
The UN Capital Development Fund(UNCDF) makes public and private finance work for the poor in the world’s 46 least developed countries (LDCs). UNCDF offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private resources, especially at the domestic level, to reduce poverty and support local economic development. UNCDF pursues innovative financing solutions through: (1) financial inclusion, which expands the opportunities for individuals, households, and small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in the local economy, while also providing differentiated products for women and men so they can climb out of poverty and manage their financial lives; (2) local development finance, which shows how fiscal decentralization, innovative municipal finance, and structured project finance can drive public and private funding that underpins local economic expansion, women’s economic empowerment, climate adaptation, and sustainable development; and (3) a least developed countries investment platform that deploys a tailored set of financial instruments to a growing pipeline of impactful projects in the “missing middle”.

In Kenya, UNCDF is implementing activities in the framework of the United Nations support to the evolving Kenya’s devolution process delivered through the UN Joint Programme on Devolution in Kenya. The programme is comprised of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and UN Women. This programme focuses on improving county governance capacity in areas related to poverty reduction and fighting inequality and discrimination. Specifically, it is designed to support

  • improved Public Financial Management (PFM),
  • performance monitoring and reporting,
  • resilience to environmental risks as well as
  • citizen engagement and inclusiveness (especially policy concerns of women, youth, children, persons with disability and other marginalized sub-population groups).

UNCDF is specifically responsible for the following activities in support of the Joint Devolution Programme Output 1.2: Public finance management institutions have strengthened processes and systems for equitable, efficient and accountable service delivery.

  • Conduct capacity building for the county officers on what constitutes international good practice for a tax administration/County revenue administration for the targeted Performance Outcome Areas (POAs).
  • Identy the relative strengths and weaknesses of County revenue administration systems by reference to each POA
  • Provide a baseline and set the reform agenda for the County revenue administration by focusing on the key initiatives which can enhance revenue administration and mobilization at the county level.

In undertaking these assignments, there is the need for a technical support from UNCDF to provide the required technical guidance to achieve the objectives of the Joint Programme, focusing on Output 1.2. Against this background, UNCDF is seeking a Consultant to provide technical support to effectively guide and support UNCDF activities. Successful implementation of the initiative is expected to pave the way for other UNCDF’s flagship programmes, such as Municipal Investment Finance (MIF) to be deployed in the country.

Objective of the Assignment: 

The Consultant will support UNCDF in engaging on a technical level with key stakeholders at the national and County level as well as in the provision of technical inputs and assistance to ensure successful implementation of the activities assigned to UNCDF in the framework of the UN Joint Programme on Devolution..

The designated consultant will work in close cooperation with the UNCDF Global Advisor for Local Government Finance and the Global Manager for Municipal Investment Finance Programme. He/she will be supported by the UNCDF Kenya Project Coordination Officer. He/she will also regularly interact with the other participating UN agencies, relevant national institutions, in particular the Council of Governors and the Commission on Revenue Allocation, as well as with the other relevant programme partners, such as the IMF, African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) and other international institutions.  

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of Work/Duties and Responsibilities 

  1. Produce the framework for the County OSR initiative under the UN Joint Programme on Devolution to align it with the government’s ongoing and planned efforts in this area to achieve maximum synergy and avoid duplication.
  2. Prepare a proposal for customized capacity building programmes for a number of participating Counties (as agreed with UNCDF) using the TADAT approach on international best practice for an inclusive tax administration/County revenue administration for the various performance outcome areas.
  3. Suggest a concept for a more comprehensive UNCDF programme in Kenya and possible partnerships in the area of local government/municipal finance linking it to the UNCDF financial instruments and vehicles, such as the International Municipal Investment Fund.
  4. Produce a refined methodology to describe the County revenue administration system and identify revenue enhancement opportunities by combining findings of the TADAT performance assessment reports and other types of analyses including revenue gap analysis and the UNCDF infrastructure asset management approach.
  5. Produce revenue administration briefs for a number of the target Counties based on the refined methodology
  6. Refine the UNCDF methodology for Local Revenue Enhancement Planning to adapt it to the Kenyan context
  7. Develop medium-term County Revenue Enhancement Action Plans (REAPs) under the leadership of a number of the participating Counties (as agreed with UNCDF) to detail activities to address the findings and recommendations of TADAT assessments and other revenue gap analyses (including field visits to a number of Counties as agreed with UNCDF subject to the epidemiological and security situation).
  8. Based on the findings of revenue administration assessments and analyses, and in consultation with the key relevant national stakeholders, prepare a concept note indicating the key areas for reforms to enhance inclusive revenue administration at the County level.
  9. Develop an aide-memoir and other policy proposals following the diagnostic of County revenue management using the TADAT subnational methodology as well as other types of revenue gap analyses.
  10. Prepare the design of a national conference on a local revenue administration reform, develop relevant materials and presentations based on the above deliverables and deliver these presentations during the conference.


Outputs/Deliverables, Indicative Schedule and Payments 

Deliverable 1: Inception Report: 15 July 2021 (20% of total payment)

Deliverables 2-4: Framework for the County OSR initiative; proposal for customized capacity building programmes; concept for a more comprehensive UNCDF programme in Kenya: 1 Sep  2021 (20% of total payment)

Deliverables 5-8: Methodology to describe the County revenue administration system and identify revenue enhancement opportunities; revenue administration briefs; County Revenue Enhancement Action Plans (REAPs); UNCDF methodology for Local Revenue Enhancement Planning: 30 September (40% of total payment )

Deliverables 9-11: Concept note indicating the key areas for reforms; aide-memoir and other policy proposals; design and relevant materials for the national conference on a local revenue administration reform: 30 November 2021 (20% of total payment)

Monitoring and Progress Controls

A schedule of days worked, outputs produced, and costs incurred will be monitored by the UNCDF Global Advisor for Local Government Finance.

Payment will be made against key deliverables and will be authorized by the UNCDF Global Manager for the Municipal Investment Finance Programme.

Duty Station and Travel: The assigment is primarily home-based with possible travel within Kenya depending on the epidemiological situation.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise

  • Demonstrated knowledge of relevant local public financial management, decentralization processes and sustainable development issues;
  • Strong analytical skills, particularly applied to environment profiling;
  • Experience in providing technical support to UNCDF on local development finance and governance;

Functional Competencies:

  • Ability to identify needs and interventions for capacity enhancement of counterparts, clients and potential partners;
  • Ability to take responsibility for achieving agreed outputs within set deadlines;
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

Required Skills and Experience

This assignment requires the services of senior expert who can demonstrate adequate analytical capacity and who can provide expertise relevant to the terms of reference; and who can demonstrate experiences in providing technical inputs to local development programmes, including  UNCDF on public financial management, revenue administration, decentralization processes and investment finance.


  • A minimum qualification of  Master's degree in areas of Business, Public Administration, Development Econoimcs and other relevant disciplines

Professional Experience:

  • A minimum 10 years of relevant professional experience;
  • Deep knowledge and understanding of the UNCDF and MIF mechanism, PFM, local government finance, revenue administration, decentralization processes;
  • Experience in the provision of technical inputs and comments to UNCDF technical documents/papers/publications;
  • Experience in working with local governments and communities and all key stakeholders to design and implement interventions in local development and local government finance;
  • Strong analytical skills, particularly applied to project design;
  • Experience working with UNCDF in Africa, particularly in East Africa;
  • Exceptional ability in communication and networking, negotiations and writing;


  • Fluency in English is required.



The application must contain the following documents: 

(a) Personal Profile: 

  • A cover/motivation letter (1 page), expressing the applicant’s motivation, outlining track record and experience of direct relevance to the assignment/TOR;
  • Confirmation indicating availability to take up assignment for the whole period;
  • A Curriculum Vitae (CV) or P.11 Personal History Form (available at, stipulating applicant’s official name as shown in identification document, the qualifications and professional experiences (with similar projects) relevant to the assignment/TOR and the contact details (email address, telephone numbers) of 3 professional references

 (b) A signed financial proposal for the assignment, quoted in US dollars, outlining the all-inclusive fee, supported by a breakdown of reimbursable – direct and indirect – costs such as travel, lodging, per diem (if applicable) etc. For this purpose, please complete and submit  Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability and Financial Proposal (do not upload your financial proposal online in this jobsite.)  The financial proposal should be emailed separately to with the subject line: VA 99139 – Consultancy, UNCDF-UN Joint Programme on Devolution in Kenya, Home-based, with possible travel to Nairobi and select counties.



A two-stage procedure is followed in assessing the technical compliance of the applicant prior to the consideration of any financial proposal.

The following selection method will be used: highest rated proposal using the combined scoring method, which assigns the weight distribution between the technical and financial proposals. The overall combined score will be 100 points, where weight distribution shall be 70% technical and 30% financial.

Step 1: Longlisting - Applications will be screened and only applicants meeting the following minimum criteria (listed under education and experience) will progress to the pool for shortlisting:

  • Master’s degree in areas related to Business, Public Administration, Development Economics or other relevant disciplines;
  • A minimum 10 years of relevant professional experience in local development finance, revenue administration, asset management, etc.;
  • Relevant experience in Kenya and/or in East Africa;

Step 2: Shortlisting/Desk Review (70 points) - UNCDF will conduct a desk review process to shortlist and technically evaluate candidates as per the following criteria:

Professional Experience (25 points)

  • At least 10 years of proven relevant work experience in development finance, revenue administration, asset management, etc.;
  • Substantial experience in development research, policy analysis and design of projects/interventions in local development finance and revenue administration;
  • Evidence of previous similar engagements with UNCDF or other UN agencies will be an advantage
  • Significant experience in writing/editing reports for large organizations, especially within the UN system.

Competencies, Past work related to the assignment (25 points)

  • Demonstrated adequate technical experience and know-how to undertake the necessary baseline surveys and assessment work including the use of diagnostic tools;  
  • Profound understanding of fiscal decentralization and local revenue administration in Kenya and East Africa.

Description of approach/methodology to the assignment (15 points)

  • Understanding of the assignment and compliance with the key tasks and objectives
  • Overall conceptual approach
  • Methods and instruments to be used for data collection and analysis
  • Types of analyses to be applied
  • Identification of target groups and stakeholders
  • Description of the process and steps/activities to be undertaken 

Academic qualification (5 points)

  • Master’s degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Development Economics or other relevant disciplines Economics, Local Development, Sociology, Development Studies or a related field 

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% (49 points) on the total of Desk Review will be considered as technically qualified and will move forward to financial evaluation. 

Step 3: Financial Evaluation

The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal:

Lowest priced proposal/price of the proposal being evaluated x 30%.

The Price proposal must be submitted as an inclusive daily fee in USD.


Award Criteria

The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose profile has been assessed and determined as: 

  1. Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and 
  2. Having received the highest score out of the set of weighted technical criteria (70%) and financial criteria (30%).

Both individual consultants and individuals employed by a company or institution are welcome to apply.

Any individual employed by a company or institution who would like to submit an offer must do so in their individual capacity (providing a CV so that their qualifications may be judged accordingly).

Women candidates or women-owned businesses are strongly encouraged to apply.

UNCDF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality, and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when traveling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under
