
UNDP is implementing a five-year GEF funded project “Adapting to climate change induced coastal risk management in Sierra Leone” with the aim to strengthening the ability of coastal communities to systemically manage climate change risks and impacts on physical infrastructures and economic livelihoods.

The coastal zone of Sierra Leone is highly vulnerable to the increased frequency and severity of coastal erosion, flooding and storm surges which severely impact social wellbeing (health), livelihood security (and water resources) and major economic sectors such as fishing, tourism, water resources and agriculture. Coastal communities are already experiencing considerable repercussions of these impacts, notably on their livelihoods with reduced fishing productivity, ecosystem degradation and low farming outputs. The limited accessibility of climate-related data limits the ability of decision-makers to make informed planning and policy decisions for the coast (in particular marine and sea parameter databases such as wave height, wave period, wind speed and direction), and to take any clear strategic actions to remedy these negative effects. This lack of adequate knowledge is contributing towards undermining social and economic development, particularly under a changing climate. In addition, weak institutional regulatory capacity coupled with the absence of a national “coastal specific” community-based information system that focuses on supporting the management of climate-related risks continue to hamper long-term coastal planning, management and early warning activities. The GEF-funded project is designed to address these problems. The intended outcome of the project is to help the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) to become more climate resilient while contributing towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The project focuses on three thematic components.

•                Component 1: Generating sound scientific knowledge and access to information.

•                Component 2: Climate information internalized into coastal development policy and plans;

•                Component 3: Awareness and alternative, innovative activities to support adaptation in the coastal zone.

Activities under Outcome 1 focus on enhancing the availability of high-quality climate risk information that is critical for development decision-making in the coastal zone. The project has recently placed an order for the procurement of one (1) ocean buoy to be installed at an agreed site for providing oceanographic information.

It is against this background that UNDP is seeking the services of a consultant to lead on knowledge management for the Coastal Risks Management Project to document success stories, including show casing project results and activities.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Objective of the assignment

The objective of this assignment is to hire a knowledge management consultant for the Coast Risks Management Project to document success stories and show case project results including formulation and dissemination of knowledge product to a wider audience.

Functions / Key Results Expected

Assigned Tasks

  • Generate at least seven (7) success stories on the project for dissemination using social media structures including an e-newsletter, corporate brochures etc,
  • Work with UNDP communication analyst and develop communication products such as website articles.
  • Design, edit, and publish at least 5 publications
  • Develop and deliver national awareness campaign to promote, protect and sustain coastal areas featuring at least three video documentaries, radio and print media communicating key messages.
  • Provide guidance and supervision to GEF's project team on generating, documenting and dissemination of articles, success stories and documentary
  • Develop a blog for the Adapting to Climate Change induced coastal risks management in Sierra Leone and link it to the existing UNDP website.
  • Take a critical look at what is available on the website and build content for the coastal risks project
  • Develop a media monitoring component for effective Media engagement
  • Undertake media mapping exercise for networking, communication, collaboration, and coordination with local and international mediums.
  • Develop and distribute IEC materials for public awareness and dissemination of information in respect of the project activities.
  • Generate information on existing events and develop success stories or artices for dissemination.



Based on the scope of work outlined above, the contracting firm is expected to deliver the following outputs:

Deliverables                                                                                                           Estimated Completion Date                         

Initial report produced and approved                                                                  Two weeks after signing of contract                        

by UNDP detailing revised work plan

and timeline                              

Draft report submitted and approved                                                                   Six weeks after signing of contract                            

by UNDP detailing Jingle produced,

TV sessions held etc, and

accomplishment on the assignment                        

Final report submitted and approved                                                                  Twelve weeks after signing of contract                  

by UNDP incorporating all comments

regarding the assignment       



  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness, by modelling the UN/UNDP’s values and ethical standards
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of the UN and UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Client Orientation and Communication

  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and networking skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations
  • Supports and encourages open communication and responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and to communicate sensitively across different constituencies and awareness of political sensitivities
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors.

Qualifications et expériences requises


The Individual consultant must have:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in journalism, communications, or another related field.
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience performing similar activities with either government, UN agencies, International Organisations/NGOs, or other reputable Institutions
  • Demonstrate understanding of the assignment

Language Requirements:

Fluency in spoken and written English required

How to Apply

Consultants with the skill and expertise are hereby requested to apply to this assignment by submitting the following through UNDP:

  • Brief description of the proposed methodology/approached on how to complete the assignment including background statement
  • Description of relevant professional experience/s
  • Financial proposal that indicates all-inclusive fixed total contract price supported by a breakdown of costs.


  • The information in the breakdown offered lump sum amount provided by the offer will be used as the basis for determining best value for money, and as reference for any amendments of the contract.
  • The agreed contract amount will remain fixed regardless of any factors causing an increase in the cost of any of the components in the breakdown that are not directly attributable to UNDP.

Please note that applications will only be considered if they include ALL of the items listed above.


Based on the scope of work outlined above, the contracting firm is expected to deliver the following outputs:

Deliverables                                                                Estimated Completion Date         Related payments                

Initial report produced and approved              Two weeks after signing of contract                        20%

by UNDP detailing revised work plan

and timeline                              

Draft report submitted and approved              Six weeks after signing of contract                            50%

by UNDP detailing Jingle produced,

TV sessions held etc, and

accomplishment on the assignment                        

Final report submitted and approved               Twelve weeks after signing of contract                  30%

by UNDP incorporating all comments

regarding the assignment                        


Evaluation criteria

Technical Proposal (70%)

Criteria                                                                                                                                             Weight     Max. Point

Technical Competence (based on CV, Proposal and interview (if required)                                        70%             700

Educational Qualification: 20%

  • Bachelor’s Degree in journalism, communications, or another related field 10%                      20%            200
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience 10%                  

Methodology: 50%

Methodology and approach in accomplishing the assignment:                                                              50%           500

  • Detail methodology and approach to the assignment 35%
  • Detailed work plan and timeline 15%   

Experience Relevant to the assignment: 20%

Previous working experience in                                                                                                               20%            200

UN/Government/INGO indicating

similar assignment with updated CV

submitted as an attachment                               

Financial (Lower Offer/Offer*100)

Financial evaluation (total 30 points):    30%          300

Total Score                Technical Score * 70% + Financial Score * 30%