
Project Title – Recovery and Resilience Project Philippines


Albay is five hundred fifteen kilometers south of the capital Manila in the Philippines. It hosts an active volcano, Mount Mayon. It is located along the Philippine eastern seaboard and it susceptible to hydro-meteorological hazards coming from the Pacific Ocean in the east.
With its current population of 1.5 million, Albay is faced with multiple hazards year-round which threatens the lives, economy and investments of its people. Among the hazards are typhoons which cause storm surges and flooding as secondary hazard; volcanic which is the source of pyroclastic and mudflow, lahar and other debris. The province’s mountainous areas is also prone to landslide and surface run-off. A number of areas have been identified as sinkholes.

Albay was struck by successive typhoons Molave/Quinta, Atsani/Siony, Goni/Rolly and Vamco/Ulysses. These severe weather disturbances dramatically changed the topology of Albay specially the areas surrounding Mount Mayon. Billions of investments lost, countless families were either left homeless or left with no choice but to relocate to safer areas.

Even when there is no typhoon as long as there is precipitation, there is the continuing threat from sudden lahar mudflows from the slopes of Mount Mayon to the surrounding communities below. Mitigation from the future impacts of these natural disasters can be done through a more granular geo-spatial mapping of the said areas.

Given the above situation above, UNDP will support the conduct of recovery planning activities that will pave the way for the formulation of long-term rehabilitation plan of Albay. Identified as a specific entry point for UNDP in this support is to capacitate the Province of Albay on Geo-Spatial Analytics, Hazard Mapping and drone photogrammetry.


Institutional Arrangements
The Climate Action Team Leader shall directly supervise the consultant. The consultant is expected to liaise/interact/collaborate/meet with the APSEMO, different LGUs, stakeholders and UNDP Climate Action Team for the duration of the engagement.


Duration of Work
The target date for the start of work is February 2021 and the completion date is April 2021 for maximum of 30 working days spread over 2.5months.


Duty Station
Duty Station is in Legazpi City, Albay Province. However, in compliance to the COVID-19 pandemic and declaration of State of Public Health Emergency in the Philippines, all work and travel of the Individual Consultant shall be done within the guidelines and protocols set by the local government of Albay.


Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments

The financial proposals from possible candidates should be expressed in lump sum amount inclusive of all financial costs related to this engagement (i.e., professional fees X number of working days, drone procurement, transportation, photocopying, communications including internet, etc.).

Payments will be made when specific outputs have been submitted, as outlined below:





Inception Meeting and Report

February 2021


Geo-Spatial Training and Mapping Part 1

Training Report and Recommendations

March 2021


Geo-Spatial Training and Mapping Part 2

Training Report and Recommendations

March 2021


Final Report

April  2021

Deberes y responsabilidades

Objectives and Scope of Work
The technical consultant will primarily be tasked to conduct 2 in-person trainings (11 LGUs as participants) on geo spatial analytics and hazard mapping to the disaster risk reduction officers of affected local government units (LGUs) of Albay and technical team from the Albay Provincial Safety Emergency and Management Office [APSEMO]. Specifically the trainings aims to:
1. Raise local officers’ awareness of using available geospatial services to analyze impacts of natural hazards, focusing on:
? Review of vulnerability and risk concepts using local examples
? Methods and toolkits in identifying vulnerabilities and risks
? Effective use of cases of natural hazard data in impact assessment, early recovery and development planning
? Sources and compilations of primary data and secondary data, e.g., Common Operational Datasets (CODs)

2. Carry out a localized study that characterizes necessary data and resources to assess a natural hazard event and that documents existing or potential sources of data and resources, including following suggested topics:
? Plan for reducing hazards
? Atlas of hazards and risks in Albay
? Potential multi-hazards triggered by each kind of single event
? Series of strip maps
? Cross section of effects
? Photo maps
? Photograph of post-disaster damages (with proper geo-tags)
? Land capability analysis in identifying possible areas for rehabilitation
? Information processed by computer
? GIS toolkits and platforms for analytics

3. Provide analytics of hazard maps and technical assistance in impact assessment of Typhoon Rolly and development/resettlement planning.
? Provision of technical assistance and mentoring to APSEMO and LGUs

4. Pilot application of the photogrammetry drone in multi-hazard mapping
? Select and set up a drone mapping ecosystem with consideration of data privacy and limited Internet connectivity (e.g. digital toolkits, smartphone app or platform for drone mapping)
? Discuss with APSEMO and LGUs to identify target areas and clarify legitimate requirements
? Operate the photogrammetry drone in the field and complete corresponding hazard mapping
? Document procedures and findings of this pilot application in a report

Output / Deliverable

Estimated Duration to Complete

Target Due Date

Review and Approvals Required (Indicate designation of person who will review output and confirm acceptance)

Inception Meeting and Report

5 WD

February 2021


Geo-Spatial Training and Mapping Part 1

Training Report and Recommendations

- Sources of Data

- Use of Analytical software and tools

- Methods and toolkits in analyzing risks

7 WD

March 2021


Geo-Spatial Training and Mapping Part 2

Training Report and Recommendations

- Pilot application report of the photogrammetry drone in multi-hazard mapping

- Localized study report for impact assessments of natural hazards

12 WD

March 2021


Final Analysis Report

7 WD

April  2021



Corporate competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN's values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional and technical competencies

  • Ability to work in a diverse and multi-cultural environment;
  • Self-motivated and ability to work under pressure and to meet strict and competing deadlines;
  • Displays analytical judgment and demonstrated ability to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Offers will be evaluated based on the combined scoring method :

  • Technical qualifications = 70%
  • Financial Proposal =    30%

For the evaluation of the Technical Proposal, the selection of the successful consultant must be based on the following qualifications (with the appropriate obtainable points): 


Points Obtainable (100 points)


Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences, Statistics, Management, or related fields. Master’s Degree or Master’s units in GIS Science, Geography, Spatial Statistics, Geology, Disaster Risk Reduction, Humanitarian Assessment and Response, Data Science or related fields are desirable.

  • 20 points if relevant Master’s degree
  • 16 points if Master’s units in subjects stated above
  • 14 points if relevant Bachelor’s Degree

20 points


At least 5 years of previous work experience in geospatial analytics, mapping, GIS applications, or related fields.

  • 21 points for 5 years; 2 points per additional  year

30 points

At least 2 years of previous work experience on disaster risk, resilience and recovery or related fields.

  • 11 points for 2 years;  1 point per additional year

15 points

At least 2 years of previous work experience on post-disaster impact assessments or humanitarian needs assessments, e.g. PDNA, DaLA, HBDA, ERNA and RDNA.

  • 7 points for 2 years; 1 point per additional year

10 points

Has completed at least 1 project on drone mapping or other drone applications.

  • 4 points for 1 completed project; 5 points for 2 or more

5 points

Sample Work

Has at least 1 sample work related to any of the following themes: geospatial analytics, disaster risk, resilience and recovery, drone mapping or relevant fields.

11 points for 1 relevant sample work; 15 points for 2 sample work, 20 points for 3 or more.

20 points


100 points


Recommended Presentation of Offer

For purposes of generating Offers whose contents are uniformly presented and to facilitate their comparative analysis, it is best to recommend the preferred contents and presentation of the Offer to be submitted, as well as the format/sequencing of their presentation.  The following documents may be requested:

  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
  2. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
  3. Details of at least 1 project on drone mapping or other drone applications
  4. At least 1 sample work related to any of the following themes: geospatial analytics, disaster risk, resilience and recovery, drone mapping or relevant fields (provide copy or link)
  5. Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP. 


Interested applicants to note that personal Medical/health insurance (to be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense) is mandatory for the issuance of contracts. Upon award of the contract, the consultant must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during the contract duration.

The following templates / Annexes and IC General Terms & Conditions can be downloaded from

  • General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contract
  • Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability
  • P-11 form


In view of the volume of applications, UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.