Sudan in its three years’ transitional period and in line with the strong commitment of the transition Government as stipulated in the constitutional document August 2019 to promote gender equality and women empowerment, would need to ensure necessary capacity of state institutions to deliver specific functions and responsibilities and ensure gendered delivery of results/outcomes across the socio-economic, civil and political frameworks and the sectors. Such capacity would include a strong, functioning and resourced gender machinery and sectors equipped with specialized gender experts who can identify gender needs of different sectors and support the dialogue with the Gender Machinery to address them. A gender architecture with such chemistry is necessary so that the state delivers on its specific tasks related to gender and ensure gendered delivery of results/outcome across the rest of state functions and tasks.
With the financial support of SIDA, UN Women is working with the Ministry of Labour and Social Development to strengthen the institutional mechanism of the Ministry to support gender mainstreaming in sectors’ intervention and to equip the office of the Prime Minister and targeted sector Ministries with gender advisors. The overall objective of the project is to equip Sudan with an effectual Gender Machinery to contribute to strengthen the capacity of federal and state institutions to deliver specific functions and responsibilities that accounts for gender equality and empowerment of women.
National development plans and strategies identify development priorities and articulate how these will be implemented, financed and monitored. Often, gender equality commitments are not adequately considered or included during the design, implementation and financing stages of planning. Despite efforts to formulate national action plans for gender equality and sectoral gender strategies, these are rarely integrated in national development priority setting and plans. Implementing gender equality commitments requires governments to take a series of actions including formulating policies that remove gender-based discrimination and guarantee women’s rights. Such actions require financial resources, institutional capacity and accountability systems that should be integrated in national plans and budgets in order to enable implementation.
It is in light of thr above, that UN Women is seeking to recruit a Gender Officer -Planning and Budgeting. S/he will be based to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development- Directorate . S/he will work under the direct supervision of the Gender Advisor- Coordination and Capacity Building. The Gender Officer shall maintain a secondary administrative reporting line to UN Women.
Duties and Responsibilities
Engendering Planning & Budgeting frameworks, process and systems
- Review the planning & budgeting system and develop a strategic way forward on how the Ministry will ensure that the gender equality commitments are adequately considered and included during the design, implementation and financing stages of planning at both the MOLSD and National wide;
- Ensure efficient utilization of the Ministry and departmental current/available resources for gender related plans and activities and support the mobilization of resources; Develop gender responsive budgeting (GRB) tools and strategies to be operationalized across the departments of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development as an initial step before being introduced to other line ministries;
- Work with the communication team to develop Behaviour Change Communication strategy to incept, promote GRB;
- Provide technical assistance to ensure that sectorial plans and budgets across the departments reflect commitments to relevant gender equality and human rights of women in line with the Constitutional Document 2019 of the Transitional Government priorities and the program relevant to the work of MoLSD;
- Provide technical support line ministries and other relevant institutions on best practices on gender sensitive and responsive planning and budgeting;
- Work with the M&E officer in developing gender sensitive monitoring and evaluation indicators;
- Provide support to enhance the insitutuional capacity of the MoLSD;
- Provide training for the MoLSD’s staff to develop gender responsive budgeting and plans.
Strategic Partnerships
- Contribute to the strengthening of networks and forge partners at national, state, county and community levels, with government, key women’s organizations, UN agencies and bi-lateral development partner organizations to ensure optimal collective knowledge of gender equality and human rights of women;
- Strengthen partnerships with other UN entities and international policy making forums to highlight and reinforce accountability mechanisms for ensuring resourcing of global commitments;
- Ensuring inclusive participation of civil society and women’s groups in the department’s planning, budgeting and implementation of the strategic plan;
- Create strategic partnership to engender National Statistics; work with the National Bureau of Statistics to ensure that it collects, produces, analyzes and disseminates data disaggregated by gender and age.
Researching and Knowledge management
- Undertake thorough documentation of gender analysis and research of the political, social and economic situation in the country and preparation of substantive inputs for the purpose of planning at the ministry level, line ministries level, and key National macro planning events.
- Conduct researches on gender issues in relation to social, economic and political aspects and in accordance with the commitments to national, regional, and international protocols, resolutions and conventions.
- Work with M&E gender officer to establish gender database for planning purposes.
- Develop and review background documents, briefs and presentations related to the National Planning and Budgeting.
- Document achievements, challenges, and success stories of the implemented actions plan.
- Prepare reports, policy briefs and working papers to support the process of gender planning, budgeting, policy formulation and problem solving.
- Represent the department/Ministry in meetings and events relevant to planning and budgeting.
- In collaboration with the M&E Officer work to create knowledge management system to circulate and make available key researches, policy analysis and data relevant to gender sensitive and responsive planning and budgeting available.
- Perform related tasks as may be required.
- Provide updates and changes in policies, legislation, regulations, and international standards;
- Report on the implementation of strategic and operational plans, identifying policy issues, challenges, lessons learned, success stories and recommendations;
- Prepare and present periodic reports related to plans’ status and budgets’ utilization;
- Support the GDWto standrieze management of donors financial supports and reporting.
Key Performance Indicators:
- Timely and quality inputs to programme design.
- Timely and quality inputs to workplans and budgets.
- Adherence to UN Women standards and rules.
- Timely monitoring and tracking of programme results and finances.
- Timely organization of events.
- Number of knowledge products developed.
- Timely submission of financial reprts to donors
Core Values:
- Respect for Diversity
- Integrity
- Professionalism
Core Competencies:
- Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
- Accountability
- Creative Problem Solving
- Effective Communication
- Inclusive Collaboration
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Leading by Example
- Ethics and Values
- Organizational Awareness
- Work in teams
- Conflict Management
- Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Functional Competencies
- Good knowledge of Results Based Management;
- Good knowledge of technical area; financial management, gender, and socio-economic aspects of planning.
- Good organizational skills and ability to pay close attention to detail;
- Ability to identify and analyze trends, opportunities and threats to eliminating discrimination against women.
- Good report writing and analytical skills.
- Excellent communication and partnership skills.
Required Skills and Experience
Education and certification:
- Master’s degree (or equivalent) in financial management, planning, gender or other relevant social sciences studies.
- At least 3 years of experience of work on:
- Experience in programing related to Gender, women’s rights, economic development;
- Experience in conducting gender analysis of Government plans and budgets;
- Strengthening capacity in gender equality, gender mainstreaming and gender responsive budgeting and planning;