The COVID-19 pandemic underlined the importance of Digital Transformation globally and nationally. In response to these new challenges, Digital Transformation became one of the highest priorities for governments, including in Moldova. The Republic of Moldova is a country with all necessary ingredients for a fast and impactful digital transformation. Moldova has across the key areas of the nation:
- Infrastructure - Very good internet coverage where 98% of localities have internet connection, however adequate high-speed home access of broadband is still challenging.
- People - ICT skills are expanding, but not meeting the demand level and there doesn’t seem to be encouragement of inclusive national adoption.
- Government - Good eGov platform has been progressing well in terms of digitalization of public services; with opportunities to monitor progress proactively as well as to expand in areas of demand such as business registration, and services related to judiciary procedures.
- Business - Vibrant and agile ICT sector that is already contributing more than 7% to GDP; nevertheless private-sector modernization needs support such as financing and public-sector innovation opportunities.
- Whole-of-Society - Digital Foundations serve as catalysts to speed transformation and while digital payments component scores highly according to the public sector, data from indexes and other sectors indicate that there may be a opening to focus efforts here to unlock further opportunities, particularly if paired with support for SMEs that have struggled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, further encouragement of startups with enhancing credit access, and support for citizen digital literacy.
Overall, international indicators reflect varying successes in Moldova’s current development, but more research needs to be undertaken to be comprehensive in the confident determination of specific focus areas that are outlined. Digital changes rapidly, and a more real-time analysis across key indicators can provide a clearer look into progress over time.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the various lockdowns, over 150,000 children of preschool age were unable to attend school and continue their education online due to lack of devices, connectivity issues, educational content not adapted to online teaching, as well as limited teacher familiarization with online methods and lack of digital skills. A lot of companies, especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), have been affected by the limitations imposed during the pandemic and faced difficulties in accessing their customers and partners through existing traditional distribution networks. As a result, many of them had to close their operations causing a lot of the population, especially women to lose their jobs. Additionally, access to some non-digitized public services was difficult, particularly during the lockdowns.
As the Digital Moldova Strategy concluded in 2020, the country is in urgent need to systemically rethink digital transformation opportunities and focus on a whole-of-society systemic transformation by the use of digital technologies and focus on the key opportunities in engaging with citizens, private sector, local administrations, building demand for digital skills and for utilizing digital solutions. Digitalization is key to also achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, as 2030 is fast approaching.
The new Government of the Republic of Moldova, through its Programme of actions, made a bold decision to accelerate digital transformation of the nation by making use of the existing opportunities and exploring a ’whole-of-society’ approach in making sure that the transformation is inclusive and sustainable. To such end, UNDP Moldova has made an accepted ’value proposition’ to the Government to support the visioning, leadership and operationalization of specific interventions.
Moreover, to continue and accelerate the Digital Transformation of Moldovan society and leverage on the recently approved new Government initiatives, the Government of Moldova is planning to develop new set of policy initiatives. Taking in consideration that the Moldova Digital Agenda approved in 2013 was fully implemented, the Government must define the Digital Transformation development agenda for the next 10 years in form of a new strategy. The Government of Moldova recognizes the importance of adopting policy initiatives aimed towards a continuous improvement of the Digital Transformation of Moldova. Thus, urgently developing a new Government’s Agenda towards Moldova Digital Transformation is critical. This will ensure a continuity of the previous efforts and create conditions for advancement of the Moldovan Society digital transformation in both quantitative and qualitative manner.
Devoirs et responsabilités
The purpose of this assignment is to secure the consultant’s services to support UNDP’s Digital Transformation Project and the Government in developing the Moldova National Digital Strategy. The assignment will consist in developing the Strategy document that will correspond to the structure defined in the Government Decision Nr. 33 from 01.11.2007 about the rules for developing and common requirement regarding the policy documents (HG386/2020 (legis.md).
For detailed information, please refer to Annex 1 – Terms of Reference.
Corporate competencies
- Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Treats all people fairly without favoritisms;
- Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
Functional competencies:
- Strong leadership and team management skills;
- Strong interpersonal skills, communication and diplomatic skills, teamwork ability;
- Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations;
- Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities;
- Good time management, meeting deadlines.
The UNDP Moldova is committed to workforce diversity.
Qualifications et expériences requises
Academic Qualifications/Education:
- Master’s Degree or equivalent in economics, social sciences, law or related areas. Additional training and certification in strategies design and development would be an advantage.
- At least 10 years of the senior level working experience in the design, elaboration, management, and implementation of National Digital and/or ICT related strategies with specific experience in drafting 1-2 such documents as main author.
- Previous senior level working experience of at least 10 years in the field of digitalization, digital transformation and profound understanding of digital transformation is required with specific experience implementing and monitoring digital strategies and action plans.
- Experience in managing a high-level strategic team.
- Previous senior level experience in development assistance or related work for a donor organization, governmental institutions, NGO or private sector / consulting firm is required.
Language skills:
- Fluency in oral and written English. Good writing skills are highly desirable and previous publications will be considered as an asset during evaluation.