
In Ukraine, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic triggered an unprecedented economic crisis as lockdown measures involved temporary closure of most businesses, particularly in the service sector, almost halting economic activity altogether apart from the country’s key sectors (such as transport, food production and sale, agriculture and pharmaceutical production and sale). The devastating disruption of global supply chains resulted in a sharp drop of business sales, household incomes and jobs. 

Into 2021, the pandemic is unfolding amidst entrenched impediments to inclusive development and socioeconomic recovery. Among the hardest hit by the pandemic are women, who “are bearing the brunt of the hardship”. Due to a larger share of women working in the industries most impacted by COVID-19, many were left without a job. Furthermore, the burden of unpaid care and domestic responsibilities has increased for many, as schools have been closed and many parents had to homeschool their children for months. Often, women find themselves in informal employment, which excludes them from receiving social protection. The pandemic has forced even more women into informal working arrangements. Accordingly, the labor force participation of women has further decreased.

This is also the case in Ukraine, where a recent study conducted by several UN agencies concluded that women were disproportionately heavily hit by the crisis. As business owners were forced to reduce their number of employees, many women lost their jobs. Moreover, household dynamics are changing because of the crisis, leading to a significant growth of the care burdens (care for children/elderly/sick, homeschooling, household chores) largely shared by women and girls coupled with a rise of domestic violence that increases women’s vulnerability. This leads to women losing their income and affects their independence and economic empowerment.

One way in which the share of women in the labor force and thereby ensuring sustainable economic development can be encouraged is through entrepreneurship. However, the study conducted by several UN agencies in Ukraine, concluded that female entrepreneurs and women-led MSMEs in the country were disproportionately heavily hit by the crisis. For instance, the assessment revealed that women entrepreneurs younger than 40 years were impacted particularly severe by the pandemic. Women entrepreneurs doing business in urban areas had significantly higher difficulties with paying recurring costs such as rent and utilities in comparison to their male counterparts. Women-owned enterprises had a lower annual financial turnover compared to the ones owned by men (2019 figures): 66.2 percent of enterprises owned by women had an annual turnover of less than UAH 1 million compared to 47.7 percent of men owners.

At the same time, women showed greater willingness to invest and expand their business further, in comparison to men. Women-led enterprises indicated that they were more likely to expand their business within the domestic market than men (75.9 percent vs. 65.3 percent), expand the distribution channels for their products and services (72 percent vs. 63.3 percent) and expand their presence in foreign markets (24.4 percent vs. 13.8 percent).

In order to stimulate sustainable recovery of living standards of the COVID-19 crisis-affected population in Ukraine, UNDP in cooperation with the International Labor Organization (ILO) launched a joint pilot initiative “Economic empowerment of women as a response to the COVID-19 crisis in Ukraine”.

The implementation of the project initiative will ensure capacity building of local authorities, create an enabling environment for women's entrepreneurship, by enhancing capacity of business start-ups through innovative digital solutions.

The project will be implemented during 2021 in two regions – Sumy and Rivne. In the course of the project implementation the following activities are planned:

  • Establishing, conducting and deepening a policy dialogue on women’s economic empowerment, including women’s entrepreneurship development, with the participation of key governmental and non-governmental stakeholders;
  • Training for local authorities to acquire knowledge and skills needed to empower women in the context of local development, in particular through the development and implementation of local programmes;
  • Training for women-led MSMEs in order to gain knowledge and skills to advance their entrepreneurial skills, transition to sustainable business models, in particular through the use of e-commerce.

To ensure the activities under the mentioned  joint pilot initiative “Economic empowerment of women as a response to the COVID-19 crisis in Ukraine” (hereinafter – the Project) are implemented effectively and efficiently, UNDP Ukraine seeks for a National Consultant to analyze programs of local development and other legal documents in 4 target communities/municipalities of Sumy and Rivne oblasts and prepare the final report with recommendations for further implementation on the local level focusing on the support of MSMEs and making the programs gender-sensitive & responsive. The National Consultant is expected to perform the tasks described below.

Deberes y responsabilidades


The assignment under this TOR refers to the project objective outlined above: to analyze programme documents of local development in 4 target communities/municipalities of Sumy and Rivne oblasts. Through a policy dialogue  on women’s economic empowerment, including women’s entrepreneurship development, with the participation of the key governmental and non-governmental stakeholders prepare the  recommendations for further implementation on the local level focusing on the support of MSMEs and making the  programs gender-sensitive & responsive. 

Specifically, the Contractor will perform the following tasks:

  • In close cooperation with UNDP’s regional coordinators in the two targeted oblasts (Sumska and Rivnenska) and involved regional and local authorities, collect gender-disaggregated data and other relevant information to analyze the socio-economic development profiles of four pilot local communities (to be selected by the Project on competitive basis, two per targeted oblast). The analysis should focus on economic development and women’s participation and role in decision-making at community level, women participation and role in economic activities, existing gender gaps, asymmetries and COVID-19 crisis impact on women employees and women entrepreneurs. The analysis should contain: SWOT analysis of the communities, including from gender perspective, factors that influence their development and vulnerability to COVID-19 crisis in the pandemic and post-pandemic periods. The analysis should take into consideration the gender passports of Sumy and Rivne oblasts;
  • Conduct online consultations with the local stakeholder to define the vision of the required actions required to unlock the existing potential for women’s participation in economic activities and bridging the existing gender gaps with specific focus on employment and MSMEs development in crisis and post-crisis environment;
  • Provide support to the local authorities in pilot communities in developing their targeted programmes or projects for support to MSMEs (at least one per supported pilot community), or improve their pre-developed ones in order to make them gender-sensitive and responsive to the problems faced by women-led businesses;
  • Review the existing strategic planning documents (local development strategies, socio-economic development plans, relevant local programmes) of the four pilot communities and identify the existing gaps in terms of gender-sensitivity and existing potential for women economic empowerment. Analyze how the existing strategic planning and/or programming documents are being implemented and monitored. In particular, the review and analysis of local strategic planning/programming documents should take into consideration the application of gender-responsive budgeting in the selected communities;
  • Develop four sets of recommendations (one per each pilot community) on gender mainstreaming in the local development, which should include clear recommendation on improvement of the existing strategic planning document, as well as for their implementation and monitoring from the gender-sensitive prospective;
  • Provide consultations to the selected local communities on the further steps of implementation of the recommendations developed.

The materials should be submitted in Ukrainian according to UNDP format and guidelines. The final report about the fulfilling the assignment under the contract should be submitted both in Ukrainian and English.



It is expected that Consultant’s services are required for four months period, between May and September, 2021. Detail of the deliverables and schedule is given below:

Deliverable #

Task description


Deliverable 1:


  1. Gender-disaggregated data and other relevant information on socio-economic development of four pilot local communities collected (a database created and shared with the Project).
  2. Development profiles of the supported pilot communities conducted and summarized in short analytical notes, which should contain: SWOT analysis of the pilot communities, including from gender perspective, factors that influence their development and vulnerability to COVID-19 crisis in the pandemic and post-pandemic period.
  3. Short Interim Report #1 clearly describing work done and results achieved prepared and submitted.


15 June 2021

Deliverable 2:


  1. The existing strategic planning documents (local development strategies, socio-economic development plans, relevant local programmes) of the four pilot communities, as well as their implementation and monitoring processes are analyzed from the gender-sensitivity prospective.
  2. An Analytical Report summarizing the analysis of the strategic planning/programme documents in Ukrainian (up to 10 pages per community) with draft (pre-final version) recommendations on their improvement by mainstreaming the gender in economic development (women economic empowerment) prepared and presented to the Project and local stakeholders.
  3. Short Interim Report #2 clearly describing work done and results achieved prepared and submitted.

15 July 2021

Deliverable 3:


  1. Online consultations with the local stakeholders aimed to define the vision of the required actions conducted.
  2. Support to the local authorities in pilot communities in developing new or improving the pre-existing programmes / projects aimed at women economic empowerment or support to MSMEs with focus on women-led businesses provided. Four programme/project document developed or revised;
  3.   Short Interim Report #3 clearly describing work done and results achieved prepared and submitted.

15 August 2021

Deliverable 4:


  1. Based on the feedback from the Project and local stakeholders on recommendations for improvement of their strategic planning/programme documents by mainstreaming the gender in economic development are completed and submitted to the Project;
  2. PP presentations for each selected community is developed in both Ukrainian and English and presented to the Project’s stakeholders.
  3. Final Report clearly describing work done and results achieved is prepared and submitted.

15 September 2021



UNDP will pay the negotiated amount in three tranches according to the following payment schedule:

  • the first payment (25% of the contract amount) upon successful completion of the Deliverable 1 and approval of the Interim Report #1;
  • the second payment (25% of the contract amount) upon successful completion of the Deliverable 2 and approval of the Interim Report #2;
  • the third payment (25% of the contract amount) upon successful completion of the Deliverable 3 and approval of the Interim Report #3;
  • the fourth payment (25% of the contract amount) upon successful completion of the Deliverable 4 and approval of the Final Report and indicated tasks.

The payments will be processed upon the full completion and acceptance of contractual obligations whereupon the National Consultant signs the certification of acceptance.



The National Consultant will work under general leadership of Programme Manager, Regional Development Programme, IDRPB Portfolio, and direct supervision of the Project Manager (the Supervisor. He/she will receive necessary guidance, clarification, information/materials that may be needed for this task. He/she will duly inform the Supervisor of any problems, issues or delays arising in the course of implementation of assignment and take necessary steps to address them.

The National Consultant will report to the Supervisor on the progress of the work performance according to the developed time schedule. The Final Recommendations for selected communities on programme documents’ changes and The Final Report will be in Ukrainian and English and to be accepted by the Supervisor at the end of the assignment.


  • Excellent communication and organization skills;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Excellent computer skills (including, MS Word);
  • Ability to set priorities, meet specific objectives, use political judgment and knowledge;
  • Good interpersonal skills, diligence, open mindedness, and dedication;
  • Excellent team and networking skills;
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas



  • At least Specialist/Master’s degree in the fields relevant for the given assignment, - Social Sciences, Public Administration, Economics, Democratic Governance, Law or related fields;


  • Proven experience in developing strategic planning/programming documents at local or regional levels (strategies, strategy implementation plans, programs for socio-economic development etc.) – at least two relevant examples;
  • Proven experience in developing projects or targeted programs in the area of local economic development (focus on women economic empowerment will be an asset) – at least two relevant examples;
  • Proven experience of providing capacity building services (trainings, consultancy) for public servants, community leaders or civil society organizations.


  • For this assignment full professional knowledge of Ukrainian language and professional working knowledge of English and Russian languages is essential.



Applicants shall submit the following documents:




Personal CV, including information about past experience in similar projects / assignments and contact details for referees.


Financial proposal


Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP



? Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.  In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount.

Travel costs

All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. Four trips in total (one overnight per 1 trip) are envisaged, - two trips to Rivne and two trips to Sumy. UNDP shall not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel in a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.



The following criteria will be rated as indicated below:

  • Relevant education - -10 points max
    • Specialist/Master’s degree in Social Sciences, Public Administration, Economics, Democratic Governance, Law or related fields- 8 points;
    • PhD or higher in Social Sciences, Public Administration, Economics, Democratic Governance, Law or related fields-10 points;
  • Proven experience in developing strategic planning/programming documents at local or regional levels (strategies, strategy implementation plans, programs for socio-economic development etc.)  - 20 points max
    • Examples of 5 (five) cases are provided – 17 points
    • Examples of 6 (six) and more cases are provided – 20 points 
  • Proven experience in developing projects or targeted programs in the area of local economic development -20 points max
    • Examples of 5 (five) cases are provided – 17 points
    • Examples of 6 and more cases are provided – 20 points 
  • Proven experience of providing capacity building services (trainings, consultancy) for public servants, community leaders or civil society organizations - 10 points max
    • Examples of 5 (five) activities are provided – 5 points
    • Examples of 6 and more activities are provided – 10 points 
  • Language Skills - 10 points max
    • Fluency in Ukrainian language and professional working knowledge of English – 8 points
    • Fluency in Ukrainian language and professional working knowledge of English and Russian languages -10 points

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.



? Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

  • Technical Criteria weight: 70%
  • Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates meeting the minimum requirements and obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.