
The project has been implemented since 2006 and is expected to be completed in 2010. The project is nationally executed by the Energy Efficiency Department (EED) under the State Committee on Standardization of Belarus. The total GEF contribution amounts to $1,400,000, matched by $8,369,600 from local project partners.
This project addresses capacity and awareness issues amongst state enterprises and local authorities by building capacity to provide information and consulting services, and training to local authority and state enterprise employees in energy efficiency. Support has been provided to the local authorities and state enterprises to identify energy efficiency opportunities and increase internal investments to realize such opportunities in the DH&CHP sector, including the utilization of concessional financing opportunities being offered by central government. The opportunities of local bank loans for energy efficiency investment projects are to be assessed. In addition to building awareness, the project plans to create momentum amongst local government for investment in energy efficiency by designing and testing employee bonuses for realizing energy efficiency and institutional incentives by enabling municipalities to retain a part of the savings they make from energy efficiency improvements.
The project objective is going to be realized through 3 key outcomes:
  • Outcome 1. Increased incentives for state organizations to invest in energy efficiency;
  • Outcome 2. Financial resources made available by the state sector for energy efficiency investment are used more efficiently;
  • Outcome 3. Project successes sustained and replicated throughout Belarus.
More information about the project can be found at
In accordance with UNDP/GEF monitoring and evaluation (M&E) policies and procedures, all regular and medium-sized projects supported by the GEF should undergo a mid-term evaluation (MTE).

Deberes y responsabilidades

The evaluation should primarily focus on assessing project progress, to see if it is on track with the project document and come up with recommendations on improvements, if needed. 

The evaluator should determine, as systematically and objectively as possible, the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project. The evaluation will assess the achievements of the project against its objectives, including examination of the relevance of the objectives and of the project design. It will also identify factors that have facilitated or impeded the achievement of the objectives. While a thorough review of the past is in itself very important, the in-depth evaluation is expected to lead to detailed recommendations and lessons learned for the future.

The evaluator is expected to work with key project stakeholders, including UNDP Country Office in Belarus, Energy Efficiency Department, Ministry of Environment, and the members of the Project Steering Committee.
The evaluator will receive the support of UNDP Country Office in Belarus and Project Management Team, and will be assisted by a translator/interpreter.
Specific Responsibilities:
The evaluator will be responsible to deliver the expected output of the mission. He/she will perform the following tasks:
  • Lead and manage the evaluation mission;
  • Design the detailed evaluation methodology and plan;
  • Conduct desk-reviews, interviews and site-visits in order to obtain objective and verifiable data to substantive evaluation ratings and assessments, including:
  • Assessment of adequacy of the level and proposed modes of enforcement of the regulatory and programmatic documents developed within the project for creation of an enabling environment for energy efficiency in the state sector;
  • Verification of the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool data, as collected and reported by the project;
  • Validation of the adequacy and viability of the Energy Centre’s investment;
  • Validation of the proposed economic incentives for budgetary organizations to introduce energy efficiency measures;
  • Draft the evaluation report and share with the key stakeholders for comments;
  • Finalize the evaluation report based on the inputs from key stakeholders.
The evaluation will include the following:
  • Documentation review (desk study);
  • Interviews with Project Management Unit and key project stakeholders;
  • In-country field visits.
The expected output of the evaluation is a report that includes:
Findings with the rating on performance;
Conclusions drawn;
Recommendations for improving delivery of project outputs;
Lessons learned concerning best and worst practices in producing outputs;
A rating on progress towards outputs.


  • Proven track record of application of results-based approaches to evaluation of projects focusing on energy efficiency (relevant experience in the CIS region and within UN system would be an asset);
  • Familiarity with energy efficiency principles and relevant international best-practices;
  • Knowledge of and recent experience in applying UNDP and GEF M&E policies and procedures.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Advanced university degree in economics, energy, or related area;
  • Extensive (at least 10-year) experience and proven track record with policy advice and/or project development/implementation in energy efficiency in transition economies;
  • Excellent English communication skills, knowledge of Russian would be an asset;
  • Demonstrable analytical skills.
Applications procedures:

Applicants are requested to apply on-line.
Information about the condition of the SSA contract:
Applicants should prepare and submit:
  • cover letter stating their interest in and qualifications for the position (in English);
  • recent CV;
  • price offer (in USD) indicating the daily fee and the expected travel expenses.
 Deadline for submission of applications:         3 May 2009
Responsible applicants will be short-listed, and at least three applicants will gain a personal, or telephone hearing, a competitive review.
Women are encouraged to apply. UNDP is non-smoking work environment.