In the past two decades, an annual average of 172,000 Filipino women migrant workers (WMW) was deployed overseas as new hires. Analysis of the migration flow from the Philippines for the period 1981- 2011 revealed that 60% of registered migrant workers are women (UN Women, 2015). In 2014, out of the 340,279 Filipino workers overseas, 185,601 were female, indicating a trend of feminisation of the migratory flows (ASEAN, 2017). Women migrant workers are disproportionately vulnerable to violence at all stages of the migration cycle and they often experience intersectional forms of discrimination.
The Philippines is seen as one of the countries with an advanced migration governance framework. However, in the different migration stages, women migrant workers continue to face a risk of violence, trafficking, and discrimination. They also have limited access to protection and support services. In 2016, of the estimated 7,556 overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who were in distress and repatriated 67% were women. In the same year, 251 were victims of trafficking, 82% of whom were women. Further, the National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) in 2017 found that only 30 per cent of women who experienced physical or sexual violence sought help to stop the violence.
Women migrant workers (WMW) are disproportionately vulnerable to violence at all stages of the migration cycle and they often experience intersectional forms of discrimination. The CEDAW Committee expressed concerns on “the widespread exploitation and abuse of Filipina migrant workers working abroad, in particular as domestic workers, and the insufficient support provided to reintegrate those who return.”
In the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the incidence of violence against women is seen to increase – as tensions rise, freedom is restricted, economic tensions are felt, and women are isolated from support systems. Postponed or cancelled trips and employment contracts abroad brought about by travel bans have forced Filipinas to go back home, where many of them endure intimate partner violence or psychological violence from dependents. Losing their jobs and the prospect of an independent income that would enable them to escape abuse, and the incapacity to support their families any longer, all increase the risk of domestic violence. “Social distancing,” a strategy adopted and recommended to contain the virus, is likely to increase the risk of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), as it may be used as a mechanism to isolate the survivor from her family and social networks, as a part of emotional or psychological violence and controlling behavior.
Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region (2018-2022) is part of the multi-year EU-UN Spotlight Initiative to Eliminate Violence against Women and Girls. Safe and Fair is implemented by the ILO and UN Women. Safe and Fair delivers technical assistance and support with the overall objective of making labour migration Safe and Fair for all women in the ASEAN region. Safe and Fair engages with ASEAN Member States’ government authorities; ASEAN institutions; workers’ organizations; employers and recruitment agencies; civil society organizations; community-based organizations; families and communities; research institutions and academia, media networks, youth, and the general public and supports programming in ten countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam).
Safe and Fair works in close cooperation with governments and social partners to achieve three inter-linking specific objectives:
Specific objective 1: Women migrant workers are better protected by gender-sensitive labour migration governance frameworks;
Specific objective 2: Women migrant workers are less vulnerable to violence and trafficking and benefit from coordinated responsive quality services; and
Specific objective 3: Data, knowledge and attitudes on the rights and contributions of women migrant workers are improved
The Safe and Fair programme strategy mainstreams three cross-cutting topics: women’s voice and agency; rights-based approaches; and broad engagement of stakeholders. Safe and Fair ensures visibility, awareness-raising and dialogue promotion on changing norms around violence against women throughout migration and strengthening rights-based approaches to Safe and Fair labour migration governance for women in the ASEAN region.
Purpose of the consultancy
This consultancy contributes to
- Output 03.02. “Capacity of relevant ministries and national statistics offices to produce and apply policy-relevant official data and analysis on women’s labour migration and violence against women migrant workers is improved” with Activity 3.2.2 “Capacity building for collection and analysis of VAW data disaggregated by migratory status, in line with SDGs”, and will report to Indicator 3.2.2 “Number of ASEAN countries collecting data on violence against migrant women (administrative or prevalence data)” and Indicator 2.2.1 “Number of information systems strengthened for women migrants who access support services (health, welfare, police, justice) for survivors of violence and trafficking”
Action Planning with Government Agencies and Interagency Bodies in Collecting, Analyzing and Consolidating Data on VAW and migration
This is a follow through and country-level implementation of the recommendations from the regional webinar series on the ASEAN Regional VAWG Data Guidelines. The country-specific discussion yielded recommendations on how to systematically collect, consolidate, and manage VAW administrative data. This also builds on previous discussions with and plan/s of the interagency council on VAWC (IACVAWC), to improve VAW administrative data collection and management.
SAF has on-going discussions with the Philippine Commission on Women and Commission on Human Rights (CHR); the latter with an existing GBV data repository) for the next steps in strengthening the administrative VAW data integrating VAWMWs in the CHR and the IACVAWC. There have been also been efforts in strengthening the role of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in VAW administrative data collection and consolidation, with its existing interagency bodies such as the interagency council on gender statistics and interagency council on migration statistics.
The activity is a series of online training-consultations cum strategy development which aims to connect and convene the different data collection bodies, with guidance from and engagement with the academe (department of women and development, and department of statistics) in enhancing data collection, analysis, consolidation and management on VAW administrative data.
The following are the objectives of the training-consultations cum action planning:
- Strengthen data analysis, collection, integration/ consolidation, and management of VAW and migration administrative data
- Build the capacity of government agencies and interagency bodies with a specific mandate and role to collect and analyze data on violence against women (VAW) and migrants; in cooperation with other stakeholders including the academe, women and migrant CSOs, labor unions, private sectors (employers’ organizations and recruitment agencies), etc.
- Develop action plan with concrete steps for improving VAW and migration administrative data collection, integration/ consolidation and management (which may include harmonization of VAW definition in intake forms, development/ refinement of a simplified and clear administrative data collection and management integrating VAW and migration administrative data.
Data collection and management will cover data being collected from country of destination or CODs (Philippine embassies and consulates) to country of origin (COOs)/ Philippine home office, national to local (national agencies to region, province, city or barangay level), interagency bodies, such as:
- Philippine Statistics Authority Interagency Committee on Gender Statistics and Interagency Committee on Migration Statistics
- Interagency council on violence against women and their children (IACVAWC)
- Interagency council against trafficking (IACAT)
- Agencies part of the Joint Manual of Operations in Providing Assistance to Migrant Workers and other Filipinos Overseas (DFA, OWWA, POEA, DSWD, etc.)
- NEDA’s Subcommittee on International Migration and Development (SCIMD); and
- One Country Team Approach (OCTA) in Philippine Embassies in ASEAN major CODs (at least 3 countries)
In line with Leave No One Behind (LNOB) principle, the data collection also envisions to surface how marginalized groups of women migrant workers subject to violence (domestic workers, with disabilities/ acquired from migration, living with HIV, LGBTIQ, etc.) are covered in the data collection. This will be done while ensuring confidentiality and data protection.
The data collection and management covers the essential services provided and referred to different agencies aligned with the 16 Essentials for Quality Multisectoral Service Provision to Women Migrant Workers Subject to Violence
This Consultancy builds on the Submission of the Research Writer for Technical Briefs on Coordination of Services, Policy Recommendations and Service Directory on VAW and Migration. Additionally, the selected consultant will be working closely with the regional Safe and Fair roving team consultants to align with regional tools developed on VAW administrative data collection and coordinated quality service provision.
Duties and Responsibilities
The Consultant is expected to complete the following key tasks:
- Organize at least 3 Online Training-Consultations cum Strategy Development on strengthening collection and analysis of VAW administrative data disaggregated by migratory status, in line with SDGs. The participants include key representatives from government agencies and interagency bodies with a specific mandate and role to collect and analyze data on violence against women (VAW) and migration; in cooperation with other stakeholders including the academe, women and migrant CSOs, labor unions, private sectors (employers’ organizations and recruitment agencies), etc.
- Convene 6 preparatory and bilateral meetings with key agencies and interagency bodies, one meeting each for:
- Philippine Statistics Authority Interagency Committee on Gender Statistics, and Interagency Committee on Migration Statistics
- Interagency council on Violence against Women and their Children (IACVAWC) together with Philippine Commission on Women and Commission on Human Rights
- Interagency Council against Trafficking (IACAT)
- Agencies part of the Joint Manual of Operations in Providing Assistance to Migrant Workers and other Filipinos Overseas (DFA, OWWA, POEA, DSWD, etc.)
- NEDA’s Subcommittee on International Migration and Development (SCIMD);
- One Country Team Approach (OCTA) in Philippine Embassies in 3 major countries of destination (should include at least one ASEAN COD)
- Conduct a review of relevant documents i.e., existing VAW administrative data collection process or systems of above key agencies and interagency bodies
- Based on the results of the online training-consultations cum action planning, and with guidance from the Safe and Fair roving team consultants, coordinate with key agencies to ensure follow-through and implementation of (joint) action plan for improving and consolidating VAW and migration administrative data to be presented to key agencies and interagency bodies
Final products and deliverables
The consultancy is expected to be completed within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the contract signing with close communications with Safe and Fair National Project Officer:
Deliverables | Deadline |
| 15 December 2020 |
| 31 April 2021 |
| 31 October 2021 |
Core Values:
Respect for Diversity
Core Competencies:
Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
Creative Problem Solving
Effective Communication
Inclusive Collaboration
Stakeholder Engagement
Leading by Example
Required Skills and Experience
- Master’s degree or equivalent in social science, gender studies, labour migration or other related fields.
- Demonstrated experience in VAW data collection and statistics, mixed methods in research, and capacity building
- Has at least 7 years of experience working on violence against women, gender and labour migration, gender equality, or other issues related to women migrant workers
- Strong understanding of issues related to gender equality in the context of labour migration, violence against women, preferably in the ASEAN region;
- Affiliation with Department of Women and Development Studies, and/ or School of Statistics, or related fields is an advantage
- Has previous working experience with Philippine women’s rights and migrant rights’ organizations
- Strong written and communication skills in English and Filipino;
Submission of application
Submission package:
- Application Letter. Please provide a brief explanation of why you are suited for this Consultancy and cite relevant experience.
- CV and P11 of Consultant
- Financial proposal in PHP which shall specify a total lump sum amount based on deliverables
Please note that the system only allows 1 attachment per application so please combined all files into one. In case that is not possible, you can submit the application again with different attachments.
In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.