The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) is a global multi-lateral grant-making mechanism supporting national efforts to prevent and end violence against women and girls. The UN Trust Fund was established through the UN General Assembly Resolution 50/166 in 1996 with UNDP and now UN Women as it’s Administrator on behalf of the UN system. The overall responsibility for the administration of the Fund rests with UN Women’s Executive Director. This responsibility is further delegated to UN Women’s Policy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division Director, Deputy Director and the Chief of the UN Trust Fund’s Secretariat.
As a follow up to the General Assembly Resolution 50/166 and as called for in the UN Trust Fund Terms of Reference, the Inter-Agency Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) was established as “a mechanism for consultation and cooperation in the consideration of the Fund’s activities, inter alia to enhance effectiveness of UN system-wide efforts, and to aid in the mobilization of additional resources for the Fund, including relevant bodies and organs of the United Nations, and members of relevant non-governmental organizations.” This mechanism, (the PAC) was established in 1997.
The UN Trust Fund is currently seeking applications from leading civil society organizations and individuals with expertise on the issue of ending violence against women to serve in its Global Programme Advisory Committee, referred to as the “GPAC”. This document sets out the terms of reference for members of the GPAC. The membership would be for a one-year period.
Devoirs et responsabilités
1. Membership of the Global Inter-Agency Programme Advisory Committee
The Global inter-agency PAC consists of representatives of UN entities and experts from civil society organizations and/or independent experts with significant expertise and experience in programming to end violence against women. GPAC meetings are generally held at least twice a year. Meetings are held in UN-Women Headquarters in New York and convened by the UN Trust Fund Secretariat. GPAC members will be requested to participate via teleconference/phone if not available in person, and do not need to be located in the United States.
2. Role of the Global Inter-Agency Programme Advisory Committee Members
The Global inter-agency Programme Advisory Committee (GPAC) is intended to bring together, on a pro bono basis, a collection of individuals, organizations and agencies, with unique knowledge and skills on the issue of ending violence against women and girls to more effectively consult and advise the Fund. Specifically, the role of the GPAC is to:
- Advise the UN Trust Fund Secretariat on a regular and ongoing basis on policy and programming issues, including as regards the Fund’s strategies and action plans, and priorities for grant-making.
- Technically contribute to the grantee selection process by appraising applications, recommending a shortlist of applications for the next stage of the selection process and/or recommending final projects for approval by UN Women’s Executive Director (or delegate).
- Provide expert programmatic advice upon request on UN Trust Fund thematic and/or global evaluations, assessments and/or reviews in order to inform the strategic direction of the Fund.
- Contribute to strengthening coordination and coherence on approaches to ending gender-based violence by offering an additional venue for information-sharing and exchange on key developments and initiatives via the regular meetings of the UN agency representatives and other leading organizations who are members of the PAC.
- Support the dissemination of the UN Trust Fund documentation – including its Call for Proposals and knowledge products - across their respective networks.
3. Terms of service and selection of members
Members should serve on the GPAC for one year. New members will be appointed as terms expire. Members should not complete successive terms: members must be absent from the GPAC for at least one year before being considered for reappointment.
GPAC members must have the relevant skills, experience and seniority in their organization to make informed recommendations, as well as the interest and availability to complete GPAC responsibilities according to deadlines and standards required.
The GPAC Chair is the Director of Policy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division, UN Women (or delegate). The UN Trust Fund Secretariat will act as an observer for the GPAC - GPAC members will be required to check and sign the minutes of each GPAC meeting.
4. Conflict of Interest and Ethics and Confidentiality Policy
In order to maintain principles of transparency, fairness, objectivity, the highest standards of quality assurance, as well as to avoid potential/emerging conflict of interest, GPAC members should disclose in writing any current or previous relationship with - or personal / organizational interest in - any of the organizations submitting proposals every year and excuse themselves from the process.
Likewise, GPAC members must not be involved in, or assist with, drafting or advising organizations on applications to the UN Trust Fund (except for outreach when disseminating the Call for Proposal). GPAC members must operate in an impartial and unbiased manner, ensure that confidentiality and independence of judgment are maintained and that recommendations are independently presented.
Corporate Competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the UN
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
- Substantive knowledge of gender equality issues and of programming in the field of Ending Violence against Women and Girls
- Ability to assimilate and analyze complex information and derive programme relevant findings
- Ability to integrate knowledge into strategic, policy and operational frameworks
- Good problem solving skills with the ability to design and implement innovative solutions
Creativity, judgment and decision making:
- Demonstrated sound judgment in resolving issues/problems
- Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Ability to establish and maintain good working relationships in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment
- Ability to handle difficult/sensitive situations with a high degree of tact, diplomacy and firmness
- Ability to work collaboratively and operate effectively across organizational boundaries
Functional Competencies:
- Capacity to self-organize and deliver tasks on time complying with strict deadlines
Qualifications et expériences requises
- Must have a minimum of 7 years field, programmatic or thematic work experience on the issue of ending violence against women and/or girls.
- Must demonstrate substantive and technical experience working with governments, donors and/or civil society organizations regionally and in the field.
- Experience working with youth organizations addressing violence against adolescent girls, addressing violence against especially excluded or disadvantaged women and girls, such as, women and girls with disabilities, LBT, internally displaced and refugees, indigenous, older, members of ethnic minorities, and addressing the intersectionality needs of marginalized women facing violence and/or experience working with grassroots organizations addressing violence against women and girls is considered an asset.
- Must exhibit fluency in English.
- Knowledge of French and/or Spanish is considered an asset.
To Apply:
- Please submit your CV/P11 and motivation letter.
- If shortlisted, completion of confidentiality and no conflict of interest agreement will be requested. If shortlisted, two reference letters will also be requested.
This position is on volunteer basis only.