
UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to ensure that the standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls worldwide. It works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on four strategic priorities: (i) Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems; (ii) Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy; (iii) All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence; and (iv) Women and girls contribute to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and humanitarian action.

The Project “Enhancing Access to Justice for Women in Asia and the Pacific: Bridging the gap between formal and informal systems through women’s empowerment” is a five-year programme that began implementation in 2018, thanks to the generous support of the Government of Sweden. The overall goal of the project is to enhance access to justice for women in formal and informal systems in Asia and the Pacific, bridging the gap between these systems through women’s empowerment and reduction of gender biases. In realizing this goal, the programme partners – UN Women, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and OHCHR – focus on achieving the following outputs: (1) Domestic laws adopted and court decisions are consistent with international human rights law and standards, including CEDAW; (2) Gender discriminatory attitudes and stereotyped behaviours towards women by formal and informal justice providers are addressed; and (3) Grassroots women’s organizations and community-based women’s organizations are empowered and well-positioned to document, monitor, liaise and facilitate interactions with formal and informal justice providers.                             


Access to justice is a key cornerstone to enforce human rights granted to women and girls.  Although there is a global trend to adopt legislative measures for implementing the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) obligations, women and girls still face numerous obstacles in pursuing their legal rights and holding justice systems accountable. A comprehensive approach including the whole justice chain is needed to eliminate any form of discrimination and a critical mass of active citizens need to be mobilized to advocate for change.

The fragility of achieves to advance women’s access to justice has become apparent during the COVID-19 crisis when the dispute resolution mechanisms around the world came to a standstill. Efforts to shift cases to virtual platforms were often inconsistence and gender-neutral, and protection services for the increased rate of domestic violence victims were insufficient.

In this context, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific will hire a consultant for Strategic Planning and Communication.


Duties and Responsibilities

UN Women seeks the services of a consultant to support the “Enhancing Access to Justice for Women in Asia and the Pacific” project on strategic communication, advocacy, and planning efforts in the context of COVID 19 and pre-COVID 19.

The consultant will be expected to support the development and implementation of a joint communication plan for the project, support strategies to actively engage women CSOs and communities in virtual discussions, create a post-COVID joint vision and design activities to strengthen women’s access to justice.

Under the supervision of the Programme Specialist - Access to Justice - Governance, Peace and Security, ROAP, the consultant will be responsible for the following:

1.       Support communication efforts and provide strategic planning support to adopt a regional Women’s Access to Justice strategy.

·       Develop a communication strategy to promote coherent, systematic, and joint approach to enhance knowledge transfer on women’s access to justice (in line with the regional Women’s Access to Justice strategy).

·       Support the planning process and the development of knowledge material for resource mobilization and donor meetings.

·       Translate strengths and weaknesses from the A2J project mid-year review to communicate future project focus, up-scale needs and potential re-focus.

·       Work with A2J experts to develop expert briefs on relevant thematic areas (e.g people centered justice, legal technology, justice financing)


2.       Regionally coordinate communication planning and execution

·       Establish a regional Women’s Access to Justice communication network.

·       Work with UN Women’s CSO network to develop a joint communication campaign on WA2J. 

·       In partnership with relevant sister agencies establish a regional women journalist for women’s rights network and co-facilitate regular meetings.



3.       Develop targeted online content and support regional campaigns on women’s access to justice for UN Women and project partners.

·       Supervise the development of a Women’s Access to Justice (WA2J) Art online platform with exhibitions from Nepal, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and the Solomon Islands.

·       Develop quarterly WA2J project briefs outlining achievements of UN Women, ICJ and OHCHR.

·       Develop and implement communication campaigns for the 16 days of activisms against VAW and international women’s day in partnership with UN Women country offices, ICJ and OHCHR.

·       Support the development of the UN Women gender and e-justice online learning course.

·       Develop a concept to visualize the Women’s Access to Justice strategy for different target audiences.


Contract period and work location

-          From 14 July 2021 – 30 July 2022. The consultant will be home-based unless conditions in 2021 allow in-person activities.





Targeted Date



·       Develop a communication strategy to promote coherent, systematic, and joint approach to enhance knowledge transfer on women’s access to justice (in line with the regional Women’s Access to Justice strategy).

·       Establish a regional (Asia- Pacific) WA2J communication network.

·       Supervise the development of a Women’s Access to Justice (WA2J) Art online platform with exhibition from Nepal.

·       Develop Quarterly A2J progress brief.




·       Communication strategy

·       TOR and membership of regional communication network.

·       Progress report onWA2J Art platform with Nepal exhibition content.

·       Quarterly A2J progress brief.

·       A report from supports the Philippines A2J focal point with the launch of a multimedia impact story.







13 August 2021


·       Work with CSO network on communication campaign on WA2J

·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with the Timor-Leste country office and generate traffic. 

·       Support the development of a concept, presentations and talking point for a WA2J donor roundtable.

·       In partnership with ICJ and OHCHR develop a concept for 16 days of activism

·       Implementation of the A2J communication strategy


·       Draft CSO communication campaign including budget and list of participating CSOs.

·       Progress report onWA2J Art platform with Timor-Leste exhibition content.

·       Finalized communication material for WA2J donor round.

·       Progress report on the content of the A2J communication strategy

·       Draft concept for the 16 days of activism campaign






    13 September 2021




Targeted Date


·       Preparation of the 16 days for the activism communication piece

·       Work with CSO network to develop an action plan to implement communication campaign on WA2J.

·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with the Timor-Leste country office and generate traffic. 

·       Implementation of the A2J communication strategy

·       Support the development of the gender and e-justice online learning course.

·       Support the creation of a women journalist network for the Asia region.

·       Develop concept on visualization of WA2j strategy.




•     Progress report on the status of the 16 days for the activism communication piece.

·       Progress report on;

(1)  CSO communication campaign and action plan

(2)  WA2J art platform with Timor-Leste exhibition

        (3) A2J communication strategy

•     Draft outline for gender and e-justice learning course.

•     TOR for journalist network including membership list.

•     Draft concept paper on visualization of WA2j strategy.











      13 October 2021


·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with the Timor-Leste country office and generate traffic. 

·       Support with the development of presentations and talking points to communicate the status of the WA2J strategy.

·       Translate strengths and weaknesses from the A2J project mid-year review into focus areas for communication support and update content strategy.

·       Support the development of the gender and e-justice online learning course.

·       Support development of expert briefs aligned to WA2J strategy (A2J financing, legal technology, standardization etc.)

·       Quarterly A2J update report.


·       Finalized donor package.

·       Finalized mid-term review communication package.

·       Outline for gender and e-justice learning course

·       Draft expert briefs (2)

·       Quarterly progress brief

·       Progress report on

(1) WA2J art platform with Timor-Leste exhibition

(2) WA@J communication strategy

        (3) visualization of WA2J strategy








   13 November 2021



Targeted Date


·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with the Timor-Leste country office and generate traffic.

·       Implementation of 16 days of activism campaign with partners, CSOs and journalists (government officials/ Human Rights bodies).

·       Donor package to reflect project implementation progress of 2021 for annual A2J donor meeting.

·       Implement visualization concept of WA2J strategy.

·       Implementation of A2J communication strategy

·       Implementation of concept on visualization of WA2j strategy.

·       In partnership with WA2J team conduct first regional journalism network meeting.



·       16 days of activism implementation report and content

·       Knowledge material, presentation and progress update for annual donor meeting.

·       Meeting report of first meeting with Asia Journalist network.

·       Progress report on

(1)    WA2J and Art concept with the Timor-Leste country office

(2)    visualization of WA2J strategy

(3)    A2J communication strategy






   13 December 2021



Targeted Date


·       Support the development of the gender and e-justice online learning course.

·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with the Timor-Leste country office and generate traffic.

·       Implement visualization of WA2j strategy.

·       Implementation of updated A2J communication strategy.

·       Establish communication & thematic focus areas for 2022 (action plan with timeline & update content plan)

·       In partnership with UN Women’s Partnerships and Resource Mobilization develop a resource mobilization strategy for the WA2J portfolio.



·       Progress report on

(1) Gender and e-justice learning    course.

(2) WA2J and Art concept (Timor-Leste)

(3)A2J communication strategy.


·       Communication plan with recommended focus area, action plan, timetable, and budget for 2022.

·       Resource mobilization strategy for 2022 for WA2J portfolio.









    13 January 2022


·       Launching of WA2J and Art concept (Timor- Leste).

·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with the Philippines country office and generate traffic.

·       Implement visualization of WA2j strategy.

·       Develop concept for International Women’s Day (ICJ and OHCHR)

·       Implement A2J communication strategy.

·       Follow up on status of CSO communication strategy and provide recommendations for progress.

·       Quarterly A2J progress brief

·       Support development of expert briefs aligned to WA2J strategy (A2J) financing, legal technology, standardization etc.)



·       Online content of WA2J and Art platform for Timor- Leste.

·       Concept for WA2J and Art platform with exhibition for the Philippines

·        Draft concept for International Women’s Day campaign (UN Women, ICJ and OHCHR)

·       Quarterly progress brief

·       Draft expert papers on WA2J

·       Progress report on

·       visualization of WA2j strategy

·        A2J communication strategy

·       CSO communication strategy







   13 February 2022



Targeted Date


·       Update country briefs

·       Implement visualization of WA2j strategy.

·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with the Philippines country office and generate traffic.

·       Implement A2J communication strategy.

·       Launch international women’s day campaign including the visualization piece for WA2J strategy.



·       Updated country briefs (5)

·        Content of international women’s day campaign

·       Progress report on


(1)    visualization of WA2j strategy

(2)    A2J communication strategy






     13 March 2022


·       Finalize expert briefs align with the WA2J strategy.

·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with exhibition of the Philippines country office and generate traffic.

·       Support CSOs to develop a joint communication piece.

·       Implement A2J communication strategy.

·       Implement visualization of WA2j strategy.

·       In partnership with WA2J team conduct second regional journalism network meeting.



·       Final WA2J expert papers (2)

·       Content of joint CSO communication piece

·       Meeting report of 2nd regional women journalism meeting.

·       Progress report on:


(1)    A2J communication strategy.

(2)    visualization of WA2j strategy

(3)    WA2J and Art concept with the Philippines country office








      13 April 2022


·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with exhibition of the Philippines country office and generate traffic.

·       Quarterly A2J progress brief

·       Support the development of concept, presentations and talking points for the launching event of the Women’s Access to Justice strategy

·       Implement A2J communication strategy.

·       Coordinate the develop of a communication package on the Women’s Access to Justice strategy with UN sister agencies and RCOs.


·       Quarterly progress brief

·       Concept and communication package for WA2J strategy launch

·       Access to Justice strategy communication package

Progress report on:


(1) A2J communication strategy.

(2) WA2J and Art concept with exhibition of the Philippines country office








       13 May 2022



Targeted Date


·       Launch WA2J and Art concept for the Philippines.

·       Develop concept for third priority country WA2J and Art website (Solomon Islands) 

·       Coordinate with country offices to assess and communicate the impact of the community-based justice approach.

·       Finalize communication package on the Women’s Access to Justice strategy with UN sister agencies and RCOs.



·       Online content of WA2J and Art platform for the Philippines exhibition.

·       Concept to develop a WA2J and Art platform with exhibition for Solomon Islands. 

·       Draft communication piece on community-based justice mechanisms (project impact)

·       Draft concept for UN communication to adopt the Women’s Access to Justice strategy.






       13 June 2022


·       Finalize the communication material on the impact of community-based justice approach.

·       Supervise the develop a WA2J and Art concept with exhibition of the Solomon Islands country office and generate traffic.

·       Draft an impact assessment of A2J communication approach and recommendations for the final implementation year.



·       Final communication piece on community-based justice mechanisms (project impact).

·       Progress report on the develop a WA2J and Art concept with exhibition of the Solomon Islands country office.

·       A2J communication impact report (with focus on period from October 2020- June 2022).






     13 July 2022



Core values and competencies


In addition to requirements and qualifications, it is important that the intern shares the core values and core competencies of the organization.


Core Values

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism


Core Competencies

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the United Nations' values and ethical standards.
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the UN and UN Women.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Ability and willingness to work as part of a team to meet tight deadlines and produce high quality work.

Required Skills and Experience

Required Skills and Qualifications

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in communication science or related field
  • Minimum of 7 years relevant experience in strategic communication in diverse fields,
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience providing advisory services and programme positioning support,
  • Demonstrated experience of strategic communication and planning in diverse cultural setting,
  • Experienced in corporate visioning, branding, and positioning for international organizations is an asset,
  • Proven experience in developing and conducting training courses and workshops.
  • Work experience in Asia or the Pacific is an advantage. 
  • Proficiency in English writing skill.



Each payment will be issued upon acceptance and approval of a monthly delivery report showing progress on deliverables stipulated in the table below by the Programme Specialist - Access to Justice - Governance, Peace and Security, ROAP. The expected deliverables will be done in close collaboration/supervision of UN Women personnel. Payments will be made in 12 installments.


Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the cumulative analysis.

  • Technical Qualification (100 points) weight; [70%]
  • Financial Proposal (100 points) weight; [30%]


A two-stage procedure is utilised in evaluating the applications, with evaluation of the technical application being completed prior to any price proposal being compared. Only the price proposal of the candidates who passed the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score of 100 points in the technical qualification evaluation will be evaluated.


Technical qualification evaluation criteria:


The total number of points allocated for the technical qualification component is 100. The technical qualification of the individual is evaluated based on following technical qualification evaluation criteria:


           Technical Evaluation Criteria

Obtainable Score

1. Education

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in communication science or related field



2. Experience and knowledge

  •  Minimum of 7 years relevant experience in strategic communication in diverse fields,
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience providing advisory services and programme positioning support,
  • Demonstrated experience of strategic communication and planning in diverse cultural setting,
  • Experienced in corporate visioning, branding, and positioning for international organizations is an asset,
  • Proven experience in developing and conducting training courses and workshops.
  • Work experience in Asia or the Pacific is an advantage. 





3. Language and report writing skills

  • Proficiency in English writing skill.

        10 %

Total Obtainable Score

        100 %


Only the candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% of total points will be considered as technically qualified candidates who may be contacted for validation interview.

Submission of application

Interest candidates are encouraged to submit electronic application to, copy not later than Friday 4 June 2021, COB.


Submission package includes:

  • Financial proposal
  • Sample of pieces of documents relevant to the experiences: branding, communication, online platforms, etc. required



Amount (USD)

1.Lump Sum fee (equivalent to daily fee x no. of days)


1st Deliverable:

  • Communication strategy
  • TOR and membership of regional communication network.
  • Progress report onWA2J Art platform with Nepal exhibition content.
  • Quarterly A2J progress brief.
  • A report from supports the Philippines A2J focal point with the launch of a multimedia impact story.



2nd Deliverable:

  • Draft CSO communication campaign including budget and list of participating CSOs.
  • Progress report onWA2J Art platform with Timor-Leste exhibition content.
  • Finalized communication material for WA2J donor round.
  • Progress report on the content of the A2J communication strategy
  • Draft concept for the 16 days of activism campaign,



3rd Deliverable:

  • Progress report on the status of the 16 days for the activism communication piece
  • Progress report on;

(1) CSO communication campaign and action plan

(2) WA2J art platform with Timor-Leste exhibition

(3) A2J communication strategy

  • Draft outline for gender and e-justice learning course.
  • TOR for journalist network including membership list.
  • Draft concept paper on visualization of WA2j strategy.


4th Deliverable:

  • Finalized donor package.
  • Finalized mid-term review communication package.
  • Outline for gender and e-justice learning course.
  • Draft expert briefs (2)
  • Quarterly progress brief
  • Progress report on;

(1) WA2J art platform with Timor-Leste exhibition

(2) WA2J communication strategy

(3) visualization of WA2J strategy


5th Deliverable:

  • 16 days of activism implementation report and content
  • Knowledge material, presentation, and progress update for annual donor meeting.
  • Meeting report of first meeting with Asia Journalist network.
  • Progress report on;

(1) WA2J and Art concept with the Timor-Leste country office

(2) Visualization of WA2J strategy

(3) A2J communication strategy


6th Deliverable:

  • Progress report on

(1) Gender and e-justice learning course.

(2) WA2J and Art concept (Timor-Leste)

(3)A2J communication strategy.

  • Communication plan with recommended focus area, action plan, timetable, and budget for 2022.
  • Resource mobilization strategy for 2022 for WA2J portfolio.


7th Deliverable:

  • Online content of WA2J and Art platform for Timor- Leste.
  • Concept for WA2J and Art platform with exhibition for the Philippines
  •  Draft concept for International Women’s Day campaign (UN Women, ICJ and OHCHR)
  • Quarterly progress brief
  • Draft expert papers on WA2J
  • Progress report on
  1. visualization of WA2j strategy
  2.  A2J communication strategy
  3. CSO communication strategy



8th Deliverable:

  • Updated country briefs (5)
  • Content of international women’s day campaign
  • Progress on;

(1) visualization of WA2j strategy

(2) A2J communication strategy


9th Deliverable:

  • Final WA2J expert papers (2).
  • Content of joint CSO communication piece.
  • Meeting report of 2nd regional women journalism meeting.
  • Progress report on;

(1) A2J communication strategy.

(2) visualization of WA2j strategy.

(3) WA2J and Art concept with the Philippines country office.


10th Deliverable:

  • Quarterly progress brief
  • Concept and communication package for WA2J strategy launch
  • Access to Justice strategy communication package
  • Progress report on;

(1) A2J communication strategy.

(2) WA2J and Art concept with exhibition of the Philippines country office


11th Deliverable:

  • Online content of WA2J and Art platform for the Philippines exhibition.
  • Concept to develop a WA2J and Art platform with exhibition for Solomon Islands. 
  • Draft communication piece on community-based justice mechanisms (project impact)
  • Draft concept for UN communication to adopt the Women’s Access to Justice strategy.


12th Deliverable:

  • Final communication piece on community-based justice mechanisms (project impact).
  • Progress report on the develop a WA2J and Art concept with exhibition of the Solomon Islands country office.
  • A2J communication impact report (with focus on period from October 2020- June 2022).




2. Other (please provide details as applicable)



Total Financial Proposal