UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the centre of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actor.
On leveraging UN Women’s Membership of Interagency Standing Committee (IASC), the Regional Office requested country offices to take immediate action on a number of issues, among them organization and facilitation of local women’s voices in the decision making for the planning and implementation of the humanitarian response plan, including supporting their capacities to undertake local assessments of how communities receive/value/perceive lifesaving humanitarian services (Accountability to Affected Populations Principle), assessing protection and local women and girls’ interactions with humanitarian actors in Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA). The other recommended action include building the capacity of local civil society, UN, international NGOs, local government and all other humanitarian stakeholders on the importance and means of integrating gender into humanitarian response.
Additionally, UN Women will support/facilitate the engagement of local women’s organizations in humanitarian coordination and decision making in all levels of the humanitarian programme cycle, including in generating local Gender Accountability Framework Reports and strengthening protection through local level PSEA initiatives.
A Gender Assessment humanitarian conducted in 2022 established that communities in localities experiencing humanitarian crisis observed that women and girls are excluded from humanitarian operations even on issues such as hygiene and food consumption. Further, women and girls have the least access to information on early warnings for example on floods, and humanitarian interventions. They either get to know through media or taking part in related activities. The assessment recommended inclusion of local and national organizations - especially women rights groups and women’s organizations and organizations for people with disabilities, as a crucial part of humanitarian response. It also recommended empowerment through training on rights and legal issues, including funding to do targeted work on the needs and priorities of women. This is because women’s organizations at local level are often best placed to respond to humanitarian emergencies, have the trust and knowledge of their communities, and have a greater understanding of women’s and girls’ specific needs, fulfilling a frequently acknowledged service and knowledge gap in humanitarian action.
It is against this backdrop that UN Women Sudan plans to conduct a capacity building training targeting GiHA Focal Points, and women and young women leaders in women led organization. The objective of which is to promote leadership and participation of women in humanitarian programme cycle.
Objective of the service
The objective is to support implementation of several training and training of trainers jointly with the Program Specialist on Gender in Humanitarian Action.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the overall guidance of the Head of Programmes - UN Women Sudan, and the direct supervision of Programme Specialist - GiHA, the GIHA local consultant/trainer will:
- Support coordination with UN agencies and INGOs that work in humanitarian action and the local government in states where UN Women has presence.
- Provide support (technical and non-technical) during the roll out of trainings on Gender in Humanitarian Action (GiHA) including preparation of training materials and translation of the same into Arabic.
- Participate in conducting GiHA training to Women Leaders and GiHA Focal Points
- Participate in preparation and delivery of the Training of Trainer.
- Provide inputs to training needs assessment planned to be conducted in different sectors/clusters.
- Provide substantive inputs to training reports and review of training materials.
- Support in the preparations and documentation of capacity building follow-up actions.
- Any other GiHA related capacity building activities that may arise from time to time.
Core Values
- Respect for Diversity.
- Integrity.
- Professionalism.
Core Competencies
- Awareness and sensitivity regarding gender issues.
- Accountability.
- Creative problem solving.
- Effective communication.
- Inclusive collaboration.
- Stakeholder engagement.
Required Skills and Experience
Education |
Experience |