
The UNDP Strategic Plan 2018-2021 embraces the complexity of development and commits the organization to helping countries find faster, more durable solutions to achieve Agenda 2030. With these strategy UNDP pretends to be responsive to three broad development settings: (1) Eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions; (2) Accelerate structural transformations; and (3) Build resilience to shocks and crises. UNDP set out to build the world’s largest and fastest learning network on sustainable development challenges.

The UNDP Accelerator Lab Network is made up of 92 teams serving 116 countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Eastern Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. The new offering is premised on leveraging the latest thinking from the fields of complexity science, lead user innovation and collective intelligence toward new development approaches and accelerated learning on most effective and locally appropriate ways of achieving SDGs.

The Municipality of Pemba is vulnerable to frequent extreme climate-related events such as cyclones and floods, as well as environmental problems resulting from human activity. Erosion is an environmental issue which results from these events on the one hand and could exacerbate their effects on the other hand. Erosion threatens public infrastructure like roads, schools and hospitals, homes, and businesses. This project is proposing an exploratory approach to assess the extent and causes of erosion in Pemba using participatory mapping approach.

The UNDP Mozambique’ Accelerator lab will work with a consultant with appropriate research background to perform literature review, to guide the scientific aspects of a study on the Causes of erosion, and to analyze cause of erosion using secondary data. 

Duties and Responsibilities

I- Literature review on the causes and extent of erosion in Pemba Municipality.

II- Guide academic and other partners to develop a scientific methodology to study causes of erosion.

III- Identify and analyze existing secondary data on extent and causes of erosion in Pemba.



  • Proven expertise in analyzing GIS, photo images, remote sensing data.
  • Proven experience analyzing data and writing scientific papers/reports;


Required Skills and Experience

  • At least Masters degree in environment, engineering, geography, GIS, or related areas;
  • At least 3 years of prior experience implementing research projects on environmental issues including application of GIS data;


  • Fluency in Portuguese.