
I. Context

The current armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has had a direct and extremely negative impact on social cohesion, community security and the rule of law. While accepting the urgent need to address the challenges of restoration, economic recovery and peacebuilding in the areas directly and indirectly affected by the conflict in late 2014, the Government of Ukraine requested the international community to provide technical assistance and financial support to assess priority recovery needs. At the end of 2014, the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Union assessed the recovery and peacebuilding later approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in mid-2015.

Before the conflict over the last decade, UNDP had been actively represented in eastern Ukraine, with a focus on community development, civil society development and environmental protection. The work to address the specific development challenges occurring from the conflict and the above-mentioned is based on previous work and established partnership relations. It was initiated in 2015 through the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme, which is a multilateral donor framework program jointly implemented by four UN partner agencies in cooperation with the Government of Ukraine.

Four United Nations agencies are implementing the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (UN RPP): the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Twelve international partners support the Programme: the European Union (EU), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, and the governments of Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden & Switzerland.

The United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme is implemented to address and mitigate the causes and effects of the conflict. It is based on the results of the Assessment of Recovery and Peacebuilding and is consistent with the State Target Reconstruction and Peacebuilding Programme in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine, as well as with two regional development strategies until 2020. The United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (UN RPP) provides for three main areas of activity: (i) supporting economic recovery in conflict-affected communities; (ii) promoting decentralisation and health care reform; (iii) strengthening public safety and social cohesion. The Programme is strongly consistent with the Framework Programme for Partnership between the Government of Ukraine and the United Nations. The Programme is closely associated with the Democratic Governance and Reform Programme which is implemented nationwide in all regions of Ukraine and complies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

As a territorial programme designed specifically for conflict-affected areas in eastern Ukraine, the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme is focused on the main priority needs for stabilisation, peace development, economy and governance in eastern Ukraine after the outbreak of the conflict. It takes into account the opportunities provided by the Minsk Protocol dated September 2014 and revival of its cease-fire provisions and is fully adapted to create a link between humanitarian and developmental needs.

The Programme activities are grouped according to the following key components of the Programme, which reflect the priority needs of the region:

Component I: Economic Recovery and Restoration of Critical Infrastructure;

Component II: Local Governance and Decentralisation Reform;

Component III: Community Security and Social Cohesion.

The UN RPP pays special attention to the building of civil society capacity, and especially to the development of communication skills of Civil Society Organization (CSOs), the ability to defend one’s own civil position, disseminate positive experience, develop the communication strategy of such organizations using innovative communication tools. For this purpose, a network  of civil communicators (representatives of Donetsk and Luhansk CSOs) was established in 2020:

In 2021, it is planned to expand the existing network to the territory of Zaporizhzhia oblast and deepen the knowledge and skills of the network that has already been updated.

In view of the above, UNDP is looking to contract a National Consultant to carry out the assignment of developing and expanding the network of civil communicators.

The Consultant will promote UNDP’s mandate as a gender-responsive organization with zero tolerance to any kind of discriminatory and abusive behaviour, including sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.

Deberes y responsabilidades

II. Scope and Objective of the Assignment

The main goal of this assignment is to organize and conduct a number of activities aimed at developing and expanding the network of civil communicators created in 2020 year by launching a mentoring system within the network, creating and developing a YouTube channel “Spilnobachennia” and developing a Communication Manual for Civil Activists.


III. Duties and Responsibilities

The Contractor will be responsible for the preparation and implementation of the following activities:

   1. Organizational component:

Organizing selection process of additional 25 new members to the existing network of civil communicators from among civil society organizations of Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Luhansk oblasts.

Method of selection is an open competition among applicants in two stages:

- The first stage is a general recruitment of applicants through social networks (FB «Hromadsky prostir», FB «Hurt», FB «Bigggidea») with an analysis of their motivation.

Selection criteria: gender, age, level of civil activity, history of organization the candidate present, level of communicative skills, activeness and literacy in social media, readiness to share knowledge after graduating from the course, especially among peers from their organization.

-  The second stage is an analysis of “homework”. It will be given to all candidates, who will apply for the course in order to give them pure understanding of high level activity, anticipated on their behalf during the learning process. The preparatory “homework” will be given by the consultant, and the candidates will be asked to talk more about communicative practices in their NGOs, usage of social media and contacts with local and national media.

The list of new network members must be agreed with the UNDP. That selection will be done in remote mode.

For better adaptation of new participants, it is necessary to hold at least 3 (three) online meetings (on the zoom platform) in the form of dialogues between the participants selected in 2020 and those selected in 2021. The duration of each online meeting is at least 4 (four) hours.

   2. Educational component:

- Preparing programs and conducting 7 (seven) (three-days duration per each) online trainings on following topics:

a. Storytelling. Creative Writing. Infostyle.

b. Communication Strategy for Civil Society Organizations

c. Social Networks (Instagram, Facebook) in the Work of Civil Society Organizations

d. Fund raising and Equal Involvement of Men and Women in Civil Participation

e. YouTube Easy Start. Channel Creation and Promotion.

f. Digital Tools for Implementing Communication Strategies of Civil Society Organizations

g. Developing Business Card Websites on the Tilda Platform

Training programmes (Ukrainian language) must be agreed with UNDP. After each training, trainees must fill out a final questionnaire. The consultant must analyze all the questionnaires and draw up a report for the entire training period.

In case the epidemiological situation in Ukraine allows for offline trainings, the costs for accommodation, meals, and travel of participants and IC will be financed by UNDP separately.

- Preparing a four-days (7 hours a day) offline study tour programme in the city of Kropyvnytskyi for the participants of the network. The study tour programme must be agreed with UNDP. Accommodation, meals and travel expenses for the participants of the study tour are paid by UNDP additionally.

- Organizing and conducting 2 (two) online study tours in the city of Kropyvnytskyi (the first – for the 15 participants who became members of the network in 2020; the second - for 25 new members who will be selected in 2021). Study tours will be on a zoom platform.

    3. Mentoring component:

a. Creating at least 15 pairs, where the mentor will be a participant who was selected in 2020, and the mentee – a participant who will be selected in 2021;

b. Providing online supervisory support for joint creative and information products of mentoring pairs;

c. Preparing a presentation of the created information products.

    4. Information product component:

a. Creating a YouTube channel “Spilnobachennia” with the participation of network members, as well as preparing a plan for the promotion of the channel for the period of 1 (one) year; maintaining the channel until the end of 2021. The channel will be filled by representatives of the network under the guidance of a consultant. The design of the YouTube channel must be agreed with UNDP.

b. Preparing a Communication Manual for Civil Activists –  «Daily Communications Guide» (a planner for 2022 for public activists and bloggers, daily advice on PR, communications, digital tools, A5 format, volume - 300 pages, language – Ukrainian).

c. Preparing an information brochure about the members of the network “Coaches Exchange» (description and presentation of trainers who will be trained according to the program, their examinations and achievements, volume - up to 50 pages, A5 format, language – Ukrainian. The information brochure must be agreed with UNDP.


General requirements recommendations:

The Contractor ensures the mainstreaming of gender equality and women’s empowerment considerations in the field of expertise, promote a safe and enabling environment free of any kind of discrimination and abusive behaviour, and use the principles of gender-responsive communications in line with the UNDP corporate standards.


IV. Deliverables

The following deliverables will be provided by the Contractor:




Dates of submission


Selection process is carried out and additional total of 25 new members of the existing network of civil communicators from among civil society organizations of Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Luhansk oblasts are selected.

At least 3 (three) online meetings in the form of dialogues with an already expanded group are held.

A report on the work performed was written and approved by the UNDP.

4 weeks after the start of the Contract


The programmes are prepared and 7 (seven) (three-days duration per each) online/offline trainings are conducted:

a. Storytelling. Creative Writing. Infostyle.

b. Communication Strategy for Civil Society Organizations

c. Social Networks (Instagram, Facebook) in the Work of Civil Society Organizations

d. Fund raising and Equal Involvement of Men and Women in Civil Participation

e. YouTube Easy Start. Channel Creation and Promotion.

f. Digital Tools for Implementing Communication Strategies of Civil Society Organizations

g. Developing Business Card Websites on the Tilda Platform

The study tour programme is prepared.

A total of 2 (two) online studies and 1 (one) offline tours in the city of Kropyvnytskyi are organized and conducted.

A report on the work performed was written and approved by the UNDP.

14 weeks after the start of the Contract



At least 15 mentoring pairs are created.

The supervisory support for joint creative and information products of mentoring pairs is provided.

The presentation of the created information products is prepared.

A report on the work performed was written and approved by the UNDP.

20 weeks after the start of the Contract


The YouTube channel “Spilnobachennia” is created.

The plan for its maintenance for the period of 1 (one) year is developed.

The Communication Manual for Civil Activists is developed. The information brochure about the members of the network “Exchange of Communicators of Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Luhansk Oblasts” is prepared.

A report on the work performed was written and approved by the UNDP.

28 weeks after the start of the Contract



V. Proposed Payment Schedule

The payments will be made out upon the full completion and acceptance of deliverables in accordance with the certification of acceptance.

UNDP will pay the negotiated amount in 4 (four) tranches as per delivery of the outputs outlined above.

Deliverable 1

25% of the total sum amount

Deliverable 2

25% of the total sum amount

Deliverable 3

25% of the total sum amount

Deliverable 4

25% of the total sum amount


VI. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

The Consultant will work under overall guidance and direct supervision of the UN RPP Component III Lead in accordance with terms of deliverable submission through meetings\calls\mails.

Electronic versions of reports should be prepared and submitted for clearance and approval by the Civil Society Engagement and Capacity Development Specialist in accordance with terms of deliverable submission.

All reports UNDP shall be transmitted electronically (Formats of: * .docx, * .xlsx, * .pptx,  * .pdf) on the electronic source or in the form of electronic communication.  Language of reports is Ukrainian.

The Consultant should clearly and concisely identify the work that has been carried out during this period, list major accomplishments, and difficulties/problems encountered during the process. The report should also indicate whether the result was achieved or whether there is a delay in the implementation of the planned activities. In the case of a delay, the reasons and advised solutions should be clearly stated.


 • Ability to perform organizational and facilitative activities with civil society organizations

• Ability to complete assignments in a timely manner

• Excellent interpersonal communication skills, including non-discriminatory communication

• Reasonable judgments and maturity to create a positive working environment free from any discrimination and abuse

• Ability to work effectively as a team player

• Strong coaching and event moderating skills

• Competent user of office software packages

• Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values

• Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

• Demonstrates corporate knowledge and sound judgment

• Demonstrates/safeguards ethics and integrity

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

VII. Experience and Qualifications Requirements

• At least a Bachelor’s degree in pedagogy, management or related specialties.

• At least 5 (five) years of proven experience in working with civil society organizations.

• An experience of trainings conducting in the topic of developing civil communications (at least 15 trainings).

 • At least 3 (three) examples of developed manuals and guidelines on civil communications with the applicant being its author or co-author (attachments / links to previously developed materials).

• Proven experience in promoting at least 1 (one) project on social networks and the Internet (for example, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube).

• Language proficiency: fluency in Ukrainian; fluency in English will be an asset.


VIII. Documents to be Included when submitting the Proposals

Applicants shall submit the following documents:

 - Personal CV or P11 UNDP form with the information on past experience of implementing similar projects/assignments, including information about at least 15 trainings conducted in the topic of developing civil communications, links/attachments of at least 3 (three) examples of developed manuals and guidelines on civil communications with the applicant being its author or co-author and at least 1 (one) example of experience in promoting of project on social networks and the Internet (for example, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube).

-  Offeror's Letter to UNDP confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) Assignment with Financial Proposal, indicating approximate working days, needed for assignment.

- At least 2 (two) positive recommendation letters from previous customers/employers with indicating contact details of referees.


IX. Financial Proposal

 Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based on output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, organization of events and number of anticipated working days).

The Consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative expenses associated with the undertaking of this assignment, including office accommodations, printing, stationary, telephone and electronic communications, and report copies incurred in this assignment.


Travel costs

All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class, he/she should do so using their own resources. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon between the respective business unit and individual Consultant prior to travel, and will be reimbursed.

If quarantine restrictions are eased and offline training is possible, the UNDP will cover the costs for travel, accommodation, and meals through the LTA company.


X. Evaluation Criteria

- Educational background – 5 points max

(5 points – Master’s degree; 3 points – Bachelor’s degree).


- Experience in working with civil society organizations – 17 points max

(17 points – 9 years and more of experience; 15 points – 6-8 years of experience; 13 points – 5 years of experience).


- Experience of trainings conducting in the topic of developing civil communications – 19 points max

(19 points – more than 20 trainings conducted; 17 points – 16 - 20 trainings conducted; 15 points – 15 trainings conducted).


- Experience in developing manuals and guidelines on civil communication – 14 points max

 (14 points – more than 3 examples of manuals or guidelines developed; 10 points – 3 examples of manuals or guidelines developed).


-  Experience in promoting projects on social networks and the Internet (for example, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) - 10 points max

 (10 points – more than 1 project; 5 points – 1 project).


- Language proficiency – 5 points max

 (5 points – fluency in Ukrainian and English; 3 points – fluency in Ukrainian).

Maximum available technical score - 70 points.


XI. Evaluation Method

Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score would be considered for the Financial Evaluation

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.



 Deadline for offers submission is prolonged till June 14, 2021.


1. UNDP documents templates are available at the following the link:

2. Online system does not recognise Russian or Ukrainian language, information you provide in on-line application should be in English

3. Online system allows to upload only 1 (one) file. Please combine all the files in one and then upload