
UNDP has supported the Government of Lao PDR to develop a comprehensive Circular Economy Strategy through its NDC Support Programme for an enhanced Paris pledge or Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and an ambitious Long Term Low Carbon Development Strategy up until 2050. The analysis concluded that if the circular economy strategies NDC are adopted and implemented from March 2021, Lao PDR could reach net zero by 2040.

By moving towards a circular economy, Lao PDR is pursuing the objective of reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while securing the growth that will allow the country to build up its material ‘stock’ of produced goods to meet societal needs. The transition to a circular economy involves a fundamental change in the current economic model: shifting to a system where materials are used in such ways that they can be cycled indefinitely and on the smallest scale possible, durable products are designed to last longer and used more intensively, and development and well-being are decoupled from the exploitation of natural resources. This makes it possible to reduce emissions while supporting prosperity for current and future generations alike.

The circular economy strategy lists 17 interventions to support the mitigation and sequestration of GHGs. While some interventions target to establish an enabling environment, eleven of them directly intervene in the country’s resource flows and prioritize secondary and regenerative resources over the use of finite resources.

The most promising intervention out of the 17 is in wood-based construction. According to the analysis, this single intervention can create close to 1.0 million jobs, contribute $12 billion to the GPD of Lao PDR and reduce GHG emissions by 48 MtCO2e/year by 2050. Buildings can become a net carbon sink rather than a net source of greenhouse gas emissions when using sustainable materials, such as products based on wood, latten, bamboo, soil, algae, etc, instead of cement and steel as the main construction materials. It is also expected to improve building livability, contribute to people’s well-being, and support national and cultural identity.

Developing a well-managed value chain for sustainable construction materials can build upon existing companies and initiatives. Lao PDR currently produces 8.5 million tonnes of wood products per year, out of which 1.2 million tonnes are used in the construction and furniture sector. If its untapped potential is realized through value addition, including certification of sustainable life-cycle management, innovation, and marketing, the country has the opportunity to expand and adsorb its domestic demand for sustainable construction materials and respond to the increasing global demand.


The objective of this assignment is to develop a full project document of a new project to promote sustainable construction in Lao PDR, such as developing or improving regulations and policies, certification systems, financing mechanisms, life-cycle management from sourcing to disposal, innovation, and domestic and export market promotion. The project document should include scientific justifications of the strategy, analysis of the examples from the leading countries in sustainable construction, project budget, monitoring & evaluation, project management, and risk analysis and management.

Devoirs et responsabilités


The successful applicant will be expected to be responsible for the following:

Task 1: Literature review

• Review existing literature on sustainable construction materials and methods with a focus on life-cycle management

• Review policies, regulations, and trends in other countries as leading examples

• Review the Circular Economy Strategy and other documents under the NDC Support Programme and relevant documents

Task 2: Selection of target construction materials and methods

• Analyze different options of construction materials and methods to promote the project based on the carbon footprint, availability in Lao PDR, cost and ease of life-cycle management, technical feasibility, and any other appropriate criteria.

• Identify a few options to promote in the project in consultation with UNDP.

Task 3: Develop a full project document

• Submit the draft project document including the following sections:

o Summary

o Development Challenge

o Strategy (including scientific justifications, examples from leading countries in sustainable construction,

o Results, Activities, Partnerships, Detailed Project Budget

o Project Management

o Results Framework

o Monitoring and Evaluation

o Multi-Year Work Plan

o Governance and Management Arrangements

o Risk Analysis and Management

• Conduct a consultation meeting with UNDP

• Submit the final project document



  • Strong analytical skills
  • Competency in the usage of computers and office software packages (Microsoft word, Power Point and Excel)
  • Proven excellent communication and report writing skills in English

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • A Master’s degree in environmental economics, environmental engineering, climate finance, or a related field. PhD is preferred
  • At least 8 years of experience working as a technical expert in a circular economy, climate finance, carbon accounting, or a related field
  • Proven record in writing successful project proposals in relevant fields 
  • Previous work experience in Southeast Asia is an advantage

LANGUAGE  :  Excellent verbal and written skills in English


Requirements for submission of proposals 

All interested and qualified International or National Independent Consultant should apply on-line using the following links: 

UNDP Lao PDR Country Office website at https://www.undp.org/laopdr/jobs

In order to make your submission, please read the relevant documents available on the link below 

1.     TOR RPS_276_2022   (Annex I)

2.     IC General Terms and  Conditions Annex II

3.     Offerors Letter to UNDP Annex III

4.     P11 Form

5.     IC - Contract Template

Interested Individual Consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications: 

1.     Technical Proposal (Free-Form):

  • Explaining why you are the most suitable for the work; 
  • Providing a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work, including the work schedule for the delivery of outputs/deliverables; 
  • P11 Form: Education and work experience, including past experience in similar projects and contact references of at least three references for whom you have rendered preferably the similar services; 

       2. Financial Form (OFFEROR's LETTER): Lump sum offer with clear cost breakdown against each deliverable.

Instructions for Online Submissions: 

  • Step 1:  Please prepare all required documents electronically; 
  • Step 2: Combine all the required documents in ONE SINGLE FILE (preferably in PDF; however, Word format can also be accepted) and upload to the UNDP Jobs website using the link above; 
  • Step 3: After that, you will receive an auto-reply from the UNDP Jobs website if your offer is received successfully. 

Incomplete Proposals or Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected. 


Note:  Any request for clarification must be sent in writing before the submission deadline to the following email: surith.sengsavang@undp.org