The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 170 countries and territories, working with governments and people on their own solutions to global and national development challenges to help empower lives and build resilient nations.
The Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) has the responsibility for developing all relevant policy and guidance to support the results of UNDP’s Strategic Plan. BPPS’s staff provides technical advice to Country Offices; advocates for UNDP corporate messages, represents UNDP at multi-stakeholder fora including public-private dialogues, government and civil society dialogues, South-South and Triangular cooperation initiatives, and engages in UN inter-agency coordination in specific thematic areas. BPPS works closely with UNDP’s Crisis Response Unit (CRU) to support emergency and crisis response. BPPS ensures that issues of risk are fully integrated into UNDP’s development programmes. BPPS assists UNDP and partners to achieve higher quality development results through an integrated approach that links results based management and performance monitoring with more effective and new ways of working. BPPS supports UNDP and partners to be more innovative, knowledge and data driven including in its programme support efforts.
BPPS supports UNDP’s 2014-2017 Strategic Plan, focusing on 7 outcomes including strengthening institutions to progressively deliver universal access to basic services (outcome 3). The HIV Health and Sustainable development team, within BPPS, is helping to contribute towards this outcome.
HIV, Health and Development Approach
UNDP is a founding cosponsor of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), a partner of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and a co-sponsor of several other international health partnerships. UNDP’s work on HIV, health and development leverages the organization’s core strengths and mandates in human development, governance and capacity development to complement the efforts of specialist health-focused UN agencies. UNDP delivers three types of support to countries in HIV, health and development.
First, UNDP helps countries to mainstream attention to HIV and health into action on gender, poverty and the broader effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in particular goal 3: good health and well-being; goal 5: gender equality; goal 10: reduced inequalities and goal 17: partnerships for the goals. For example, UNDP works with countries to understand the social and economic factors that play a crucial role in driving health and disease, and to respond to such dynamics with appropriate policies and programmes outside the health sector. UNDP also promotes specific action on the needs and rights of women and girls as they relate to HIV.
Second, UNDP works with partners to address the interactions between governance, human rights and health responses. Sometimes this is done through focused or specialized programmes, such as promoting attention to the role of legal environments (law and access to justice) in facilitating stronger HIV responses, including the use of flexibilities in intellectual property and human rights law to lower the cost of drugs and diagnostics and to increase access to HIV-related treatment. UNDP also works to empower and include people living with HIV and marginalized populations who are disproportionately affected by HIV - also known as key populations - such as sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people. Beyond these focused efforts, UNDP plays a key role in ensuring attention to HIV and health within broader governance and rights initiatives, strengthening of national human rights institutions and increasing access to justice for marginalized populations.
Third, as a trusted, long-term partner with extensive operational experience, UNDP supports countries in effective implementation of complex, multilateral and multisectoral health projects to fight the three diseases HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, while simultaneously investing in capacity development so that national and local partners can assume these responsibilities over time. UNDP partners with countries in crisis/post-crisis situations, those with weak institutional capacity or governance challenges, and countries under sanctions. When requested, UNDP acts as interim Principal Recipient in these settings, working with national partners and the Global Fund to improve management, implementation and oversight of Global Fund grants, while simultaneously developing national capacity for governments or local entities to be able to assume the Principal Recipient role over time.
In the 25 countries where it currently holds the role of interim Principal Recipient (PR), UNDP is responsible for the financial and programme management of Global Fund grants as well as procurement of pharmaceutical, non-health items and required services.
Given the importance of the partnership with the Global Fund, UNDP continues to strive towards providing high value-added services to governments and the Global Fund, both in its role as the PR, and, increasingly, as a significant technical partner to governments implementing Global Fund grants. In all areas of implementation, UNDP provides capacity development services to relevant institutions, sub-recipients and implementing partners.
The UNDP / Global Fund Partnership
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) is an innovative public-private partnership that has played a crucial role in the world's efforts to respond successfully to the three diseases. The Global Fund achieves its goals through a broad range of partnerships, including with the United Nations family.
The Global Fund's relationship with UNDP is a crucial component of that partnership, with a focus on three interlinked objectives:
- Supporting implementation by serving as temporary Principal Recipient (PR) of the Global Fund in countries facing exceptional development challenges and/or complex emergencies;
- Developing the capacity of national entities by strengthening or creating national systems to take over the management of Global Fund programmes as soon as circumstances permit, or to improve their performance while they are already serving as Principal Recipients;
- Strengthening policy and programme quality of Global Fund related work, both at country and global levels, in line with UNDP's role as a cosponsor of UNAIDS and UNDP's core mandates in governance and capacity development.
As of 5 March 2015, UNDP is managing 49 Global Fund grants in 25 countries, as well as one Regional Grant in Asia Pacific covering another 7 countries. The total value of the active/signed agreements with the Global Fund (1–4 year duration) has reached US$ 1.96 billion.
The results of the partnership continue to be remarkable. Over 2.2 million people are currently receiving HIV treatment through UNDP programmes financed by the Global Fund, which enables them to live healthier lives, stay in work to support their families, and reduce the spread of HIV to others. This is one in eight people on HIV treatment in low-and middle-income countries. Six countries (Bolivia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Sao Tome and Principe, Tajikistan, and Zambia) have decreased the incidence of malaria by 75 percent with support from UNDP and 13 countries (Angola, Belize, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cuba, El Salvador, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Sao Tome & Principe, Syria, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan) have exceeded the global target of 70 percent of TB case detection rate set for 2015. 590 million condoms have been distributed and 28 million people have received HIV testing and counselling (for more on results and impact, see next section). The results of the portfolio can be found on UNDP Global Fund Our Results as well as country level results for each country from Belarus to Zambia.
As for programme performance, UNDP continues to outperform other implementers of Global Fund grants combined. Over 63 percent of UNDP grants are currently rated A1 or A2 by the Global Fund, compared to 36 percent of grants implemented by other partners, and this despite the fact that UNDP is operating in the most difficult country contexts. This is also a remarkable improvement for UNDP in the last 5 years. In 2010 only 25 percent of UNDP grants were rated A1 or A2.
UNDP Global Fund Web Site
The UNDP Global Fund Website has a Capacity Development Toolkit for Functional Capacities, provides guidance case materials and tools for strengthening systems for health, including Financial Management and Procurement and Supply Chain Management. Guidance is provided on the process of sustainable Transition Planning from UNDP as interim PR to national entities, including Measurable Transition Milestones.
UNDP is constantly developing a updating the new web site for the UNDP - Global Fund Program. A part-time home based capacity development specialist is needed to support both the website but to utilize the resources available to support one country carry out and start implementation of a Capacity Development and Transition Plan.
On Going Web Site Up Dates
The new website emphasizes, full screen width display that is fully responsive that is easy to access from different devices (including desk tops, lap tops, tablets to smart phones). This will take full advantage of the features available in the open source, Microsoft based, Web Content Management System Umbraco 7.3 software. The purpose of the web site is to strengthen systems for health. Provide open source information, guidance, resources and tools.
The Home Page feature a main ‘emotional feature’ which is a slider with an approx one minute video on a loop.
Duties and Responsibilities
Objective of the assignment
The main tasks of assignment are to:
- To provide support at country level to facilitate a country go through the Capacity Development Planning Process;
- To produce a set of generic TORs for capacity development and transition implementation Technical Assistance (TA);
- To update the UNDP CD Toolkit including the Critical Enablers module;
- To develop a Transition Framework;
- To conduct a rapid review of implementing and monitoring CD Plans to identify emerging best practice and lessons learned;
- To research and draft three case studies;
- To review and revise the capacity development content for the new web-based Operational Guidance Manual.
Scope of Work
In Country Capacity Development Support:
- To provide support at country level to facilitate a country go through the Capacity Development Planning Process;
- Facilitate a review of existing assessments and audits;
- Design a capacity development planning process;
- Facilitate participatory CD prioritization and planning;
- When needed facilitate a transition planning process;
- Produce a draft CD and transition plan with budget;
- Produce results framework with measurable milestones;
- Facilitate participatory review process with stakeholders;
- Produce final draft of CD/Transition plan for approval;
- Develop a monitoring plan for the CD/ Transition plan;
- Short report on the CD and Transition Planning process.
Deliverable 1: Draft prioritized Capacity Development plan with activities and budget.
Deliverable 2: Final short report submitted on the CD and Transition Plan with prioritized activities, work plan, budget and results framework.
Capacity Development Implementation:
- To produce a set of generic TORs for capacity development and transition implementation Technical Assistance (TA) that can be easily adapted at country level;
- Generic TORs for producing and implementing; Functional Analysis; Operations manual; Financial Management manual ; PSM SoPs; and a Handover plan of the PR role to a national entities;
- Generic TORs are uploaded as resources in the UNDP Capacity Development Toolkit
Deliverable 3: Generic TA TORs uploaded and accessible on the UNDP Capacity Development Toolkit.
Update CD Toolkit:
- To update the UNDP CD Toolkit including the Critical Enablers module to reflect UNDP and Global Fund changes;
- Work with the web developer to make the content as concise and easy to access as possible;
- Produce a library to include the title short description and metadata of each file to produce a Resource page of key files and documents on Capacity Development and Transition;
- Working with the Senior Capacity Development Adviser produce a Transition Framework to include, Capacity Development, Selection of New PR(s), Transition, PR start up, Handover Plan, Ongoing Support; Grant Closure.
Deliverable 4: The UNDP CD Toolkit content is updated to reflect the latest UNDP / Global Fund changes and policies.
Deliverable 5: Transition Framework uploaded onto UNDP Global Fund CD Toolkit.
Monitoring CD Plans Implementation:
- To conduct a rapid desk / skype review of implementing and monitoring CD Plans to identify emerging best practice and lessons learned.
- Based on the findings of the review, update the CD Toolkit to include guidance, examples and case material on implementing and monitoring CD Plans.
Deliverable 6: A short report on implementing and monitoring CD Plans to identify emerging best practice and lessons learned.
Case Studies:
- To conduct a one week field mission to each of three countries to carry out research, meet key stakeholders and draft three case studies for; 1) Belarus (HIV and TB) Transition planning and results; 2) Iran (TB) Transition planning and results; and 3) Zimbabwe Public Finance System Strengthening.
Deliverable 7: An approved Case study on Belarus (HIV and TB) Transition planning and results.
Deliverable 8: An approved Case Study on Iran (TB) Transition planning and results.
Deliverable 9: An Approved Case Study on Zimbabwe Public Finance System Strengthening.
Operational Guidance Manual:
- To review and revise the capacity development content for the new web-based Operational Guidance Manual;
- To identify relevant files and resources for the web-based Operational Guidance Manual and to include the title short description and metadata of each file to produce a Resource page of key files and documents on Capacity Development and Transition;
- To review the content for the Operational Guidance modules and propose edits and/or additional text to make relevant references to capacity development and transition and the UNDP CD Toolkit.
Deliverable 10: An approved version of the capacity development content for the new web-based Operational Guidance Manual
All reports, outputs and deliverables will be agreed with the Senior Capacity Development Advisor in the first 2 weeks of the assignment.
All deliverables will be submitted to the Senior Capacity Development Advisor.
Travel will be required to carry out the following missions;
- Country CD Planning; in-country support two missions (countries to be confirmed);
- CD Toolkit update; one mission to Geneva – 5 working days in-country;
- Case Study Belarus; one in country mission - 5 working days in-country;
- Case Study Iran one in country mission – 5 working days in-country;
- Case Study Zimbabwe; one in country mission - 5 working days in-country.
Payment Method: All-inclusive lump sum due in instalments based on deliverables
Timeframe: The 75-day project will be conducted over a 6 month period from 1 June to 19 December.
Evaluation: Applicants will be screened against qualifications and competencies specified below through a desk review or an interview process. Applicants will be evaluated based on: Cumulative analysis based on a cumulative method that combines the results of Technical (70%) and Financial (30%) Scores.
Criteria 1: Degree or equivalent in Political Science, Public Policy, Public Administration, Business Administration, Social Sciences or a related field is required – 5 points.
Criterira 2: Minimum 5 years of working experience on issues related to organizational development or institutional strengthening for the public sector – 15 points.
Criterira 3: Relevant work experience in capacity development of institutions in the context of strengthening national systems is required – 15 points.
Criteria 4: Work experience in a development context is essential – 15 points.
Criteria 5: Experience in working for an international organization and/or UNDP – 10 points.
Criteria 6: Experience of working and/or knowledge of the Global Fund for HIV, TB and Malaria, is an asset – 10 points.
Organizational Competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Strong analytical, negotiation and communication skills, including ability to produce high quality practical advisory reports and knowledge products;
- Professional and/or academic experience in one or more of the areas of the Development or knowledge management field.
Functional Competencies:
Project and Resource Management:
- Ability to produce high quality outputs in a timely manner while understanding and anticipating the evolving client needs;
- Ability to focus on impact and results for the client, promoting and demonstrating an ethic of client service.
Strong organizational skills:
- Ability to work independently, produce high quality outputs;
- Sound judgment, strategic thinking and the ability to manage competing priorities.
Partnership building and team work:
- Excellent negotiating and networking skills;
- Demonstrated flexibility to excel in a multi-cultural environment.
Communications and Advocacy:
- Strong ability to write clearly and convincingly, adapting style and content to different audiences and speak clearly and convincingly;
- Strong presentation skills in meetings with the ability to adapt for different audiences;
- Strong analytical, research and writing skills with demonstrated ability to think strategically;
- Strong capacity to communicate clearly and quickly;
- Strong inter-personal, negotiation and liaison skills.
Required Skills and Experience
- Degree or equivalent in Political Science, Public Policy, Public Administration, Business Administration, Social Sciences or a related field is required.
- Minimum 5 years of working experience on issues related to organizational development or institutional strengthening for the public sector;
- Relevant work experience in capacity development of institutions in the context of strengthening national systems is required;
- Work experience in a development context is essential;
- Experience in working for an international organization and/or UNDP is required;
- Experience of working and/or knowledge of the Global Fund for HIV, TB and Malaria, is an asset.
- Fluency in written and spoken English;
- Knowledge of one or more additional UN languages a plus.
Application procedure
Please submit:
Filled P11 form including past experience in similar projects and contact details of references. Template available at:
Financial Proposal - specifying a daily rate in USD and, cost of travel (including Economy fare ticket, living expenses, health insurance, visa costs and any other relevant travel related to the performance of services) for the following in-country missions:
- Travel to Geneva - 5 working days in-country;
- Travel to Belarus - 5 working days in-country;
- Travel to Iran – 5 working days in-country;
- Travel to Zimbabwe - 5 working days in-country.
Template for Financial Proposal available at:
Please note that our system takes only one attachment therefore kindly scan all your documents into a single PDF file to attach
For undetermined travel, travel costs for missions will be paid separately according to UNDP rules and regulations. Individual Consultant General Terms and Conditions is provided here: