid. It is estimated that about 29,000 families in remote areas of Timor-Leste already have energy supply through various use of renewable energy resources; however, there are still around 37,000 families who do not have access to electricity. The biggest challenge for the government in the coming years will be to reach those families living in isolated areas in the mountains or near the border with Indonesia. In addition, access to water supply is another challenge in Timor-Leste. While in urban areas the access to water supply reaches 91 %, in rural areas, access to improved water supply reaches only 60 % of the population.


UNDP, with funding support from KOICA Indonesia, implements a 4 years project titled “Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequality (ACCESS).” Under overall oversight from UNDP Indonesia, the project will be implemented in Indonesia and Timor-Leste in collaboration with UNDP Timor-Leste. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and KOICA Indonesia are the implementing partners of the ACCESS project in Indonesia, while the Ministry of State Administration (MSA) and KOICA Timor-Leste are the partners in Timor-Leste.


The ACCESS project's objective is for the poor and most vulnerable communities to have equitable and sustainable access to basic services required for improving livelihoods. In Indonesia, the ACCESS project locations are 23 villages in East Nusa Tenggara, West Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and Central Kalimantan Provinces, while in Timor-Leste are 25 villages in Dili, Bobonaro and Manatuto municipalities.


The expected outputs of the ACCESS project are:

Output 1: Renewable-based energy infrastructures are constructed, providing access to electricity for households in 23 targeted villages of 4 Provinces in Indonesia that can be monitored remotely. 

Output 2: Local capacity is in place to operate and maintain built energy infrastructures.

Output 3: Local institutions established to enhance sustainability and scaled-up use of built energy infrastructures.

Output 4: providing sustainable access to clean water and lighting in Timor-Leste in 25 remote villages by installing 11 solar PV water pumps and 1000 Highly Efficient Solar Lamp System (LTSHE).

Output 5: Results dissemination and reach-out for scaling up.


For the project implementation, UNDP establishes Project Management Unit (PMU) in both Indonesia and Timor-Leste. The PMU consists of National Project Manager, Technical Engineers, Municipal Technician, Finance and Admin Associate, Administrative Clerk and Driver.  The CTA and the National Project Manager in Timor-Leste will supervise the National Project Manager and assure that the PMU of Timor-Leste delivers the project's outputs. A Project Board consisting of government partners, KOICA, and UNDP will be established to provide advisory and strategic guidance to the project. The position of the National Engineer is required to assist the International Engineer in assisting the PMU in preparation of procurement and monitoring the work of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) company. For this purpose, UNDP Timor-Leste is seeking an National Engineer in Solar PV Technology.


Under the supervision of CTA and National Project Manager, the National Engineer is responsible to provide technical expertise to ensure quality of the engineering and construction of solar PV water pumps in Timor-Leste. The National Engineer is expected to have close collaboration with the National Project Manager and the International Technical Engineer in Timor-Leste.

Duties and Responsibilities

selection C.        Scope of Work

In collaboration with the National Project Manager and National Engineer in ACCESS project team, the National Engineer is responsible in:

  1. Supporting the International Engineer in providing technical input and oversight to the design of work plans, detailed procurement plans, tender documents and TORs that include feasibility study, design, construction, stakeholder involvement, quality control and risk management for solar-PV water pumps;
  2. Work closely with the UNDP procurement to develop the appropriate contract packaging and tender documents for works to be contracted; this includes review of technical documents for tender, technical review of all offers received as well as final technical recommendation of contractor based on the requirements of the project;
  3. In collaboration with the International Engineer in providing technical inputs and guidance to the consultant team/company in conducting detailed feasibility study and engineering, procurement, and construction activities. Liaise with and direct the work of engineers and other technical staff employed on the project and develop appropriate solutions to overcome unforeseen construction difficulties. Negotiate modifications with contractors and other Engineers.
  4. Inspect project sites to monitor progress and ensure conformance to design specifications and safety or sanitation standards;
  5. Providing recommendation to the Project Manager to certify payments for contractors for stages completed;
  6. Guiding and supporting the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) of the project and observe a full compliance during the entire project duration. Providing guidance to the Project Manager with the implementation and monitoring of all construction risk mitigation measures and take necessary actions to mitigate the risks.
  7. Providing guidance and technical support in creating a comprehensive overview of a good international practice of solar-PV power plants.
  8. Assist the Project Manager in preparation of project reports for submission to KOICA and Project Steering Committee.


  • Minimum 2 years of work experience in solar-PV power plants project development or construction;
  • Experience in dealing with Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies;
  • Experience in monitoring power plant construction projects;
  • Familiarity working with quantitative and qualitative data;
  • Demonstrated experience presenting work to both technical and non-technical audiences
  • Excellent interpersonal and networking skills, including the ability to liaise effectively at project management levels;
  • Ability to communicate and function effectively in an international, multicultural environment;
  • Ability to work effectively in a team.

Required Skills and Experience

  • A Master’s degree or equivalent in Engineering other related disciplines.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Ability to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia, Portuguese or Tetum will be an advantage. 

The following are the links to apply online and to download required information’s:

  1. Mandatory to apply online; please click this link: Consultancy Proposal (CV & Financial proposal Template, P11 should be uploaded) These templates should be scanned as 1 PDF documents.
  2. To download the ToR, P11 form, Financial Proposal form , IC Terms of References, please click this link:  

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to