
UNDP established the Graphic Designer Roster to accommodate company’s continuous needs for design and layout of various communications and PR products (including but not limited to: leaflets, brochures, posters, booklets, reports, books, limited edition publications, graphic elements (animated and non-animated) for the web and social media, folders, infographics, banners, etc.). Graphic Designer Roster enables fast-track hiring and execution of specific design tasks, according to the pre-determined price rates. 
Creating Roster of Graphic Designers who will be tasked to design publications and various communication products for UNDP, ensuring consistent application of UNDP’s visual branding elements and high-quality of its products.
Background Information:
UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP works in nearly 170 countries and territories, helping national actors (governments, civil society, businesses and citizens) to find their own solutions to the development challenges they face.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Under overall guidance of UNDP Communications Unit and upon request of UNDP the designer is expected to perform tasks as described in the Scope of Work

Scope of work

1. Graphic design and layout of flagship and high-end publications (Human Development Reports, policy papers, etc.)
These tasks require highest level of creativity and expertise from the designer

  • Provide up to three (3) draft designs or design concepts for cover page of flagship publication to UNDP.
  • Provide two (2) draft designs for up to five (5) characteristic pages of the publication (combining text, graphics and tables).
  • Provide UNDP with the detailed description related to the product production: type of print medium/material, printing technique, finishing (folding, cutting, binding, illuminating…), colors to be used, etc.
  • Advise on appropriate formats of printing and any/all potential concerns regarding the selection of print medium and its specifications. This task might require designer to maintain direct communication with a selected printing company.
  • Identify/recommend/select/process graphics and photos to be used in the publication (per request and in consultation with designate UNDP representative).
  • Incorporate any/all changes as request by a designate UNDP representative.
  • Report on progress of the task to the designate UNDP representative (to ensure task is completed per agreed timeline).
  • Provide UNDP with the final and approved version of design, in file format suitable for printing (Corel, Adobe or other file formats) and web publishing (optimized pdf).
  • Provide UNDP with source file in editable format (Corel, Adobe or other file formats).
  • If requested by UNDP, communicate with a selected print company to ensure the print job is done accordingly and that design/layout is delivered in an appropriate format.

2. Graphic design and layout of print materials (publications, leaflets, booklets, roll-up banners, newsletters, factsheets, infographics, etc.)

  • Provide one (1) draft design or design concept to UNDP for review and approval. In case of publications, draft design this will be submitted for (a) cover page of the publication and (b) no more than three (3) characteristic pages (combining text, graphics and tables).
  • Provide UNDP with the detailed description related to the product production: type of print medium/material, printing technique, finishing (folding, cutting, binding, illuminating…), colors to be used, etc.
  • Identify/recommend/select/process graphics and photos to be used (per request and in consultation with designate UNDP representative).
  • Incorporate any/all changes as request by a designate UNDP representative.
  • Report on progress of the task to the designate UNDP representative (to ensure task is completed per agreed timeline).
  • Every design task must be approved by the UNDP. Any/all requested changes to the design executed.
  • Provide UNDP with the final and approved version of design, in file format suitable for printing (Corel, Adobe or other file formats) and web publishing (optimized pdf).
  • Provide UNDP with source file in editable format (Corel, Adobe or other file formats).
  • If requested by UNDP, communicate with the selected print company to ensure the print job is done accordingly and that design/layout is delivered in an appropriate format.

3. Design of online-distributed promotional products (HTML newsletters, web banners in various formats, e-bulletins, infographics, animated gifs, picture processing, various types of content adapted for social media dissemination, etc.)

  • Provide one (1) draft design or design concepts for online-distributed promotional material to UNDP.
  • Identify/select/recommend/process graphics and photos to be used in the online-distributed promo material (per request and in consultation with designate UNDP representative).
  • Incorporate any/all changes as request by a designate UNDP representative.
  • Report on progress of the task to the designate UNDP representative (to ensure task is completed per agreed timeline).
  • Provide UNDP with the final and approved version of design, in file format suitable for printing and online distribution (Corel, Adobe or other file formats).
  • Provide UNDP with source file in editable format (Corel, Adobe or other file formats).
  • If requested by UNDP, communicate with a designate web designer or administrator to ensure that online-distributed promotional product is delivered in an appropriate format and that there are no technical errors regarding its appearance on designate online media.

4. Design of visual identity/branding for projects, initiatives and special events. This task includes application of a design to various communication products that will be indicated by the UNDP.

  • Provide up to three (3) drafts proposals or concepts of visual identity/branding for projects, initiatives and special events.
  • Identify/select/recommend/process graphics and photos to complement the proposed visual identity/branding (per request and in consultation with designate UNDP representative
  • Incorporate any/all changes as request by a designate UNDP representative.
  • Report on progress of the task to the designate UNDP representative (to ensure task is completed per agreed timeline).
  • Provide UNDP with the final design in various formats as requested by UNDP
  • If requested by UNDP, communicate with a selected printing company to ensure consistent application of approved design on all print products and media.

Notes:  Proposed design draft needs to be elaborated in a textual form (short description on the proposed approach and use of elements).
 The design should adhere to UNDP style and standards, specifically regarding the font, color, and correct use of UNDP logo (as outlined in the UNDP Graphic Standards).
 The design task (and each sub-task) will be considered completed upon approval of UNDP designate representative.

Workflow - requesting and completing a design task

Call for design offer

1. Designer will receive a request for performance of a design task via UNDP Registry

Note: Request will by default be sent to several designers to ensure competitive and transparent selection process.
The request will include description of the task, timeline and any other information that can influence the design (preferred printing technique and medium, main distribution/dissemination channel, estimated number of copies to be produced, type of audience, source text file that needs to be designed, etc.). Designer will by default be asked to provide draft design at this stage, which will be taken into consideration by UNDP in deciding on the best offer.

2. Designer replies with an e.mail and submits an initial confirmation of interest to undertake the task along with his/her financial offer which has to be in line with the agreed pricelist (Annex to IC). Designer will also, in written form, confirm agreement with the proposed timeline for the task completion (submission of the concept, draft design and final design or recommend changes, which will need to be accepted by UNDP.

The initial confirmation by the designer (e.mail) needs to include list of any/all issues that need to be taken into consideration for successful performance of the task (for example, request for high-res photos, etc.).

Acceptance of the design offer by UNDP

3. For tasks 1 and 4 of Scope of Work, selection of the offeror will be by default done based on combined scoring method, using following formula for the rating of the Proposals:

Rating the Draft Design/Concept:

Draft Design/Concept Rating = (Total Score Obtained by the Offer / Max. Obtainable Score for Draft Design/Concept) x 100

Rating the Financial Proposal (FP):

FP Rating = (Lowest Priced Offer / Price of the Offer Being Reviewed) x 100

Total Combined Score:

(Draft Design/Concept Rating) x (Weight of Draft Design/Concept, e.g. 70%)

                + (FP Rating) x (Weight of FP, e.g., 30%)               

Total Combined and Final Rating of the Proposal


4. For tasks 2 and 3 of Scope of Work selection of the offeror will by default be done based on lowest price offered for the service requested.

5. Upon decision on acceptance of the offer review of financial offers and submitted draft designs, selected designer will be contacted by UNDP via Registry.

Design task completion

6. Designer submits draft design / concept (including textual explanation of the approach and use of design elements) to UNDP, unless already submitted during a call for design task stage.

7. Upon UNDP’s approval and written acceptance of one of the submitted draft designs, the Designer continues with the task respectful of agreed timeline. UNDP withholds the right to remand changes to proposed design.

8. Upon approval of design by UNDP, the Designer delivers final design as per agreed timeline and in accordance with the Scope of Work. The Designer delivers source file along with the final design.

9. Payment of design services is conducted upon successful completion of the task.



Deliverables / Outputs

# of Days per Task

Due Date



Design and layout of flagship and highest quality publications, including design of the characteristic inside pages of the publication (draft and final version)


Per agreed timeline



Design of print materials as described in Item 2 of the Scope of Work (draft and final version)
1.            leaflets,
2.            booklets,
3.            roll-up banners,
4.            newsletters,
5.            factsheets,
6.            infographics,
7.            Any other promo materials


Per agreed timeline



Design of online-distributed promotional products
1.            HTML newsletters,
2.            web banners in various formats,
3.            e-bulletins,
4.            infographics,
5.            animated gifs,
6.            short Flash animations,
7.            picture processing,
8.            Any other web based promotional product as described in the Item 3 of Scope of Work


Per agreed timeline



Design of visual identity/branding for special events
1.            Folders, template memos and PP presentations, etc.
2.            Newsletters and factsheets, leaflets,
3.            Infographics and visual charts,
4.            Any other materials


Per agreed timeline



Adaptation of existing design and/or its application to various formats


Per agreed timeline




  • Excellent knowledge of graphic design software (please list the software used to perform tasks);
  • Innovative and creative approach to design;
  • Ability to work under tight deadlines;
  • Detail-oriented way of working;
  • Ability and desire to work in a team as well as independently;
  • Excellent organizational skills.


Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Academic Qualifications/Education

  • Eligible candidate should hold professional degree in Graphic Design, arts or architecture, or awards for graphic design or a related field.


  • Eligible candidate should have minimum 3 years of experience in graphic design. The selected candidate must have excellent knowledge of graphic design software.

Languages Requirements

  • English and B/C/S.



Individual  will be evaluated based on the following methodology:

Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the candidate whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

  • * Technical Criteria weight-70%
  • * Financial Criteria weight- 30%

Longlisting/Shortlisting Criteria

Qualifications as stated in the ToR



Relevant Education

max 50 points
30 points allocated for BA/BSc degree

+ 20 points for MSc/MA

Relevant professional experience

max 20 points 


Technical Evaluation Criteria



Rating based on Qualifications


At least 3 years of relevant professional experience, with focus on graphic design


Quality of previous work (based on submitted samples)


Innovative and creative approach to design



Interested candidated must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  • Personal CV/P11, including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.

1. Item 1 of the Scope of Work:

  • Samples of at least 3 flagship or high-end publications by the candidate with details of its publishing (who, where, when). Indicate software used for its production.

2. Item 2 of the Scope of Work:

  • Samples of at least 3 publications designed by the candidate with details of its publishing (who, where, when). These should present different types of design/layout by the candidate. Indicate software used for its production.
  • Samples of at least 3 leaflets, booklets, roll-up banners, newsletters, factsheets, etc. designed by the candidate. Indicate software used for its production.
  • Samples of at least 3 infographics. Indicate software used for its production.

3. Item 3 of the Scope of Work:

  • Samples of at least 3 online-distributed promotional products (HTML newsletters, web banners in various formats, e-bulletins, animated gifs, short Flash animations, picture processing, etc.). Indicate software used for its production.

4. Item 4 of the Scope of Work:

  • Sample of at least 2 visual identity/branding for projects, initiatives or special events designed by the candidate.

NOTE: Candidate must alongside their offer submit filled price list for tasks as described in the Deliverables and Timelines. Template to be filled will be provided by UNDP.

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.


  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 65 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.