The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) and the Mozambique Fund for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND), has been implementing the project designated “Diversification of Ecosystem Goods and Services for Finance Sustainability and Wildlife Management of Protected Areas in Mozambique” – BIOSFAC Moz. The overall objective of the project is to improve the financial sustainability of protected areas by increasing revenues. Under this project framework, this would be achieved through exploration of approaches that would lead to unlocking of additional stream of revenues from monetarization of ecosystem services and goods, while improving the systems for an effective management of other type of revenues currently in place. Consequently, the project was designed to be operationalized in three inter-related components, namely: Component 1 – Knowledge and know-how on how to monetarise a diverse set of ecosystem goods and services focusing on better understanding of options that exist to increase such revenues, either through unlocking existing ecosystem goods and services, or setting up relevant systems to make these more accessible. Relevant background research was planned to be undertaken in three pilot Protected Areas (Pas), Magoe National Park, Pomene National Reserve and Quirimbas National Park. The work would be undertaken to further substantiate already existing Management Plans and directed to leverage investment and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) opportunities. Component 2 – Planning, policy and legal frameworks supporting financial sustainability of PAs will ensure that the relevant enabling planning, policy and legal framework is in place that will allow unlocking benefits from PAs. For instance, the new Conservation Law Regulations require operationalization. A focus would be on a revision of entry and user fees and a systematization of their collection. Linked to the background studies prepared under component 1, PA specific actions from the financial and/or business plans would be supported. Component 3 – Systems and capacity of ANAC and BIOFUND for financial sustainability focuses on strengthening the institutional and operational set-up at these two key institutions. Following a functional and structural review of ANAC, relevant institutional alignments would be supported including capacity building through on-job training initiatives. The resource base of Biofund will be furthered especially through establishing a national biodiversity offset scheme. This project was designed following a UNDP/Global Environment Fund (GEF) supported project intervention, namely the “Sustainable Financing of the Protected Areas System in Mozambique” or PROFIN (PIMS 3938), whose terminal evaluation identified several Lessons Learnt from the project interventions, but also made very explicit recommendations for further addressing remaining barriers to advance financial (and management) sustainability of the PA system. As a result, The Government of Mozambique (GoM) requested UNDP to continue and deepen the started work between 2017- 2020, which coincides with the new United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the UNDP Country Programmatic cycle, but the new project only started implementation in mid-2019. From its original conception until its implementation, however,this project experienced some changes and adjustments of outputs and activities, based on discussions and agreements among the parties on what were considered priority needs and feasible approaches of interventions considering the prevailing conditions.
Devoirs et responsabilités
- Lead the evaluation process;
- Design a detailed methodology including techniques for data collection, data processing and reports production;
- Implement the evaluation methodology including documents review, data collection, and conduction of interviews;
- Engage projectstakeholders, conduct consultations, and maintain UNDP informed throughout the process;
- Synthetize findings and present them in an analytical way;
- Write the evaluation report and make presentations where relevant.
Corporate competencies:
- Demonstrate integrity by modelling UN’s values and ethical standards (tolerance, integrity, respect, and impartiality).
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Functional competencies:
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
- Strong interpersonal and written and oral communication skills.
- Ability to work both independently and in a team, and ability to deliver high quality work on tight timelines.
Qualifications et expériences requises
Academic qualifications:
- Master’s degree in biodiversity conservation, conservation planning, natural resources management or other relevant field;
- Minimum of 15 years of experience in protected areas management, protected areas planning and financing, protected areas financial sustainability, ecosystem services;
- Demonstrated experience in working with biodiversity conservation and protected areas projects evaluations, particularly on financial sustainability, including ecosystem services based approaches.
- Demonstrated understanding and proven working experience in protected areas systems in Southern Africa, particularly in Mozambique is strongly desired;
- Previous experience in project design and implementation management in protected areas financing and sustainability;
- Robustness of the technical proposal, including sound methodological approach proposed.
- High proficiency in English is mandatory; and working level fluency in Portuguese is desired.
The documentation for this application, listed in Section 11 should be submitted through this platform uploading the the mentioned documents below until 20 September 2022. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Any request for clarification must be sent by standard electronic communication to procurement.mozambique@undp.org. The UNDP CO Procurement Unit will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all candidates.
The financial proposal should be comprehensive and include a breakdown.
Other components to be presented in the application process include:
- Letter of application with duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Statement of Availability Letter of Confirmation of Interest template for the entire duration of the assignment;
- Brief letter of presentation;
- Personal CV and P11 Form (P11 form http://www.undp.org/content/dam/undp/library/corporate/Careers/P11_Personal_history_form.doc), indicating all past relevant experience, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) and three (3) professional references;
- Description of methodology approach to be applied during the evaluation process;
- Financial Proposal Letter of Confirmation of Interest template.